Working way to tier 3. Gear advice..

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Legacy Username

Hello all, am fairly new to the game and been reading some posts here and from googling, now that I have moved up to tier 2 and got some 3* gears was wondering which to go for next...

Current stuff:

Ice Brandish
Snarble Barb

Bristling Buckler
Owlite Shield

Cryotech alchemer

Haze bomb

Wolver cap/coat (i know i'm part of the common armor but my playstyle is swords).

IDK which one should I get/upgrade... Or if am lacking anything...

Any enlightenment from the veterans will do... Thanks...

Mohandar's picture
Good start

You have an excellent start there. I would recommend these additions, eventually:

Ditch the Iceburst brandish and get the Avenger line; the charge attack on Divine Avenger is great (also, highly recommended for FSC)
Start the Calibur line and get a low or med CTR if you can (the 360 sweep charge attack is great, and Calibur is a fantastic general purpose sword)
Nightblade is good, develop it into an Acheron if you want some serious slime/gremlin-killing power, otherwise the Calibur will serve you just fine

Your choice in shield lines are both good, I would add the Blackened Crest/Crest of Almire once you are able to.

I personally prefer a Voltech, but any status alchemer is serviceable. Silversix line would be a useful add, but is not necessary in any way.

Since you are primarily swords, I'd recommend a Shivermist for some crowd control. Keep in mind the bomb radius only starts getting useful at 4* though.

As for armor, wolver gear is fine- there's a reason everyone uses it. You can mix and match Vog and Skolver in the end for elemental/piercing defense. I usually invest more into weapons and rely on skill to stay alive (this is not a game where you can tank hits, even with maxed defenses versus whatever you're facing), so I just gear for the most troublesome damage types (ranged elemental; shadow from fiends is a close second).

Legacy Username
Thanks for the response...

Thanks for the response... Yea was thinking of getting a calibur, too seeing as my friends do great with it... lol
Atm I've worked up into a Horned owl shield.

So prolly next is some more arsenals.

BTW this game reminds me of Monster Hunter... All relies on skill and not character level... Awesome game...