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Which max UVs would go best with this armor set.

6 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
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Hey guys, I just wanted your opinions on what would be the best UVs for the armor set that I'm currently partial to:

Skolver Cap.
Skolver Coat.

I also plan on using the 5 star elemental/shadow trinkets. UV wise I was thinking a mix of Max Shock/Fire/Elemental would be best but I'd love all your input. Thanks

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm


Legacy Username
Yes, clearly he should be

Yes, clearly he should be getting weapon UVs on his armor.

Legacy Username

If you got the money, max shock and max fire would be wonderful.

Bild des Benutzers Onyxjackal
Ele,fire or shadow would be

Ele,fire or shadow would be the most valuable to you. Though it will never make strong to that type unless you pick one and get max on both in. Which case I suggest ele or shadow it would make one armor set good against two secondary DMg types. Basically if you did that I would also suggest a bog set with max shadow on both as well. It will take awhile or be real expensive but you will have two armor sets that's would be good for all sittuations.

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm
If you guys READ, it says

If you guys READ, it says that they are gonna get the 5* trinkets. Therefore, they should get CTR and ASI.

Legacy Username
Pupu and Anubis thanks for

Pupu and Anubis thanks for your input. BigFootM I was asking what UVs I should get on the armor not which UVs on weapons would go well with it, unless I missed something and using trinkets allows me to get CTR and ASI on armor pieces. Sorry for the confusion.