Fallen Armor
So what's the Crown of the Fallen/Armor of the fallen good for? Seems like a bad armor
it reduces attack damage against fiends for one. Well lemmi rephrase my question, where is this armor most useful at?

it reduces attack damage against fiends for one.
By 20 damage. It's BARELY a con.
where is this armor most useful at?
Firestorm Citadel.

20 dmg? In tier 3?
I swear I feel more of a difference, but I've yet to actually run number comparisons.
You know what's really fun with the Fallen Armor set?
Attack Speed: Ultra bonus on ALL weapons.

I believe it's 10%. It's really not that much.

Luckily there are no phantoms in FSC.

But there are Trojans. Trojans are fiends.
If the wiki is to be trusted concerning damage bonus:
For a positive damage bonus, each stage is 6.5% of a change. So a +1 bonus (low) is 6.5%, and a +4 bonus (very high) is 26%.
If I wear a single piece (Penalty: Medium) and a Valkyrie piece (Bonus: Medium), my overall bonus is Penalty: Low vs fiends.
If I wear a single piece (Penalty: Medium) and a Barbarous Thorn shield (Sword: +Medium), my sword damage is Penalty: Low vs fiends.
If I wear a single piece, a Wolver piece (Sword: +low) and a Barbarous Thorn shield (Sword: +Medium), my sword damage is Bonus: low vs fiends.
If I wear a Valkyrie piece (Bonus: Medium), a wolver piece (sword:low), and Barbarous Thorn Shield, the total boost is vs Fiend: ultra (5 stages).
Since it takes 3 stages (~16%) of positive bonus to push a -2 to a +1, I'm assuming each negative stage is somewhere between a 7-10% penalty.
So let's put that back in, and 4 stages means we get somewhere between 28% and 40% of a damage penalty.

But there are Trojans. Trojans are fiends.
I know that. And there are maybe TWELVE Trojans in all of the Citadel compared to the hundreds of Undead. Now tell me what other Armor gives Normal/Shadow Damage PLUS Fire Resist, which is exactly what you'll need in the Citadel? Why people think the penalty is anything more than a mild inconvenience, I'll never know.
I use Dark thorn blade (My fav weapon) to compensate for the fiends. Not only does it do a lot of damage it's also fast so it's no biggie
I use Dark thorn blade (My fav weapon) to compensate for the fiends. Not only does it do a lot of damage it's also fast so it's no biggie
Lmfao. Obviously, you dont own a fallen set
Im wearing a FALLEN SET and using the VALK set as my costume.
Fallen set = ownage. Shadow defense really makes a difference. The fire resist is kickass in FSC. The med swing bonus is an up too. :)
BESIDES, Trojans are easy to evade. :) Not that difficult.

>But there are Trojans. Trojans are fiends.
It's not the Trojans that I'm worried about, it's the curse weakness. I run FSC with no shadow defense (Vog) and I don't feel it's an issue. As long as I can take a couple of swipes from a zombie without dying then I'm fine. I don't even bother using the Crest of Almire any more since the Grey Owlite is better against Vanaduke.
My comment is more about using the Fallen set as general purpose T3 gear. I'm not worried about the reduction in damage against fiends, I'm only worried about the crippling curse. But since only phantoms can cause curse then maybe it's not such a big issue.

If I wear a single piece (Penalty: Medium) and a Valkyrie piece (Bonus: Medium), my overall bonus is Penalty: Low vs fiends.
I believe that this is actually a bug in the display code and the real result is the penalty/bonus offset. Note that the actual message that you see is "Damage Bonus vs Fiend: Low", but it shows the text in red with a down arrow. If it was actually a penalty, it would probably not say bonus. What I think happened is that OOO didn't code the right checks into the display. It checks and sees that there is that kind of modifier, then totals it up, and then the various parts of the code checks for things being greater or less than zero and it doesn't handle the exactly equal to zero case. A very easy thing to miss.

It's not the Trojans that I'm worried about, it's the curse weakness.
As you said, this only matters in the Graveyard - and, honestly, how often do you run into those? Even when you do, it's easy to avoid Phantom charge strikes. They telegraph it for nearly 5 seconds.
My comment is more about using the Fallen set as general purpose T3 gear.
As a general purpose set, it borders on the line of average and good.

@phantoms and trojans
Oh. I forgot about the whole fear about getting cursed by phantoms lol. I thought it was weird he'd bring up an undead monster when the set doesn't affect them.
Also, I'm not worried too specifically about Trojans either, because I'm normally in a party in FSC, so they can go do the main damage while I pull stun effects with Callahan lol.
by "overall bonus", I meant the overall effect. It does say Damage Penalty vs fiends: Low.
Seems like a bad armor