2 possible ARMOR sets for every occasion, Look Decent for FSC? =D
Set 1:
Grey Owlite
~UV piercing HIGH
Armor of the Fallen
Helm of the fallen
Armor: Normal, Shadow, Elemental, Piercing
Resists: Fire, Poison, SHock
Set 2:
Grey Owlite
Vog Cub Cap
~UV shadow High
Skolver Coat
Armor: Normal, Piercing, Elemental, Shadow
Resists: Fire, Freeze, Shock
Set 1 has more shadow than elemental
Set 2 is vice versa
So my questions:
1. For everyday runs it looks pretty balanced to me. I know it's not specialized towards 1 thing, but in you opinion do they look pretty viable?
2. Would both sets hold up in FSC?
Im trying to get the questions answered first and any advice in improving them second =D
Thanks for your time all,

Also are you going for high to be cheaper. I'm pretty sure Def acts differently than other uv's in that maximum can stack it just has diminishing returns. So getting max uv def on the piece you want would be better.

What I FINALLY finished crafting for FSC is...
My Vog Cub Set-UV Shadow Low
Volcanic Plate Shield-UV Shadow Low
Shivermist Buster-UV CTR Low (Got it while crafting the SMB. LUCKY!)
Divine Avenger
Argent Peacemaker
Most of this is Heat 10, therefore most of this stuff has CTR medium.
Ya im about to be able to craft the 5* versions of everything above in my post, And I am almost upto the shivermist as well =D
The reason why i Posted both sets, was becuase i have 1 set and my significant other has the other. So wanted to make sure both sets werent going to be utter fail, as im still new and dont have much experience I decided to check with the player base. I had an idea that it owuld be an ok set, but the part about:
"The shield's resistances do not stack with the armor. The shield only works when it is up. Grey Owlite is a strong choice."
I had no idea thats how shields worked, i figured it would be able to take more hits from the listed resistance, but didn't know that it actually isn't applied to your character at all times.
And on that note actually; when resistance was mentioned I think it should be applied to the shadow, normal type defenses, but the resistances to say Frost or FIre is different and is applied all the time right? or is that just another "when the shield is active" moments?
The shield's resistances do not stack with the armor. The shield only works when it is up. Grey Owlite is a strong choice.
So that means the first set is actually just Normal, Shadow, Poison, Fire.
Another problem to consider is that when an armor/helm defense is applied it is halved. So set 2 is actually...
Full Normal
Half Pierce (From Skolver)
Half Elemental (From Vog)
A bit of shadow from Vog
And again, looking at half fire, half shock, half freeze resistance from Vog and Skolver.
In any case, to answer your question, both of those sets will work in FSC and most everywhere. I'd go with Set 2 just for the addition of sword bonuses and the shock resistance which is more useful than poison resistance. Also the elemental will be more useful than shadow.
The armor is built in such a way that when trying to cover all bases one will have to end up neglecting Normal. For example, Radiant Silvermail with Vog Cub Cap. You now have Pierce, Shadow, Normal, Elemental... but it is 1/2 of each. When really you want to get as close to max in Normal and Elemental as possible. This is because most things will still do a good deal of Normal damage, even in T3. And you'll see lots of elemental damage everywhere from constructs.
Going with Radiant Silvermail + Vog Cub Cap is perfectly fine at the end of the day, especially if you're taking advantage of the bonuses the armor offers. It just won't be as easy going as using full Vog.