Lvl 10, 2 star weapon hits double the damage of a 3 star lvl 1?
sam, 06/25/2011 - 02:44
Legacy Username
So I bought myself a tempered calibur, I used a calibur before and noticed my damage was down by like 50%. Shouldn't (even) the starting damage be higher then my previous lvl 10 calibur?
How does this work? It's frustrating to spend so much crowns on an item that is worse than what I had.
sam, 06/25/2011 - 08:15
Legacy Username
As Awesomest said
As Awesomest said, levels matter, also, 3* does twice the damage of 2* maxed, same for 4 and 5* respectively.
Are you sure you were on the same depth when you compared your damage?