Wild Hunting Blade
Quoted from the wiki.
A 10-hit combo, consisting of 5 swings doing 2 hits apiece, each followed by a phantasmal image of a golden Wolver that bites the area struck. The bite is roughly half the strength of the normal sword swing.
2 hits per swing as per standard, followed by a bite. does that mean that each swing hits 3 times (including the bite) for 15 hits total?
Well, it's certainly COOL, but unless the bites are in addition to the 10 hits, it's still vastly inferior to the vile striker :/ high damage vs beasts on a normal damage weapon instead of strong poison? hahaha. ha. I'd rather use a piercing weapon to hunt beasts.
All this is besides the point. WHB, much like Fang of Vog, are mostly for show.
"A 10-hit combo, consisting of 5 swings doing 2 hits apiece, each followed by a phantasmal image of a golden Wolver that bites the area struck. The bite is roughly half the strength of the normal sword swing.
2 hits per swing as per standard, followed by a bite. does that mean that each swing hits 3 times (including the bite) for 15 hits total?"
No. How would one swing hit twice and then also have a bite?
5 swings * 2 hits per swing = swing+bite + swing+bite + swing+bite + swing+bite + swing+bite = 10 hits
I'm not entirely sure, as I haven't had one myself, but I believe the phantom/hologram wolvers and their biting happens INSTEAD of the regular after-image cut, not in addition.
Also I've heard that they happen on a greater delay than the after-hits of all of the other swords in the series, and unless the monster is stationary or trapped in a corner or something you'll be pushing them away with each initial hit before the wolver-hits can actually land.
.. .. .. I'd use it anyways, though, simply because it sounds like the coolest -looking- weapon I've ever heard of. :P