Levi or UV Tempered Calibur
mar, 06/28/2011 - 14:50
Legacy Username
So right now I'm debating whether to upgrade my Ascended Calibur to Leviathan or to buy a UV Tempered Calibur with like Bonus Dmg vs. Gremlins or something since I don't plan on making a Faust and I don't really have a problem fighting slimes. I have an Avenger and a UV Swift Flourish (Bonus vs. Fiends). What should i do? Is the damage bonus worth the hassle?
mar, 06/28/2011 - 17:28
Legacy Username
Currently using a Levi blade
Currently using a Levi blade and I'm pretty happy with it. Seems to do well enough for me no matter which tier I'm in.
Levis are pretty expensive to craft. If you don't mind fronting a bit of crowns, you can get a nice UV off the AH for a reasonable price... that way at least you are guaranteed a UV on your Levi.
A medium damage UV is going to add about 10% increase to your damage for that one type, not a game-changing difference but every bit helps. For the Levi line, CTR is much more prized since Levis have a very high damage charge attack. Also ASI is nice since it is always "on" unlike a Damage UV that only works against particular monsters. ASI will let you shield/dodge slightly sooner after a swing.
(This should be moved to The Arsenal.)