My Gunner loadout **feedback appreciated**
Here's what I'm planning on using, looking for some feedback to see if there would be a more applicable piece to use:
Hat: Nameless with UV sleep resistance low
Chest piece: Nameless with UV fire resistance low
Shield:Grey owlite shield with UV increased elemental defense low, or maby swift strike buckler (I find hitting x right after firing a volley never works in time)
Main slot: Hail driver or Valiance with UV increased beast damage low
secondary slot: Divine Avenger or Barbarous thorn blade
the reason i have listed low UV's is because those are the ones i have been able to obtain through crafting...
Yeah i would keep crafting gunslinger hats to get another type of UV, but i dont want to waste the energy.....i know waste of UV, but better than no UV at all i think...
First crafts of gunslinger yielded those UV's.....dont want to test my luck :S

Just focus on getting to your 5* equipment, and definitely work on getting more slots. If you aren't going full gunslinger then I don't recommend using a gunslinger set at all, especially when Vog is the exact same as a Nameless but they get natural fire resistances.
It's really important to get 3 of the types for guns since they are pure damaging, so they will do terrible damage to enemies that resist the shots. Valiance would work, but again then that's kind of a waste for a full gunslinger set.

The hail driver is so much better than valiance. The ricochets add up to huge damage and that gun kills gun puppies better than anything in the game thanks to the constructs being weak to elemental and the bullets sometimes freezing them so they can't aim at you. Don't pair it with the DA, though, if you only carry two weapons. Carrying two weapons with the same non-normal damage type (in this case elemental) will make you weak against two classes of enemies (beasts and gremlins).
The barbarous thorn blade is a great pair for the hail driver because it will make mincemeat of the enemies that dodge your bullets anyway (devilites and wolvers, which are both weak to piercing) and it's neutral for gremlins, which also dodge some (but not so much that you can't hit them). The only problem you'll have is with mechanights, which are weak to elemental but will shield against 80% or so of your shots. Killing them with a hail driver is possible, but slow, so bring patience, or bring a normal or shadow sword or bomb when you're going to decon zones and arenas.
Looks good to me! Though the sleep resistance is completely useless, still great set up. Though, if you are only using 1 gun, use the Valiance. If you get another slot, which I reccomend, I think The hail driver would be better, perhaps with a Callahan or a Umbra driver.