Technical question about poison.

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Legacy Username

I'm currently using a Vile Striker and Toxic Atomizer, is it redundant to use both? VS can trigger a strong poison, TA can trigger minor. If I hit an enemy with both, which will take priority, the poison given first, or the stronger one? Also, what's the difference between minor and strong poison? Thanks in advance to anyone with any advice or info!

Legacy Username
They aren't that redundant

They aren't that redundant since Vile Striker only has chance to poison one enemy and the Atomizer is an AoE weapon. Atomizer will be much more useful for the typical clusters of mobs and the Vile Striker will be better against high HP enemies such as Jelly King, Trojans, Lichen Colonies, etc. since you can do continuous damage/interruptions while keeping them poisoned. (Actually when I do JK runs, I'll frequently bring a Venom Veiler and a Dread Venom Striker, the VV for all the depths prior and then the DVS for the King.)

When something is repoisoned the poison timer is reset. Because of that, I'm going to guess that the new poison level is applied too. So if it was strong poison with 3 seconds left, it becomes minor poison with 5 seconds left. Feel free to test it and post your results! Would be good to know.