What is wrong with my set?
Hi guys,
i tried to beat the king jelly for like 3 times now, just to get my bottoms whooped.
I'm wearing a 4-star set, which includes but is not limited to:
Hunting Blade;
Cryo Driver;
Fiery Vaporizer;
Ascended Calibur;
Rock Jelly Band;
Angelic Helm and Railment;
The 4-star Owlite Shield which I can't remember the name...
Can you guys give me hints on how to beat the jelly and what set / weapons should I use?
Every hit I take on the jelly levels takes me 4 (or even more) health bars.

are you soloing?
i got nothing to say if its that...
BUT i prefer going with a party of 3-4...
it will be tougher but it gives a chance that something happens even if you are down for the count...
Matuse's right, bring poison and curse vials...
The problem with your set is that your only piercing resist is a midlevel trinket. If you wear the ashtail or virulisk sets you'll do more damage and be protected from piercing. He's quite beatable solo with vials of 3 poison, 3 fire, 3 curse, and 3 health caps using ascended calibur. If you don't want to spend the tier collecting the right vials, you should have Faust or Vile Striker. If you are having trouble with the levels up to the jelly king, you should have a shield with piercing defense and possibly shadow driver.
Also, of course, the absolute best way to beat him - be in a party that knows what they're doing and has decent equipment (ie, they aren't burning through all the health caps and they have some way to inflict poison attacks when they get to the big blob.)
I was running ashtail cap/vog cub suit/grey owlite shield, I think taking about 2.5 bars from each jelly hit because only the ashtail cap was piercing defense, but that was fine. Since upgrading my cap to vog cub, I'm avoiding JK runs until I start a chroma or dusker set at least, and a piercing shield would be nice.

use vile striker instead of hunting blade as it can deal poison status to Jk which is what you need and want.
i never bring guns with me on jelly runs as they are really useless and impractical for killing the boss.
try use freezing vaporizer to freeze the annoying little jellies so you won't be distracted by them.
use armor and helmets that gives you resistance to piercing like the wolver set or the jelly set.
use a piercing resistant shield like the bristling buckler line or jelly shield line
Angelic doesn't provide any Pierce protection, so you're taking full strength piercing hits from jellies.
Find better (ie: completely different) armor.
Also, bring curse and poison vials for RJ.