Echo of Silence

4122 respuestas [Último envío]
Legacy Username

I died?... ಥ_ಥ

Imagen de Njthug
Didn't get any love letters

Didn't get any love letters from you so ya....thought you died =0

Imagen de Crazywave
im interested in joining!

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? im playing since Beta
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? uhhh alot since Beta
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? yes alot during Beta, the new one not much but play now and then PVP
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Everyday and every hour i get a chance
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) i seen you guys since beta and you guys rock, i have seen Team Dai Gurren but i have not seen them online lately
6. What is your in-game-name? Crazywave and my second character spiritedaway
7. Finally, tell us about yourself I LOVE SPIRAL KNIGHTS!! what can i say! ejeje

Imagen de Njthug

Our page is fully updated added a lot of new content to it feel free to read it =0

Imagen de Crazywave
i did reed it all

i did reed it all and im still waiting for a response to join your guild. =O)

Imagen de Fallout
Pfft Spiral Gods Alliance; dead?

Lies, EoS hasn't harrassed me yet. I have like my whole guild laughing at you; ha.

Imagen de Repartee

I never said you guys were dead. I just said you were a sad lonely panda. You and Danizpsycho constitute the whole guild right? Or does the guild alchemy machine count. :3

But seriously. You should join us. We have cupcakes and sketti's and bromance.

And a Guild Song. <---Click me

Join now, don't be a sissy coward. Be a happy camper.

Imagen de Tantarian

Oh man it's Crazywave we totally need him in the guild.

Also Fallout, get in here already.

Imagen de Crazywave
hey im trying to join you guys since....

im trying to join since the longest.... im playing SK since Beta and im still playing strong! send me an invite please to join in the fun ASAP!
look me up im Crazywave or Spiritedaway (this is my new second character his is all 4 stars and i all ready have all 5stars recipes to make him 5 stars as soon i level all 4 stars equipment i have, he will be Divine as Haven)

Imagen de Providence

Rep, you need to change your forum avatar to the Polyp.

Imagen de Raspberry


Sorry, Prov, I picked the poly because it's the closest thing resembling a raspberry.

In the mean time, I hope you bromancers don't mind if our guild borrows Dogrock Snipe for our upcoming snipe costume fan art event. Dogrock, your snipe is too clumsy! He keeps slipping off his disco ball.

Imagen de Njthug
Mumble server is down if

Mumble server is down if Dogrock can't fix it I guess we need to get a new one....yay =(

Imagen de Dogrock
Sometimes Mumble will go

Sometimes Mumble will go down. It will probably be back tomorrow.

What about my clumsy snipe? I thought I trained it so well, it will sit happily balanced on my Groundbreaker Helm four hours.

Imagen de Njthug
I contacted the owner just

I contacted the owner just in-case since if its not fixed....I guess I buy server =( eventually for us 10 or 15 ppl max one though nothing 2 fancy lol.

Imagen de Repartee

Well I want my custom art, but since I can't use that I will be a skelly bellhop as he is the best at what he does. Barring that however I know that I can't be a polyp, you know what I think of those things. And I still have to behave. So no. I will be good and I will be victorious!!!!

Click me and know your defeat!

Imagen de Providence

You're going to lose.
I will ensure this.

Imagen de Repartee

I will win. Eyes on the prize. I even have my theme song. I don't think any good guy in any movie with a theme song has ever lost.

Imagen de Moonsoon

Can someone do my schoolwork & buy me a new computer?
I have the shakes and sweating a lot. I need my bromance fix
No ones called me sexy in weeks. I might die

Imagen de Crazywave
ok i see that....

i see that you guys don't really pay to much attention to applicants.. well here is my info for the last time of 4 or more time i ask...

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? im playing since Beta i was a former member of Team Dai Gurren but they died out, sow i movie on
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? i play everyting from teir 1 to teir 3 to Lord Vanduke to down the core.
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? yes alot during Beta it was better if you ask me, the new Bomberman not much but play now and then PVP
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? Everyday of my life after work.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) i seen you guys since beta and i bet you guys now me better then i know you guys in the game ejejeje what can i say players love The Crazywave
6. What is your in-game-name? my main character is Crazywave since Beta and my second character spiritedaway
7. Finally, tell us about yourself I LOVE SPIRAL KNIGHTS!! what can i say! ejeje Its Time To Kick some Ass and Chew Bubble Gum baby!!

Imagen de Tantarian

Lol Crazy, we take some time to go over apps.
However since it's you, a special invite has been delivered.

Imagen de Noobowns
How long have you been

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since mid June

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Depends on the day, if i have a huge amount of time to play that day, I will do runs with mist, and then purchase CE for more runs.

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Never done guild PVP, but always wanted to

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
About every day of the week, 3-4 hours a day

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Yes, surprised to see the names I recognize.
Cobalt, Hinigashi, Sketti, Vlad, and Poul
Not fond though of the times I came across Poul, it ended up with me losing 200 cr from losing PvP match.

What is your in-game-name?

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I love to play video games. Originally I did not want to play SK because it looked boring, but given 10 minutes, my addiction immediately kicked in. I am a sophomore in a community college, though I should be a junior, (partied too much my first year and a half). I am 20 years old, and just enjoying life. Started playing TF2 again after I had taken a break from it. My weaponry is mostly 5 star gear, with 4 star stuff for Jelly runs.

DA - Low beast, Leviathan Blade - Low gremlin, Silent Nightblade - VH slime, Polaris, Twisted Snarble Barb, Cold Iron Carver - Low ASI, Flourish
Vog set, Virulisk Set
Grey Owlite shield, Blackened Crest

That is basically my gear that I use. Not much on the flourish yet.

Please consider my application, it has been a dream of mine to join EoS since I first heard of you guys.

Imagen de Splinter
Nice little blurb about me

Nice little blurb about me and fellow guildies. Definitely worth the read for any would be recruits.

Imagen de Providence
The blurbs on the new first

The blurbs on the new first post makes me feel [grown-up feeling] all over my [generic body part]!
This kind of bromance is just what we need, like a [thinly veiled innuendo]!

Imagen de Repartee

I would say something but I'm a gentleman until Thursday.

Imagen de Origo
It's Thursday, Rep. Time to

It's Thursday, Rep. Time to asplode on 'Grumble' :)

Imagen de Providence

NOPE. For him, it's still Wednesday. :3c
Thursday will be in about 13 hours. The end of Thursday, even longer.

How long have you been

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Just came back yesterday from playing back in beta

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? As much as i can i just turned t2 so im working on it

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? Never done it but would like to

How often do you play Spiral Knights? try to play everyday when i can

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) No

What is your in-game-name? Izlyn

Imagen de Repartee


Imagen de Fatty-Catty
exuse me i am cat can i be

exuse me i am cat can i be friend of guild also?

Imagen de Repartee

As a forever recruit I say no, stop trying to horn into my recruit job. Also, tuna or cheeseburgers if you're good.

Imagen de Repartee

ヽ(´ー`)ノ <--- That's how good I feel right now.

( ゚ヮ゚)

Imagen de Njthug
Rep and Vlad finally got

Rep and Vlad finally got officer spots OMG we going to hell

Imagen de Aznshaboodle

1. i love this game so i play everyday
2. cootie my old GM will be fun chasing her
3. i live in Washington if you wonder about my time zone
4. i have all 5* gear but maybe not 5* trinkets
5. i'm always ready for PVP but to be honest not such a big fan of blast network


Imagen de Njthug
Fallout is Eos....god dam we

Fallout is Eos....god dam we got the trio....Cobalt, Xerox, and Fallout wow its like having 3 of the smartest players in one guild.

Imagen de Weedle
Rep is an officer now?!

Rep is an officer now?! Unacceptable.


Imagen de Repartee

Don't worry I'll be demoted before the week is out.

Imagen de Fallout
O wait i was meant to do one

O wait i was meant to do one of this things? no? well shtuffu ima do it anyway.
-Also on further inspection.... I never got any harassment...kinda dissapointed in you guys D=

1. I began playing spiral knights on the 12th of November 2009.
2. Maybe one depth then quit because i got bored and no-one was online.
3. Never experienced it D=
4 Do you even need me to tell you?
5. liek everyone
6. stfu
7. Well.... I'm a Bomber, and was pretty much one of the first to start using only bombs after the CTR was added for the last release.... I have like the worst lagg out of everybody put together. I came from the Spiral Gods Alliance (the first guild mwhahahaa created through the game) so much older than EoS =o. I knew Nj and rockd0g when they were newbs. I have participated in a series of ghosting tournaments in game, and have tried to help this community. I have witnessed first hand the bromance that goes in in this guild.... etc. etc. lost attention, going back to pewpewing people with pointy objects with projectiles.

cross point 2 off the list? and why is no one online D= I don't even have my alchemy machine to talk to.

I know I'm accepted xD I'll make that decision for myself.

Imagen de Njthug
Phailout your lucky your cute

Phailout your lucky your cute since I would of so declined your application

Imagen de Dirt
Njthug is very welcoming,

Njthug is very welcoming, just watch out for your no-no parts.

Imagen de Njthug

But once your Eos aren't your no-no parts all of our no-no parts...I mean Dogrock knew my no-no parts before Eos =( Idk how he talked me into it though....


20k Ce for anyone who can kill rep and make him only get maid accessories from now on.

Imagen de Ulthwe
20k Ce for anyone who can

20k Ce for anyone who can kill rep and make him only get maid accessories from now on.


Imagen de Riodaisho
REP! PvP, right now! ;D oh

REP! PvP, right now! ;D

oh and that's where the double flame came from ...
*stabs Fallout*

Imagen de Pyruvic

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? -23 weeks.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 0.67843 runs per day, accounting for errors in statistic taking, laziness, noob teammates, and downtime with NJ.
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? How often does Pedobear hang out with his big boy friends? :O
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) I think I know... That one... Dude... Chick thing? Like.. Half... Half girl, half shark thing! YEAH! (+1 if you get that reference)
6. What is your in-game-name? P... Py-... Uhh... Pyruu... Oh. Pyruvic. Yeah. That. Or maybe it's Meimei.
7. Finally, tell us about yourself: Hi. My name is Pyru. I like flowers, puppies, and cookies. As in, burning flowers, drowning puppies, and smashing cookies. :D

Imagen de Repartee

Entry denied. 502 error. You don't have to go home but you can't stay here.

Let me get my game face on later before we do that.


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

- About two months.

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

- Between one and three depending on how much time I have to play

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?

- This is my first application towards a guild, but I enjoy PvP very much.

How often do you play Spiral Knights?

- Usually around four days a week, at least an hour every time.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

- No, I'm still relatively new to the Spiral Knights community.

What is your in-game-name?


Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I'm a 27 yr old computer programmer in real life and an avid gamer. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of milk. I enjoy reading up on strategies in all the games I play and figuring out my favorite style of gameplay (swordmaster currently for this one).

I realize I am not currently in tier 3 as the application requests, however I am confident I can get there in a relatively short time and would be grateful for your consideration. I do consider myself a patient and helpful gamer and I'm certain I would be an asset to your guild.


Imagen de Catatouille

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Two weeks ;x
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 1~3+ (depends on how sassy I feel)
Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? I haven't tried it yet!
How often do you play Spiral Knights? Several hours a day
Do you know anyone from our guild? Nope :<
What is your in-game-name? Catatouille
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I'm a 24 year old art student with a history of MMOs. Although I've just started playing, I learn fairly quickly. I've just gotten my 4★ stuff and was able to solo Roarmulus Twins and Tier 2 Arenas. I don't know if that actually means anything though ヽ(´Д`)ノ


How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Not sure, shortly after it first came out in the summer
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? MAybe 2-3 Depending on how broke I am
Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? Love PVP, guess that means I would lvoe doing it in a guild, not really good though....
How often do you play Spiral Knights? College student and athlete, so it varies greatly, but I get on whenever im not studying or passing out
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) NOPES!
What is your in-game-name? MrFoofums
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) I play games for fun mostly, I like to mess around and be dumb but also enjoy grinding for items every once in awhile. Just lookin for some cool people to do some cool spiral knights stuff with!

Imagen de Njthug
I will be going over all

I will be going over all applications tonight around 10 Pm Eastern, so hope to see all of you excluding Pyruvic in Eos =).

Imagen de Repartee
@Enddar / Catatouille

Sent you in-game mail. Respond when you can. etc etc. Important sounding things.

Imagen de Crazywave
Im Super Angry and Upset.....

Im Super Angry and upset with The Guild Officer, WHY! i was invited to join the guild by Tantarian in the game, and i join two weeks later because i was taking care of my friends guild Team Dai Gurren because he was in vacations and he told me to take care of his guild and i told Tantarian that as soon he comes back i will join Echo of Silence and Tartarian told me Ok and see me later.... sow Why im angry! a Day Later after i join Echo of Silence The Next Day i was kick out by a officer for no Particular reason whats oh ever, i was not given any explication or anything why i was kick out....
i really cant Still believe this officer did this to me for no reason.... i truly Hope the GM or GMs take this issue serious because its truly bad manners.
today 10/10/2001 at 6:00pm i was kick out of the guild by a officer online for no reason.... its noted.
don't wary GM there was only one officer online today sow it wont be hard to know who he was.