Echo of Silence
According to the OP, you're not recruiting right now, but when you start up again I'd like to be considered.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Couple weeks before the beta closed.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Mostly T2 runs, probably 2-4 a day when I'm on. Been slowly adding T3 runs, been killed by Vanaduke once, been to the Core a few times.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I'm on almost every weeknight. Weekends are tricky right now.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I do not.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm looking for a guild a step up from the one I'm in right now, which just grants me a tag below my name. Looking to finish acquiring the gear I want; heading for a gunslinger setup, and to run T2 and T3 with people who can joke and play well.
Thanks for the consideration.
1. I play Spiral Knights for about 3 weeks.
2. 1-2 a day
3. Every day
4. No, I don't know someone.
5. My ingame name is Kartagener
6. I don't like to tell things about myself :)
Best Regards
1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I have been playing Spiral Knights for over two weeks now
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I'd say on average I probably do about 2-5 runs depending how much time I have to offer. A T2 run of JK with a group probably takes me about thirty minutes to complete. I'd say that right now T3 is taking about 45 minutes to an hour(non-Vanaduke)
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Currently pretty much everyday. I like the community and have made some good relationships with players as both a player and as a crafter. Not afraid to ask questions about content I have yet to explore either.
4.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Hmm well know might be a strong word for me but for some odd reason I keep bumping into Repartee. I'd probably say a happy acquaintance. I have done a single T3 Non-Vanaduke run with him and recently sold him a teleport service to Basil on May 4th, 2011 really late last night (about 1:30 am PST). Really nice guild member you have there and always willing to answer questions.
5. What is your in-game-name?
I go by the name Tenmar.
If you are reading this now I won't be on until late tonight. My current commitments involve some Windows Server 2008 classes every Tuesday and Wednesday night. So please don't be afraid to contact me via in game mail and I will make sure to reply post haste.
I should also place my gear.
Grand Flourish
Ascended Calibur
Ash tail set
Mighty cobalt armor
Divine Veil
Heavy plate shield
Currently working on a suit of resist for each T3 dungeon bosses. So vog, Salamander(4* only), Sklover, and Skelly
1. 3 weeks!!! :D
2. Tier 2 all the time until I get my 3* armor and Shied
3. Every Morning or Afternoon and Evening
4. Sorry,.. No.. :D
5. Penzo
6. I also came from the Philippines and I love to control the price of the CE at the market so that they would go down and I dont want wearing armor that looks cool... So I disguise it with Spiral Armor and Helmet :D

Figured I would post here if ever recruitment opened up again.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since my Join Date, Mid March - Just before end of Beta, haven't been able to put it down since
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I do at least a solid hour or two a day of Spiral Knights, more when I am free, usually early morning or late night - been heavy into JK right now until I get my last piece of 5 star gear (Vog Cub Cap) then I'm planning on full T3 - Vanaduke etc.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
On at least a little most everyday but conservatively 5 days a week.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Just know a few from their posting on the boards
5. What is your in-game-name?
IGN: Splinter - TMNT Guild right now, but don't be fooled it''s literally a joke between me and my one other friend in the guild.
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Made it all the way to Core by myself with no Guild, but now I want Vanaduke, and I want to have reliable people online that I can play with and hit end game with and prep for what else is to come. Although it sounds like I'm pretty serious about the game, I take it with a pretty laid back attitude. I have made a good deal of friends in game, but I'm looking for a core group of people that I know are quality players that I can consecutively play this game with without having to try and find PUGs etc.
Gear as of now:
Ash Tail Cap - Vog Cub Coat - Divine Avenger - Final Flourish - Grey Owlite Shield - Red Tabard/Chapeau :)

Our Applications will be open shortly sometime next week hopefully. =)

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since the launch in April.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
If I am on, I usually do about 3 complete runs or so, but which one depends on whether I can find people for T3 runs.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
About 1 or 2 evenings per week, most weekends (when not playing tournaments across Europe, for which I refer you to point 6 :))
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Nope. I am just looking for a fun and good guild.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I am 29, live in Amsterdam (GMT + 1), run a fast-growing software development company (hence limiting my weekday appearance online), I play international level Ultimate Frisbee (thus limiting my weekends, since tournament season is running atm), I have a great girlfriend (this also limits my evenings and weekends obviously), but when I play I simply play to win and have a good time. Which brings me to my character :)
My character is equipped with full 5* items (Volcanic Plate Mail, Volcanic Plate Armor, Volcanic Plate Shield, Gran Faust, Valiance, Leviathan Blade, Aegis) and I have some other things that I am working on. I have built these items myself, none are bought premade, so I have all the recipes too. I killed the Jelly King multiple times (got over 75 tokens total) of which once solo. Made it to the core solo too, and have been there multiple times in parties.
Well that is about it. I have also applied at one other guild, just so you know. Not sure when I'll be online again (this week is crazy at work and I have a tournament), but feel free to contact me through in-game email. I will log in for a couple mins to check it.

Hey there, we've just swept up a few inactives. That means there's a few slots open for anyone who wants to toss in an application. Njthug should have the main page up to date in a few.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
3 days
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
at T-2 now and doing as many as i can
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself
im 38 years old,father of 3,and i enjoy long walks on the beach and holding hands
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Four days, but only have 7 hours of game time (school and sister suck)
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? At T1 because I don't have the funds to buy T2 weapons yet.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Daily, from 4 to 6
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) no
5. What is your in-game-name? Sevinoss
6. Finally, tell us about yourself: I know I am quite new, especially without being on T2 yet, but I am hard working, funny, and willing to help others in a pinch, and nobody's going to need to 'hold my hand' through new Tiers. From a political standpoint, taking in weaker players such as myself would show other guilds that you are more than just a group of strong players who won't be slowed down by me, but also kind.
EDIT: I did manage to get all my materials, thanks to the auction house, but have to wait for my energy to get more crowns and synthesize recipes. Should be on T2 by....Saturday.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Roughly a month or so?
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Recently, I've been doing approx 2-6 runs in tier 2, + a few exploratory runs in tier 3
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Every day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Just an 18 year old looking for a great guild to do endgame content with
Equipped with Vog Cub Coat/Cap, DA, Wise Owlite, Argent Peacemaker and dread striker..
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I've been playing since the commercial launch of the game although I only play for short bursts from time to time.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
One to two runs usually. If I don't have responsibilities in school or in work and I don't have anything scheduled the next day, I could easily go on forever.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
As often as time allows me to play. Like I said earlier, I usually do one to two runs. If I don't have anything to do, I could do more.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No, I do not. I am in fact new to the name of the guild.
5. What is your in-game-name?
My in-game name is Daul
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'd prefer it if the guild personally knew me in-game (or through VoIP programs, if any are available). It's quite difficult to describe myself from my own perspective.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? about a week or so.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? a few T2 runs unless i need quick crowns for energy
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? every day for a few hours
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)nope
5. What is your in-game-name? Wezz
6. well i wont be doing T3 soon now crafting is harder (only have full2*, crafting tempered calibur today)
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
since april 17, 2011
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
i do t2 daily but t3 depending on team.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
daily unless im out of town or country.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
nope just maybe see njthug posts in the forums.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Just a Simple Gamer looking for a cool guild to mesh with.
- Over 4 weeks now
- 3 or 4
- Everyday
-Don't think I know anyone but I'm willing to make friends
-Meh, like going on adventures and finding new items

1. Been around and playing since 4 days ago
2. Just started t2
3. Ever day basicly
4. None
5. I have 3....Clearly (Main), Pretty-Knight and White-Out
6. I am a guy, I love reading Manga, from the U.S, very much love any RPGames from Final Fantasy to Desgaia, I mostly listen to Metal but will listen to rap at times, f*** Country hate it
1. Two - Three days, which means that I'm not very experieced. However, I have gotten the hang of Spiral Knights, and I am a fast learner.
2. I can normally get to a Tier Three reasonably easily.
3. About two or three times a day.
4. Absolutely no one.
5. I'm known as Zalera, like the summon from Final Fantasy
6. I love Kingdom Hearts

We will go through current app's tonight, and most likely have application process closed again since we cap at 45, and we will become invite only again.
Thanks for the app's feel free to leave your app here after the process is closed we will still look over them, but most likely will only be allowing people after app process opens up again.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Been playing for 3 days already
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I just got T2 and am still learning the ropes
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I try to finish up all my energy for the day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm a laid back canadian dude looking for an awesome guild to chill with. Also, I am a super gamer and anime geek.
1.Playing for about a month
2. Tier 2 about 4 runs a day, if possible
3. Daily
4. Yes, Guildmaster Njthug
5. Aulaws, for those familiar with Gundam 00
6. I'm fifteen, attend college, get bored easily and use Spiral knights as an outlet to reduce stress

Eos has a new goal's which are:
1. Make Boswick leave the Three Rings Guild
2. Make Boswick join Eos
Lets make this happen Dogrock if we fail I will blame Xerox and Boswick.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
about a week or so
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
i try for 1-2 runs at the very least but because of work and school i can't always get what i want
(t2 runs)
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I try to get on everyday even if i only have a few mins to check the auction house
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name?
Hey guys, having spent time in various MMO's, I have realized that what makes or breaks a game is often the group of people you surround yourself with. This guild caught my attention early on, as it has been around since the launch; however, I was drawn to send in an application based on the posts I have seen Njthug make in random threads. I share many of your views on certain topics and am impressed by your posts overall as a player. Hence my disappointment when I saw applications are currently closed. However, I figured I might as well send in an application anyway. Therefore, without further ado...
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I began playing Spiral Knights during the preview event, before the open release of the game.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I can't say that I play everyday, however, unless I am unlocking tier 2 or tier 3, I can be found in tier 3. My absolute favourite run is the firestorm citadel. I also would love to take one or two fellow knights and completely clear a tier 3 graveyard, but haven't gotten around to it yet.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I generally play Spiral Knights on the weekends, appearing a few times throughout the week.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Can't say that I know any of the names listed, but I have definitely bumped into Alee while partying a fair bit. And I suppose you could say I've kept tabs on Njthug's forum posts for awhile. ;)
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
When not playing spiral knights, I will most likely be making music on my violin. And before anyone asks...yes, I do train and play tennis; but no, I'm not technically a professional.
Do you jerks ever update this thing?
Yeah, NJ. There are applications not processed and I need to be added to the officer list! >:3

It was last updated like a week ago I swear...I am updating it again "Right Now" most likely, but will need to re-update it like 6 hours from now again I hate you all <3

Well many updates went down in Eos today, so I will list a few:
1. Eos Re-opens the applications so boys and girls feel free to apply
2. We got a new Guild Master welcome Bieberfever as our new guild master
3. All App's were looked over when applications were closed and invites were sent to people who were accepted
4. List UPDATED of current members and stuff.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 3 months
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Right now I'm doing mostly Jelly Runs, until I get my last piece of 5* equipment (Vog Cub Cap or Skolver Cap)
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Almost every day of the week
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No, but i have battled with Splinter through my other friend Tigar
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Your Guild sounds experienced and laid back, right up my ally.
Equipment: Ash Tail Cap, Vog Cub Coat, Gran Faust, Silversix, Wise Owlite Shield

Hello, I am Etendue and here is my application for Echo of Silence.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I've been playing since 2 weeks after launch. So, about 4/18/2011.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I do from 0-7 runs a day. My schedule sometimes jumps me, so I can't play Spiral Knights all the time. But, when I do have time, I enjoy playing like a madman. I can do Jelly King runs fairly fast, but Citadel runs tend to take me longer.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Well... Every other day or so. I want to play more, but I academic concerns are rather annoying. They have lessened considerably though with the onset of summer break.
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
D0gr0ck, Ozymandius and Dirt. I believe they are on my friends list. One of the reasons I wanted to join EOS was because of the quality of your members. These people are some of the best people I've met ingame.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I mainly submitted this application after D0gr0ck told me that you guys might be open for applications once again. Looking forwards to seeing you guys ingame!
P.S. Njthug, did you say old school RS? I've been playing that game since it had sleeping bags and whatnot. Do you still play?

Sadly, Bieberfever left us for OKS (One Knight Stand) the only guild he wanted to be apart of since the preview events. Bye, Bieber may you one day meet Justin Bieber in real life and have all your dreams come true.
Will discuss the two now applications tonight with one of my fellow officers or guild master and get back to you guys ASAP.
=) Nice applications btw.
*Side-Note: Our Guild is a bit inactive this week we have about 8 to 10 people online usually during our prime time spot when normally its 12+ due to people having stuff to do irl*
Applications have been reviewed and invitations have been sent out.
We're open for new applications, if anyone wants to come join us. :)
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? - About 3 weeks
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? - Right now I'm mostly doing solo runs on the Snarbolax but sometimes I'll so 2 or 3 Tier 2 runs a day
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? - Mostly on the weekends for an hour or 2 a day
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) - I don't know anyone, but know I know who stole my first name choice xD (Pieguy)
5. What is your in-game-name? - Pieguyy
ive been playing for 4 months now
im t3 and i run ike 7 a day
i play everyday lol it like i have no life:)
i know dogrock silverfire and thats it:)
my in game name is supabeast lol:)
ive been playing for 4 months now
Uh huh.

All the recent app's have been looked upon if you were not sent an invite it was mainly due to your application, time in this game, not giving tantarian waffles, hatting on Providence's jelly, or Eos not feeling you are not currently Eos material currently, or it could be I just dislike you since you did not perform well in the bedroom....whatever the reason it caused you to be declined =0.
In other news:
Dogrock ---- Is he a rock hard dog???
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I have been playing Spiral Knights for almost 5 Days now! but my knowledge is more then an the average 5 day player!
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I have been grinding alot during my day off, which now i have access to T3 Area, but if your talking about Average Runs, Cant say at the moment as i haven't had a chance to figure out how much while i work! But its alot i assure you!
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
At the moment, Minimal is 3 Hours a day, Very addictive ;P
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No i dont Sorry.
5. What is your in-game-name?
My Ingame name is the same as my Forum Name! A.K.A Hinigashi!
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Im a 25 Year old student in a Game Designing Course, HUGE anime and RPG-MMO player! from World of Warcraft to the clasics of Star Wars Galaxies!
I would just like to add (and edit) During my 4 day Game play, i have had a great understanding on all 3 classes and due to that have come up with 4 sets of armor/weapons of tier 4.
Now that i have picked a class i am making that stronger, finding the best combos etc.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? I have about 24 hours of game play
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? T2: as many as i can T3: as many as i can
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? everyday
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
5. What is your in-game-name? Flaw
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
My Guild is inactive and I want to join a active guild so i can get more runs in a day

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I've been playing Spiral Knights since a bit before my join date, so I started early December. About 5-6 months then.
2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
T1 - Only if I feel like seeing the Snarbolax. Because that thing is epic.
T2 - Anywhere from 1-3, depends if my friends are online or not.
T3 - Quite frankly, I would prefer to get back up to 5* gear for solo, but I'm fine to go in with a party.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
I log on almost everyday to simply chat, and play for perhaps around 2 hours.
4.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Njthug and Dogrock. Though I do not know NJ as much as Dog.
I am also aware that Dogrock has a certain fascination for man-skirts in-game. Where this came from one can only wonder.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well I suppose I wanted to apply to this guild because Dogrock seems to have nothing but good things to say about you guys, and I like players who are actually intelligent and not running around complaining about how they don't have enough Crowns or Energy. So honestly, I'm just looking for people I can hang around with and have a good time doing runs with~
Dogrock ---- Is he a rock hard dog???
No, he's actually an aardvark. Shh, it's a secret though.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 10 days =)
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 5+
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Everyday so far
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) nope
5. What is your in-game-name? Fidgit
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I just started playing spiral knights but I have full ash tail, an ascended calibur and a dark thorn sheild. As you can probably already tell, i'm pretty focused when i want something. And what I want is to play spiral knights! I have access to tier 3 and have been as far as the core. Thanks for your consideration!
Since this shiz is on steam now
Echo of Silence now has a steam group!
Current members can send a message on steam to Dogrock, Njthug, luudes or post your steam name in this thread to join up.
"and don't worry if you haven't the crowns"
What should i do? :D
1. About 2 months, I think.
2. On weekdays when I'm working, probably only one T3 run (depending on the gate and my mood, 1-2 T2 runs). On weekends, it depends. But I like to do at least 2 FSC runs each day.
3. On weekdays 2-3 hours in the evening, on weekends... depends how much fun I have playing, won't force myself to play if I don't feel like it. But to give an answer 3-9 hours.
4. Personally no, but I traded a few words with Njthug while chilling in Haven a few times.
5. Dezeos
6. Ehm yeah, well, don't really know what to tell except that I'm a 20 year old guy who likes to read fanfiction, listen to Hardstyle, and play Spiral Knights, though not exclusively. I don't mind spending a bit of money in the game from time to time either.
I'll gladly answer more questions about myself if needed.
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Ive been playing for the last week, so im not a really old player, i still do have t-2
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? I normally do one Big run (normally T-2 unless im with a friend whos only T-1
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Every day. Ill normally do as said above one big run and then check regularly my auctions and/or buy stuff. I am always there and can be involved (a.k.a be mod for a vent/teamspeak.)
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) N/A
5. What is your in-game-name? Muddypanda
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) I am 15 year old male. I currently live in Canada/Montreal. I am a huge athlete, i do competitive swimming about 22 hours a week. I love trance/rave music. Thats pretty much it.

I've heard from Luvus that you give away FREE 5* recipes. Is this true?

1. I've been playing since Preview.
2. I usually do around 3 or 4 T2 and T3 runs.
3. I play a lot. Not really for long periods of time but often.
4. Yes, Poul, Joolee, Alee, and Devastator were all amazing members of my former guild (Knightmare)
5. Kennys-Knight
6. I am currently an officer for the guild "Knightmare." Due to past patches, my Guild Master and the other officers have been inactive, which lead to the above members to leave. I know that I will make a great addition to your guild! Thank you.

I've heard from Luvus that you give away FREE 5* recipes. Is this true?
Lolwut? Who is Luvus?
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since launch - April 4th, I Believe?
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Ehh, varies. I run at least 1 T2 run a day, generally more. I usually run solo though, as I get frustrated with the random PuG groups I join. I have access to T3, but feel I am not yet geared to really run it, so I generally just keep doing jelly runs.
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
As of right now, daily; though I don't play for hours on end (at least, not at this juncture.)
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No, I do not. This guild just looked to be the most appealing to join.
5. What is your in-game-name?
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
22 years old, been playing mmos for quite awhile now. If you have any other questions, let me know.