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Levi or UV Tempered Calibur

2 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

So right now I'm debating whether to upgrade my Ascended Calibur to Leviathan or to buy a UV Tempered Calibur with like Bonus Dmg vs. Gremlins or something since I don't plan on making a Faust and I don't really have a problem fighting slimes. I have an Avenger and a UV Swift Flourish (Bonus vs. Fiends). What should i do? Is the damage bonus worth the hassle?

Legacy Username
Levis are pretty expensive to

Levis are pretty expensive to craft. If you don't mind fronting a bit of crowns, you can get a nice UV off the AH for a reasonable price... that way at least you are guaranteed a UV on your Levi.

A medium damage UV is going to add about 10% increase to your damage for that one type, not a game-changing difference but every bit helps. For the Levi line, CTR is much more prized since Levis have a very high damage charge attack. Also ASI is nice since it is always "on" unlike a Damage UV that only works against particular monsters. ASI will let you shield/dodge slightly sooner after a swing.

(This should be moved to The Arsenal.)

Legacy Username
Currently using a Levi blade

Currently using a Levi blade and I'm pretty happy with it. Seems to do well enough for me no matter which tier I'm in.