Upgrade...or Wait?
So I'm trying to get enough Jelly Gems from the Royal Jelly to get a Sealed Sword for Faust. In the meantime, I have a Nightblade for the annoying king (queen?). The thing is, the first time I actually defeated him/her/it (with a full group- a friend and two randoms) it took a good amount of time and a lot of effort to bring the jelly down. And a couple revives. So, my question is, should I upgrade my Nightblade to the Silent Nightblade despite eventually getting Faust?
For anyone who might need the information, my current equips are the Ash Tail Set, Owlite Shield, and a Voltech Alchemer Mk II.
No I haven't. You see, I try to be frugal when it comes to spending crowns and energy to get things and upgrade. What I don't think helps, I don't get. As such, I really only have one sword (the Nightblade) and one gun (the Voltech). As such, I haven't tried out the heavier swords.

Firstly, add me. I can kill KJ really easy. IGN bigfootm
Secondly, how many tokens do you have? I can answer your question from there.
Just three. The first time I was able to beat RJ was last night in the circumstances above.

In that case, upgrade it. Remember to add me. I killed him like 35 times in 3 days. (I have a Gran Faust)
Mind if I add you too, BigFootM? I'm packing a Silent Nightblade myself alongside a Dark Thorn Shield and Toxic Atomizer. I'm just getting tired of having capable partners jumping at the last elevator or being the only one doing damage while the others run around the perimiter.
Edit: Btw, IGN is Maeko
Both are great swords for jellies. For killing slimes and gremlins I like the play style the Acheron offers, it is just a matter of preference. Have you tried the two swing swords before like the Troika? They have a very different feel than the brandish line.