Tier 5 Plan Bad or Good?
Skolver Cap
Skolver Coat
Cold Iron Vanquisher
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Piercing damage is usually the easiest to dodge (as it is usually trap or melee/very short range). Elemental damage from turrets at long range are most often what you will take hits from, so gearing up to tank a couple elemental hits is good. One could say the same about shadow damage, but turrets are far more prevalent. This is the same reason Grey Owlite is better than the Aegis (not to mention it also tanks flames like a champ)
Vanquisher is terrible in comparison to Leviathan, and the Silversix line is generally inferior to a status alchemer like Volt. Even in FSC, there's only a handful of situations where the Argent does better than the Storm Driver, and outside FSC the Storm Driver works better where it matters (vs. constructs). If you had another slot, I would recommend either a Shivermist, Avenger, or Nightblade depending on the strata and your style.
The disclaimer is obviously what your playstyle is like, and what you find difficult. If you have no trouble dodging turret fire but are getting eaten alive by Wolvers (haha), then yes your armor selection is pretty good. But I do suggest you pick better armaments.
I would rather take a Leivathan instead of the CIV, because of the higher damage output and better Charge. I would also rather swap Skolver with Vog for the Elemental resist and attack speed.