Gun for use vs gremlins
I know gunning vs gremlins is an exercise in frustation and futility with their dodging and all, but I tend to bleed HP when sniping gremlin healers or just engaging with my sword, while stringing them out and kiting them lets me kill them eventually as long as I don't screw up massively. (Done a deconstruction zone with an elemental alchemer, yay >_<)
Which gun would be better for gremlins, blackhawk line or umbra driver?
Should I try a magnus instead to stun them down?
Or should I get the best shadow gun* in the game, a charged faust/gran faust and use it with uv curse resist gear? Gremlins don't dodge the faust projectiles right?
* Yes I know it's a sword, no I'm not joking about trying it.
When I run solo, I'm a pure gunner. I've had no issues killing gremlins with the umbra driver. I find it to be an excellent way to take down gremlins in packs since the bullets break into several on hit and will bounce around hitting all their friends. Try not to get discouraged when things dodge, it happens but I just look at it as some extra room for kiting :). Sometimes I'll even aim behind a gremlin and they'll dodge into the area where my bullet will land. In a zone like a decon zone, I'll gather them all up in a ball and then fire into the crowd so I get the most bang for my bullet.
I haven't had any experience with the blackhawk line since I use my shadow gun for jellies too. I run with a guy who has the gran faust, and even with his curse resist he still will get cursed by the charge attack and be out of commission for 20 seconds or so. Worth it in a group, but maybe not so much solo?
They do dodge Faust projectiles. I would suggest an Umbra Driver because it does double-duty vs Slimes as well. But before that, can I interest you in a Dark Briar Barrage or Nitronome? I've found that kiting around blowing up gremlins works better than charging in, because they tend to be gregarious pursuers. The one complaint I have about DBB is the long fuse, in T3 the Thwackers have back-shields and the bomb sometimes detonates after they've walked past. Also, the Menders will often ignore you and try to heal their comrades, and consequently get caught in the blast.