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ideal UVs?

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Legacy Username

so I was wonder what the ideal UVs are for lets say a vog cub + barbarous thorn shield set. I just picked up a Max curse UV wolver cap, because as a granfaust user I imagined that would be a pretty nice addition, what should I be getting for a UV for a wolver coat? I guess i will take what i get for shield UVs ;/

also I guess I'd like some weapon UVs, I really enjoy the brandishes, I was thinking of getting a VH vs slime brandish as an archeron.

VH CTR brandish as a glacius, and maybe an attack speed combuster?

I noticed alot of people like calibur i assume for divine avengers, not sure what would be an ideal UV for that or if i should get one really,(pretty satisfied with my divine avenger/soon to be argent peace maker).

what do you guys suggest?

edit: also what trinkets do you guys suggests? hard choice in general especially since getting 100 tokens of anything that isn't primal is difficult D:

Legacy Username
Nightblades should be ASI in

Nightblades should be ASI in my personal opinion. VS Slimes or Gremlins is good for spcific stratums (and of course jelly runs for the former), but you are going to want to be doing as much DPS with it and it's already quick as it is. ASI just makes it invaluable.

Avengers and Caliburs hands down are CTR. Invaluable charges that you always want quick access to.