Cyrotech or Freezing Bomb + Magnus question.
Hey little question,
i already got my equitmen together but i still need a 2nd weapon..
So i was thinking getting a freezing weapon but not know if the gun(cyrotech alc.) or bomb(freezin vamp.) version ist better from causing freeze
In the wiki it says moderate to gun and minor to bomb but what version ist better.
And how does magnus works, do i need to stay when i reload or can i still move while reloading...

With magnus, when your reloading you will be standing still. And I have both the cryotech and the bomb, and I use the bomb a lot more. Though my version of the bomb is 4* and my cryotech is 3*. Now, the range on the bomb sucks when you first get it. But once you start upgrading it, it gets a lot better. It kind of depends on your playstyle, which do yo like better period? Guns or bombs? I use the bomb a lot more though.

I love my cryo driver. I recommend getting the alchemer over the bomb if you plan to only get one. I have both and use both relatively frequently, but the crytech alchemer line is the best thing for gun puppies, retrodes, and lumbers, which are the best enemies to use guns against anyway.
Unless you're trying to build a large and diverse arsenal, I wouldn't get the Magnus at all. The magnus is terrible against constructs and you'll be better off with a stronger piercing weapon (like the flourish line swords) against piercing-weak fiends and beasts. The freeze bomb will pair better with a sword anyway, since the crowd control aspect will allow you to get close to your enemies without the usual risks.
Thanks for the feedback,
i thought about what you all said and im going with the cyrotech cause constructs enemys and willing to do a bit damg
though im going more sword fighting and was wanted to just freeze but the extra dmg and range against constructs ( only enemys where i get in trouble with sword) was a good idea..
And thanks for the answer about magnus
The gun will occasionally freeze, but has a stronger freeze when it works.
The bomb will almost always freeze, and is AOE. But it needs charging and the damage is generally going to be poor.
Either one will work, depends on what you need it for. The bomb will immobilize rooms...the gun will pimpslap gun puppies, retrodes, zombies, and phantoms.
Which do you prefer?