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Shields: the thread to end all threads

2 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

Regarding shields of course.

Video link:

For the Advanced Training Hall,
Floor grates deal a set amount of damage.
The only resistance against these floor traps is shielding.
The status resist of all equipped armors reduces the damage dealt to the shield from the respective grates.
When afflicted with status, the time duration of the status for the respective element is the same.

4* colbalt series shield vs 2* owlite series shield

The elemental grates in the advanced training hall have a set amount of damage no matter the defense bonus provided by the shield.

The elemental grates in the ATH do not belong to a category of damage. The floor traps neither elemental, normal, nor piercing damage.

The only variable altering the defensive capability of the shield on elemental grates in the ATH is status resist.

As seen in the video, the owlite shield grants an additional 3 hits from the shock and fire grates, effectively doubling the shield's resistance against fire and shock attacks.

Additonal freeze defense is granted by the dusker armor, but only present when actively shielding.

Bild des Benutzers Dirty-Harry
Now I'm confused. Poison

Now I'm confused.

Poison grate: Mighty Defender - 3 hits, then break on fourth. Owlite - 3 hits, then break on fourth.
Shock grate: MD - 3 hits, break on 4th. Owlite - 6 hits, break on 7th.
Freeze grate: MD - 4 hits, break on 5th. Owlite - 3 hits, break on 4th.
Fire grate: MD - 4 hits, break on 5th. Owlite - 6 hits, break on 7th.

The owlite makes perfect sense, it has fire and shock resists so it should be taking more hits. But what you're saying is that armor defense also affects shielding, so the MD gets an extra block, where the owlite does not? Also, if that was true, then the MD should have broken on the 4th hit in the fire grate, since you have no fire resist on your armor.

What I think is happening is that the extra health from the MD (compared to Owlite) gives it an extra block on Freeze and Fire grates because those two grates do less damage than Poison and Shock.

EDIT: Or, after watching the video again, maybe because you weren't right in the center of the grate with MD for freeze and fire caused the extra hit.

Good test, a lot can be learned from this.

Legacy Username
It would be nice if it were so easy to calculate

Given that I believe the game treats the ATH as tier 1, this form of testing is unfortunately not very informative on equipment effects in tier 3 (The tier where one would likely be most concerned about having perfect equipment).

Weapon and armor scaling to tier is a very murky science (Unless there have been leaps in understanding I'm not aware of?). A shield that takes 3 extra hits in tier 1 may take only 1 extra hit in tier 3. Or it could take 10 extra hits in tier 3. Who knows?