Blast & Haze Bomb: Which UV's to get?

I've got a few questions about these Bombs.
So, a lot of people have told me to get a CTR UV on Bombs, but doesn't my Suit & Helm already cover that, along with the Bomb's own CTR or does it make it even faster?
For Blast Bomb*5, I'm thinking of making an Irontech*5, because I've been told it's like a large Firecracker*1, & Firecracker*1 was my first bomb I got. I was informed, that it's almost the same as Nitronome*5, other than:
-Smaller Space
-More Damage
-More Knockback
-Slow Charge
I decided to get Irontech*5, but then it hit me: Does CTR really matter on a Bomb if I'm wearing a Demo Suit?
Also, I'm getting the Volcanic Demo Suit*5 w/ Med Shadow Defense UV & Mad Bomber Mask*5 w/ Med Piercing Defense UV
On to the next one.
I want to get a Haze Bomb*1, because I've been told it acts like a support Bomb, inflicting Status Effects & has a HUGE Space. I looked it over, & decided I'm going for Ash*5. Here's my question.
Should I get a CTR like everyone says, or should I get a UV Bonus Damage against Gremlin/ Beast, since they're Resistant to Elemental Damage.
For those wanting to know what I'm aiming for, here's the list:
-Mad Bomber Mask w/ Med Piercing Defense UV
-Volcanic Demo Suit w/ Med Shadow Defense UV
-Volcanic Plate Shield w/ Med Elemental Defense UV(Replacing it with Crest of Almire as soon as I can get to Vanaduke & enough Tokens)
-Combuster w/ Med Increased Attack Speed UV
-Irontech Destroyer, UV Pending
-Ash of Agni, UV Pending(Wep Slot)
-Leviathan Blade w/ Med Charge Time Reduction UV(Wep Slot)
First thing is to note that Volcanic Suits have a CTR Low whereas the helm is CTR Medium. If you have a Volcanic Suit and a Mad Bomber Mask then it'll end up being CTR High and Damage Medium. So quite frequently if a bomber mixes the suits then they'll use the Volcanic Helm and the Mad Bomber Suit - that way they get CTR Very High and Damage Medium. Sadly, this setup loses the way-cool mohawk.
The question of UV CTR vs UV Damage is a great one, hard to answer too. But if you just look at DPS for the blast bomb, assuming you wear a Mad Bomber Mask and a Volcanic Demo Suit, and assuming a base bomb damage of 182 per blast...
No UVs will give you 89 DPS due to the inherent Level 10 CTR Medium + CTR High + Damage Medium.
UV Low CTR brings you up to CTR Max which results in 98 DPS.
UV Medium Damage (bringing you up to Very High for one monster family, still medium for everything else) is 94 DPS
UV Very High Damage (bringing you up to Max for one monster family) is 99 DPS
So... if you are starting off with CTR High + Damage Medium from your gear then a CTR Low will give you a nice boost for _all_ monsters. Whereas it is only at UV Very High vs a single monster family when your DPS finally surpasses the CTR option. That's pretty much why CTR is usually so much better than just about everything else.
Back to the first topic though. If someone is wearing full mad bomber or Volcanic Demo Helm + Mad Bomber Mask then they already have CTR Max once their bomb hits Level 10. So you can either go no UV or go ahead and get a Damage Bonus UV. (Sidenote... if you ever see a UV ASI it might have been a bug, ASI has no detectable affect on bombs.)
If you get a UV CTR Medium then only the Mad Bomber Mask or Volcanic Demo Helm is necessary to get you to Max, freeing up your suit for other bonuses or damage resistances. And, of course, if you get UV CTR Very High then no demo gear is necessary to reach Max since the bomb's medium at level 10 will hit max.
The CTR cannot go above max. Even if your grer and UVs technically should exceed max the actual charge time doesn't decrease beyond what max allows and the total still shows Max in your player profile.
You only need 6 "ranks" of CTR to max out a bomb's charge time.
The bomb itself will provide 2 of those ranks at level 10 when it gets a medium reduction.
So the question is how to get the other 4.
Mad Bomber and Volcanic Demo helms both provide 2 ranks.
Mad Bomber Jacket, also provides 2.
Bomb with low UV + Helm + Demo Jacket = 6
Bomb with no UV + Helm + Mad Jacket = 6
Bomb with medium UV + Helm = 6. This lets you use a Bombastic suit for damage, or some other armor for better defense.
Bomb with VHigh UV = 6. This gives total freedom on your helm and armor.
Bomb with low UV + helm = 5. Don't let the loss get you down. Each rank of CTR is .2 seconds of charge reduction. It's unlikely that you'll even notice a fifth of a second of charge time under most circumstances.
People say get CTR uv's on your bombs because they'll stack with the ctr on the clothing. Because all bombers have are charge attacks, it makes you attack faster.
As for your choice in bombs, I had the same dilemna before. There's a bomb balance thread in the arsenal forums, where they talk about the strengths/weaknesses of each bomb (don't know how to link things lol).
If you want a support bomb, shivermist might be better than ash, because the ice bomb will immobilize everything in its blast radius. If you want it to be a support bomb then uv vs gremlin/beast might not be such a good idea, because you only want to supplement the damage from the sword users/gunners. UV CTR here would be better too.
Not sure if nitronome is better than irontech, but I went nitronome because I prefer speed over power, plus nitronome has the larger blast radius, so you'll catch more monsters in it.
Also, if you want a shield that can take shadow damage, the skelly shields would probably be easier to get, while resisting shadow damage too.