I need some advise
After reading the forum and checking out wiki, i came up with an idea of my ''set'' for T3 content
Armor - Azure Guardian (good normal/piercing def.) http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Azure_Guardian_Armor
Helmet - Devine Veil (good elem/shadow def + fire/shock resist) http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Divine_Veil
Shield - Aegis (good normal/piercing def.) http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Aegis
Weapon 1 - Levi (very good dps imo and handy charged attack)
Weapon 2 - Devine Avenger (damage spil up between elem and normal and BOTH high)
PS: please people, dont advise me wolver series! i just don like 'em)
So, you say that T3 monsters don't do ANY normal dmg but they do pure elem dmg?
What's wrong about Aegis? Shield only works when I press the button and this shield has a very good normal/piercing def.
As for Armor of the fallen i think Devine Veil will give the same shadow def and poison resist is not particulary helpfull.
As for the third weapon I think you're right. Perhaps I'll take Acheron because of its shadow damage.
After posting first message i thought of getting a costume slot too =)
My aim is to use "jack of all trades" set that is usefull in all situations, not just against some types of monsters.

Problem with your thinking is though you may not be weak against anything you won't be strong either. In t3 if you don't have strong ele def the mobs that will give you difficulty will wreck you. Gun puppies etc. It's may seem like a good idea to spread the love but it's better to concentrate on def types depending on strata. Start with normal/ele and eventually get normal/shadow and normal/pierce gear as well. Also if you don't like the wolver line there is good alternatives to the def types it offers the magic line for ele is good at 5*. Why you wouldn't want sword bonuses is beyond me though. Maybe you want to be a unique snowflake. In which case you can always use costume armor.
it's not just normal or elemental damage, there are 4 types :p and a shield such as yours may be strong against normal and piercing, but will be destroyed quickly by either of the other 2 types. the normal damage armor can help you only until halway though the T2, after wich you will take much less mobs dealing only normal damage, wich were already pretty rare.
the divine set is indeed good but it still has 0 normal def wich you will need unless you have lots of money and can afford another helmet right away lol or if you plan on doing only T3
P.S. : with a good shadow sword you'd be great for a JK run though lol

My recommendation is to stack normal/elemental for T3, and get a separate set with normal/shadow for Fiend levels or just avoid them until you can adequately defend their attacks. The reason being, piercing damage tends to be short-range and easier to dodge, and most levels sport Gun Puppies, which do pure elemental at long range (everything else still does some normal damage). Likewise, the fire status effect is brutal, hence why so many people wear Vog gear. If you don't want to look like a Vog, use costume armor, or try these alternatives:
Volcanic Demo Helm (Suit only gives low CTR), Volcanic Salamander Mask/Suit, Grey Feather Cowl/Mantle, Nameless Hat/Poncho
All of these stack normal/elemental, and offer additional bonuses. If you are getting KO'd by wolvers, here are some tips: Keep on the move at all times; be very aware of the stuff next to your knight (they'll pop up next to you and hinder your movement), don't gun them except with Magnus maybe. I would also recommend the Dark Briar Barrage, and if you absolutely cannot bear to be without pierce defense, wear a piece of normal/pierce (Skolver comes to mind, but other good ones exist too) and the 100-token pierce trinkets.
As far as weaponry is concerned, you really do want to open up a third weapon slot. This allows you to run two complementing swords and a gun, or bomb. For example, a Jigsaw Valley level has enemies of every type but fiend and undead (slime, beast, construct, gremlin). This lets you bring an elemental gun (for Lumbers), Leviathan (general purpose beatdown), and Shivermist (backup, crowd control). Or you could run Avenger, Nightblade and Flourish, for a super-effective all-swords loadout. As constructs are very common, and fiends and gremlins (Menders!) are probably the most dangerous, you will want to complement your Leviathan with an elemental weapon, a shadow weapon, and a piercing weapon. Which order you get these armaments is based on what monsters you find the most dangerous/annoying.
For instance, here is my equipment lineup and weapon loadout:
Volcanic Demo Helm (high shadow)
Vog Cub Coat (high shock)
Grey Owlite or Crest of Almire (as the situation calls)
Shadow trinket, Dual heart, or Pierce trinkets
Primary: Leviathan Blade, Storm Driver, Shivermist Buster
Secondary: Dark Briar Barrage, Silversix, Divine Avenger, Faust, (Thorn Blade and Ash of Agni coming soon)
I would say have a set of divine for elemental/shadow when you do tier 3 as well as a set for normal/pierce for when you do tier 2. As far as shields go... something that covers normal defense as well as the primary damage type you expect to face. if it has status resistances as well, that's even better. I reccomend:
Owlite shield
Dread Skelly Shield
Royal Jelly shield/Aegis (some might find that aegis' improved normal defense outweighs the stun/sleep resistance, and for the moment, they're right.)
make sure you have a weapon for each element, and you should be good. Some of the weapons that deal status effects are quite worthwhile. I reccomend:
Gran Faust
Combuster/Glacius (your choice of preference)
Fearless Rigadoon
of course leviathan is a great catch-all, and an excellent choice if you're not sure what you'll be facing. however, if you pay attention to the strata that you'll be facing, this setup is great for taking advantage of weaknesses.
with these sets, you will be able to handle any of the challenges that the game throws at you.
Okay you've made your point)
Peerhaps I'll have 2 sets as Dynamod suggested ( grey feather set maybe and vog set with costume)
Having different weapons for each tupe of monsters is handy but it'll cost me an arm and a leg)
Nevertheless thank you all for your time and help.
your armor and shield are to change if you are going for T3 lol in T3 there isn't normal damage dealing mobs anymore. the weapons are good, though you should try to buy a weapon slot and take another type of damage, that can always help :p
for the wolver serie, well you don't have to but the skolver set is a great all-rounder and the vog cub is among the bests for vanaduke. of course there are others sets too, the fallen armor for vanaduke is an example. try to roam a little more on the forum there are many threads talking about those. my advice would be to go for one of the wolver lines and use your costume slot xD