Echo of Silence

4122 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Njthug

It was a mistake by Tantarian to send you a guild invite into Eos without going through your application with other officers. Tantarian was wrong to send you an invite, because you never were voted into Eos. Eos, as a guild declined your application due to your other tides with a few other guilds multiple applications with other guilds using different accounts in-game, and also, we do not believe that you are fully Eos material. The officer who kicked you should of explained this to you, but I guess you can read my post instead.

Imagen de Crazywave
i see that your guild

i see that your guild was or i not worth a try, if im not EOS Material why i was invited 3 time buy your GM in different occasions...
everyone knows me and everyone likes me and yes i do have two characters, like many other players that have two characters my main character Crazywave that i use im my everyday play and my second Character Spiritedaway that i use in my wife guild The Dream Knights when she or there members need my help... and yes i have bean in many guilds ( Team Dai Gurren, Angels vs Demons and The Nightwalkers) helping them out with anything and making friends every ware i go.. im sorry to say im just to honorable.
and buy the way i just got 1 more invite to other guild that really needs my help and friendship and honor and loyalty AKA My Material.
like my Best friend and GM during Beta (Qtips) Told me before quitting the game "don't be were your Honor and Loyalty is Envied by others"
"be your self and all ways help others in need" "never say no to friendship and all ways be your self... be Honorable and loyal to SK and its players and above all the guild your Serving in"
Sorry to say Echo of Silence, My Material (My Loyalty, My Honor and My Friendship) will be and all ways be better then your guilds name and its Officer.

Truly Crazywave
Complete 5 stars Player everything Level 10 and completed all SK achievements.
Started Playing SK Since Beta Nov. 30, 2009

PS. send my regards to your GM... tell him that the officer who kick me out and those who cover him out will never have My Material and Quality of a Truly Sk Player Should have.

Imagen de Tantarian
Lol Crazy

You so crazy.

Imagen de Weedle
EoS is a great guild -- just

EoS is a great guild -- just throwing that out there. Keep the bromance alive!

Imagen de Crazywave
dont take me wrong EoS

Dont take me wrong EOS is a grate guild and there GM's are one of the best in my personal poit of few, im just talking about the officer who is Envied of my Material and the one who kick me out with out talking to the GM's 1st. i was invited by a Guild matser not by a loser officer who thinks he is the H.I.C

Imagen de Njthug
You were invited by a Guild

You were invited by a Guild Master who sent you an invite because he did not get his daily dose of Bromance which lead him to be upset and he wanted to disobey everyone else's decisions. The officer who decided to kick you was acting on behalf of all the officers and guild masters in Eos. Like I stated before you were never to be accepted in Eos, only because we do not feel that you are the right type of member for Eos. You are a nice guy and do live up to your name, but sadly majority of the officers + Gm's do not think you would fit into Eos.

Imagen de Njthug
Ranks Updated

Ranks Updated

Imagen de Salad-Dodger

njthug hates me

Imagen de Njthug

You are a LIAR you made me leave Eos your EVIL

Imagen de Crazywave
you guys are

you guys are Loco sadly i never seen no other officer online in the time i was part of EOS or any GM's, sow for my piont of view that officer is not SK Material, he saw me and he got envy of me and he new me and my superb reputation in SK and he just got scared i would be a Officer some day and be by his side.... but it dont mater no more i was invited by another guild a few second after was kick out by a envy officer in a rampage ejejejjejjeje
check you guys out, i have to play my favorite game online, no time to waste in my new home (Guild) the guild master except the best of me and i will give him my best over my 100%.

Imagen de Digitalartificer
Guild Application

1. I have been playing SK since the 1st day of release (April 4th I do believe)
2. Depends on how much hmwk I have, but somewhere between 2-3
3. I do enjoy the PvP, though I have not played it much
4. I try to play every day, (since crew is over), but it really depends on how much time I have (always on during the weekends).
5. I do not know anyone from your guild, but I have seen lots of members.
6. Digitalartificer
7. Ive been playing this game since it first released, and I absolutely LOVE it. Recently I have been looking for a guild after most of my friends quit. This has been a guild that I have ALWAYS wanted to be a part of. With all the awesome people in it and all the BROMANCES :D, this sounds like the guild for me. Currently I have all 5* (radiant silvermail, volcanic demo helm, combuster, nitronome, and callahan). I do hope to meet everyone in this guild some day :).

EDIT: Thanks for the invite!

Imagen de Vaclavv
Somehow, it's Boswick's fault

See post title

Imagen de Pookycakes
@ Muppet

It's okay he hates me too :( He's such a big bully...

You can come with me though Muppy <3 I wub u ^^

Imagen de Salad-Dodger
ew, no cootie

ew, no cootie

Imagen de Repartee
@^ 2 Posts

Thanks I needed a good lol before I started my day.

Imagen de Aecarus
Aeca's EoS Application - RECALLED

Sorry to report, but I will have to recall my application. I have recently decided on other plans.

Imagen de Ezzi
1. How long have you been
1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing on April 12th for about 2 months on and off but have only recently started playing again since the 22nd of September.
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Mostly 2 or 3 with time permitting i do more.
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
I haven't had a chance to experience it yet, but probably not.
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Majority of the week, sometimes i don't get a chance to log in though.
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
I know of Vlad and Sketti from the first few weeks SK went public but i doubt they would know me.
6. What is your in-game-name?
Imagen de Njthug
Will look over both new apps

Will look over both new apps today or 2morro and get back to you guys, girls, and xerox's asap =)

Imagen de Vlad
Oh my muppet has become a

Oh my muppet has become a bush. A BUSH

Imagen de Jim-Dale
Judging from what I have read

Judging from what I have read in this thread, this is all a giant orgasm spasm.


Imagen de Njthug
Omg the Mighty Jim-Dale is

Omg the Mighty Jim-Dale is Eos all havoc will break out now =0

Imagen de Xchiefyx
EOS application

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

I started early June

2.How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?

Usually do 2-3 sometimes more if i have time

3.Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?

I havent tryed it out yet but sounds like fun

4.How often do you play Spiral Knights?

every day (duh)

5.Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

you, dogrock and thats it through forums

6.What is your in-game-name?


7.Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)

I have full 5* gear i have beat Vana several times i am very good with coordination so i dodge very well... i have 3 characters 1 sword 1 gun and 1 bomb working on gunslinger but occasionally get on swordie for vana run

I look forward to being in your guild if im accepted and i play very actively through out the week

Imagen de Peetey

Future Applicant Application for Echo of Silence (Eos)

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
Since it came to Steam, forgot when that was, probably about 6 months ago.
How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Depends on how busy I am, mostly about 3.
Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
I haven't had a chance to try that out, would really like to try it.
How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Almost everyday.
Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No, although I saw some people in the guild walking around before.
What is your in-game-name?
Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I like cupcakes.

Imagen de Ploxxer

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? about 2-3 months
2.How many runs do you do in a day in T1 - T3? As many I can fit inside my schedule >:D
3.How often do you play Spiral Knights? Around 2-3 hours a day.
4.Do you enjoy Guild PVP? I don't do it as often as I like because in my current guild we just do runs all day. :|
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? Not really, maybe had a random conversation with one of you guys.
6.What is your in-game-name? Ploxxer
7. Finally, tell us about yourself (optional). I hold myself to some moral standards while playing this game. If someone is willing to use 10 energy to revive himself/herself and revive the whole party in turn, I feel morally obligated to do the same. Energy comes and goes, trust does not. Oh yeah, I have too many 4* and no 5*...

Imagen de Njthug
We will be going through apps

We will be going through apps Today hopefully sorry for the delay =)

Imagen de Thetric

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?

    Since about the time of the rose regalia redux

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
    I can do 10, 20, 30 runs a day on a regular basis, depending on my goal(Cr, Ce, Trading, Spazzing)

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
    I would If I could.

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
    Pretty much on a daily basis. at worst I play several hours a day on the weekends

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
    not by name or off the top of my head, pretty sure I've run into some of ya though ^_^

What is your in-game-name?

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
    I love to have fun and work hard. If I find something that interests me, I hunt it like a food starved gerbil. XD.
    I'm pretty hand with code and design, so if ya wanted a re-design for the guild page that would be fun.(search "infinite bass" or "theTric" on the wiki to see some of my work
    I know how to have fun and make the game more fun for other players. (I'm that guy that's been giving away free spots for pk runs.)
    I am a T3 player, but I typically chill on T2. Full 5* set (including trinkets and arms) and I can get a 2* to a 3* in under 2 hours. heck most of the time under 1.

well I hope to hear back from ya! ciao!

Imagen de Njthug
Sorry for the short delay on

Sorry for the short delay on your application Thetric, we been swamped with guild stuff and rl stuff, but I will make sure an officer or another guild master goes over your application by tonight.

Imagen de Flashfox
Flashfoxs Brotastic App

1.How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? Like 5 months bro. But it's been on off because I haven't been in a very active guild..

2. Like um tier 2 mostly because jelly toast is my fave breakfast.. And tier 3 burns my toast :/ but when vanduke burns my toast the gloves are off, he so dead.

3.How often do you play Spiral Knights? Depends I have work late and workout everyday, so like 1-2 hours on weekdays and 3 on weekends.

4.Do you enjoy Guild PVP? I don't do it, but I really want to.

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? Nah but I'm sure I whipped up a nice convo with 1-2 of you before.

7. Finally, tell us about yourself (optional). I have been making bros in video games since I was a kid. I'm a big jokester and at times my humor can be random and wacky and turn dark all of a sudden. I try to get to know everyone as soon as possible mostly one on one so we can make a stronger bro or broette co nec shun. I hope to fight silently beside you echo.

Imagen de Reshuk

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
About 44 hours, spread out over... 2 weeks I guess

2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
1-2 runs approx (I don't waste my energy by leaving it in the tank), mostly t2, haven't made t3 yet

3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
Haven't had a taste of that yet in SK seeing as I'm applying for a guild right now

4. How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Daily (can't let that good energy go to waste :p)

5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
Vlad n I'v met Martinsen aswell

6. What is your in-game-name?

7. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Well, I'm a 22 (23 in november) year old guy, living in belgium. I'm currently in my last year of college n I like to play games. I like to play FPS, hack n slash, RTS n MMORPGs. Furthermore, I like eating, partying, drinking, my gf and acting stupid/crazy... I want to join this guild cuz I want to advance in this game n have more fun. An experienced guild seems ideal to me in order to achieve that. Vlad said I had to post my application n so now I did :)

Imagen de Njthug
Went over apps up to Reshuk

Went over apps up to Reshuk we will let you know asap Reshuk.

Imagen de Njthug
Added a few more questions to

Added a few more questions to our application yes its longer now since longer is better =0

Imagen de Kazehayakun

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
This is my third day, yay!!

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
Until I end my energy, yay!!

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
In SK? Dunno, I don't have a guild...
Generally speaking, yes, its always fun ^^

How often do you play Spiral Knights?
Until now, everyday, its so fun, and looks so much with The Legend of Zelda!!! hehe

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)
No... I just made 1 friend in-game so far.... D=

What is your in-game-name?

Why do you want to join Eos?
I like playing with a guild
The name of this guild is way cool
I like when guild description shows jokes and how close they are ^^

How Old are you (Optional)?
19 years old (am I lil' old to play this? o_õ)

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
Yes, I already used mumble with my previously guild in Eden Eternal, I don't have a mic, but I am planning to buy one this week ^^

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
Hug him, since he is always yelled at for making mistakes x3

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
Hmm, this is the hardest part (hehe), well, I am brazilian (no, I don't know dance samba nor live on the beach and I don't have a monkey as a pet xD~~), I like playing videogames with friends and fammily, I liked very much SK for being like Zelda, and despite being so simple, its complex at the same time for the strategy. ^^

I am really shy, but once I am close with the person I can speak more openly, and... I like cookies and strawberrieis!!

If I join, please take good care of me!!

Imagen de Devilsminion

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? been playing for a month or so now
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? - I do runs in T2 and i do them once because my myst energy goes low so sometimes twice a day if
3. Do you enjoy Guild Pvp? ive never heard of it before but sounds fun!
4. How often do you play Spiral Knights? im sometimes on for 1 or 2 hours on most days but i will be active
5. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) - not really.
6. What is your in-game-name? my in game name is Devilsminion.
7. Why do you want to join Eos? because the guild sounds awesome and i want to join it.
8. Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it? - no sorry i dont use mumble
9. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) - i like pretty colours

Imagen de Aecarus
Got any spare spots for an old-timer?

Got any spare spots for an old-timer?

Imagen de Njthug
We make sure we never each

We make sure we never each 100 members we like quality players don't care about quantity at all, but Aecarus if you do wish to join we can talk in-game. I am sure you will feel at home in Eos.

Imagen de Njthug
Semi-Updated the ranks

Semi-Updated the ranks

Imagen de Vaclavv
To the top.
Imagen de Echo

How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?: A little over a year, on and off though. Yeah I'm a preview/beta oldie.

How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?: Depends sometimes one sometimes five.

Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?: Never played it, but I'm pretty sure I would enjoy it.

How often do you play Spiral Knights?: There's no logic to how often I play, it's random.

Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?): Well I talked to Dogrock for a little, and I know Aeca if he's joining.

What is your in-game-name?: Echo

Why do you want to join Eos?: I want to make new friends and I was flattered that you named your guild after me :3

Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?: Nope, no mic.

If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?: Poke

Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional): I'm random, I like funny internet memes, space pie and football. I change my mind about in-game equipment a lot, which is why I'm still in T2, but I'm almost out.

Imagen de Dogrock

Accepted another app or two to keep the ball rolling. I've also seen rumors of the mighty Echo of Sausage guild running around, scaring people from certain bushes. Watch out.

Imagen de Echo

Woot I'm in, hope to have fun meeting and playing with all of you.

Imagen de Njthug
Welcome to Eos Echo...I did

Welcome to Eos Echo...I did see you around in game a few times most likely attempted to hit on you glad you joined Eos and hope you enjoy your stay.


A bit inactive this week guys got some Mock trial stuff and a lot of partying, drinking (soda duh), and talking to pretty ladies (or who might not be pretty but the soda makes me think they are).

Will be back in by Sunday or Tuesday ...<3 Dogrock

Imagen de Echo

:) Thanks for welcoming me, not sure how I feel about that second part though. Don't remember it either.

Imagen de Vaclavv

That's because NJ was spying on you from Dogrock's free candy van.

Imagen de Echo
O.o I feel very unsafe now, I

O.o I feel very unsafe now, I want my mommy *sobs in corner with thumb in mouth*

Imagen de Redsg
I don't like these questions; I know the answers to them.

1. ::Checks archived e-mail:: 4/20/11 I started
2. Depends on my schedule. I'll explain below
3. I'm up for it.
4. #11 shall tell all. The suspense must be killing you.
5. Nope.
6. Redsg. Bonus Cookie for anyone who guesses what SG stands for (Not my initials).
7. I looked at the major guilds and this felt like the best fit for my personality and goals.
8. 29.
9. I have a Mic and prefer talking to typing.
10. Follow him, mooing like the cows in Diablo 2.
11. I'm a freelance Theater/Entertainment Tech. My skills include carpentry, welding, electrics(mainly lighting), rigging, spotlight op, rail op, pyro, and cryo. What this means is that my schedule is, while set in advance, not likely to conform to anything approaching normal. It keeps life interesting and fun. Plus I love what I do. Plus I'm engaged, so when she's not working(also theater tech) gaming tends to fall behind.
I understand I'm not really selling myself, but I'm giving you the heads up now. I'd love for you to give me a chance, and if I'm too random, I'd understand. I am a very good sword knight and I'm willing to prove it. Hope to hear back soon.

Imagen de Njthug

Majority of us including myself have strange schedule sometimes I will be online at 6am to like 11am....somtimes I am online from 11pm til like 4am.....sometimes I turn into thin air and stalk Xerox...I think you will be a pretty good fit for Eos

Imagen de Pichali
1. How long have you been

1. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 2 months
2. How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3? 2-4 runs
3. How often do you play Spiral Knights? all the time every day from 10- whenever and 3- 8 on weekdays(darn school)
4. Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?) heck yes you, cobalt, and regulaus
5. What is your in-game-name?Pichali
6. Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional) im addicted to SK :p

Imagen de Echo
EoS is the best

This Guild has increased the fun factor of Spiral Knights by 75% for it is awesome. Anyway I made a Fan club about one of our members see it here:

Imagen de Fallout
with toothpicks

Sorry for not being on.... I slay dragons now; also I'm letting you know that I'm away for a month from Sunday (in america, down the coast etc). I'll probably log on again around Christmas xD. byeee now.

Imagen de Snerx

1- How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
2496 hours; 48 minutes; 32 seconds and counting.

2- How many runs do you do a day in T1 - T3?
I try to do at least one JK run every day. More runs and deeper exploration as time permits.

3- Do you enjoy Guild Pvp?
I am currently in my second guild, and since neither of those guilds were/are very active, I have yet to play guild PvP. But I do enjoy LD. Infact, there was this one time where I accidentally the hell out of 2 LD players in the opposing team. It was awesome, I tell you. Awesome.

4- How often do you play Spiral Knights?

5- Do you know anyone from our guild? (If yes, who?)

6- What is your in-game-name?
Snerx. (without the "." I know, common mistake)

7- Why do you want to join Eos?
Because I want to be part of an active, friendly and mature community. And cookies.

8- How Old are you (Optional)?
I was told that answering this question is optional.

9- Eos does have mumble would you feel comfortable using it (Yes or No *add if you have a mic* this does not hurt you application)?
I would prefer to use audio communications, as the in-game chat is just not feasible enough to use when under quick fire. But unfortunately, I do not have a mic, nor do I have enough motivation to get one as of right now.

10- If you saw Boswick in game would you poke him hug him or yell at him?
I would poke him. With my Leviathan. Repeatedly. All night long.

11- Finally, tell us about yourself (Optional)
I like SK. And I usually get along with most people. I like helping out newbies. I'm usually online around PDT 20:00 - 24:00 (longer on weekends, but I might not be able to get online at all some days due to work). For the rest of my autobiography, it'll be $ 5.95 please.