The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Culture

Check the Bombing Guide, it details every bomb's strengths and weaknesses:

Pretty much, Ion is very slow to charge, in its very own category of slow actually. Also, the Slime Bonus sounds appealing but is actually is pointless since slimes resist piercing. Finally the shock is also appealing but shock is most effective in crowds and Ion isn't going to shock everything, unlike Voltaic Tempest.

Imagen de Metanat
finally decided

i finally decided i am going to get toxic vaporizer to stop royal from healing when i fight him

Imagen de Punslinger
With the latest update, a New

With the latest update, a New Demo Suit has arrived! It's Mercurial!

The stats aren't yet on the wiki, but judging by how it's called "Mercurial Demo Suit", I'm predicting a movement speed boost.

Imagen de Negimasonic
Watch this thread as

Watch this thread as well:

Biznasty MAY post information.

Imagen de Punslinger
I found the information on

I found the information on the Mercurial Demo Gear.

+movement speed: low
+bomb damage: low
high shock resistance

It's pretty good, but Mad Bomber is better. DEFINITELY worth considering if you have the means to achieve max charge rate via UVs and Trinkets, but if not...meh.

On the bright side: It's better than Bombastic.

Imagen de Negimasonic
.-. I would hope they

.-. I would hope they wouldn't make anything worse than bombastic lol. I guess its cool to have the movement speed bonus but the shock resistance is the only worthwhile thing on the armor for me. But lack of CTR is a serious disappointment. I know they probably did that since two of the former three bomb sets offered CTR so they needed this to do damage, but really...CTR is almost all that matters.

Imagen de Fallout
Well.... the only reason I'll

Well.... the only reason I'll be getting the merc demo is because it looks snazzy, unlike the poor effort that is bombastic. May even get the mask with that sweet animations if i ever play enough shadow lairs.

Imagen de Metanat
i got a new bomb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i got 3 new bombs 1 fiery vaporizor 2 freezing vaporizor 3 crystal bomb my favorite is crystal

Imagen de Fallout
"Monsters* Royal Jelly

- Royal Jelly defense values brought in line with the rest of the Slime family"

I guess they really didn't want us using RSS to destroy JK =/ there goes my main way of killing him.

Imagen de Iron-Volvametal
So, does that mean RSS is Bad now?

Or should I still get it? By the way, this is my Arsenal as of Now:

Current Loadout
Heavy Demo Helm(Cobalt Helm w/ Heavy Helm Guards as Costume)
UV1-Stun Resist: Low
UV2-Shock Resist: Low
UV3-Increased Normal Defence: Low

Heavy Demo Suit
UV1-Increased Shadow Defence: Medium

Heavy Plate Shield
UV1-Increased Shadow Defence: Medium

UV1-Attack Speed Increase: High

Irontech Bomb(I know wut yer thinkin')
UV1-Bonus vs Construct: Very High
In Arsenal
Shockburst Brandish
Tempered Calibur

Lightning Capacitor
Twisted Spine Cone
Super Blast Bomb


The rest are either Proto Gear, Armors used for Costumes, or 0-1* Stuff.

Imagen de Fallout
D= ew Irontech, Are you

D= ew Irontech, Are you actually using it; or do you just wanna get kicked from parties 0.o xD I've used it a lot myself and have ID at lvl 10.... I know how terrible it is in comparison to nitronome. It's cool if you can actually use it: Nitro does it faster ;l

nah RSS isn't useless now; it's still good in FSC and LD.... but yeah... not as many uses now.

Imagen de Negimasonic
Negimasonic you tried RSS on you tried RSS on Royal Jelly since the patch? Not that it really matters because I never tried to do it but I always mused at the possibility.

Imagen de Iron-Volvametal
Going Off-Topic again fer a bit...

Fallout, I just noticed that yer Avatar's holding an Irontech Bomb. ._.

Imagen de Fallout
cus I'm l337 and liek to

cus I'm l337 and liek to troll with it ;) but yeah; weren't any avatars that i really liked so =/

Well RSS still... kind of works; just the damage is significantly reduced from the 100 per shard... and the polyps interrupt a lot of charges. I think it's still do-able, I shall just give it a few more tries.

Imagen de Negimasonic
haha, don't try too

haha, don't try too hard...but if you do, lemme see anyway :D

Bomber Equipment Problem

I wonderd what would happen if id use Mercurial Demo Helm + Mad Bomber Suit together with Master Blast Bomb/Nitronome
It would give a Medium and a High damage increase for the bomb,but it's damage is already pretty high. Would it stack? Or get a limit?
And if I want to use these two armor pieces in combination,what bombs would be preffered?
If possible id like to use nitronome but with what anyway?
Thanks for the help

Imagen de Fallout
mmmm Merc.

[You'd have a Vhigh CTR overall for starters, which isn't bad at all] and you'd also get that high damage bonus which is pretty neat also. As I am yet to acquire merc due to being f2p for the past few month (I'll probs get it this weekend), I'm unsure what bombs could actually work. The whole speed increase might render bombs like irontech and BAB slightly more useful.
I actually like the idea of getting full merc demo with 2x ctr trinkets.... as it would mean spamming becomes slightly more better xD. I never tried normal merc, so I'm hoping walking speeds while charging is faster as well; and if this is true - Merc could actually become quite viable - it would also benefit the gunner/bombers out there.

Ok so for actual set-ups;
Seeing as the speed increase and damage bonus favors the more offensive bombers you'll want some Offensive bombs... none of that Shiver crap.
I will most likely use
-2x CTR trinkets.
[I don't see the need in UV's so most of my setup is vanilla]

For you seeing your going for merc/mad, I'd probably have the same setup but would get medCTR Bombs and have and elite and regular Boom mods to reach max everything and also I would use a Dread Venom Striker with some ASI boost instead of a gun. Some fire resistance on that merc would help as well.

Imagen de Culture

Mercurial Set does make a small difference in distance to charge. I tried this setup out, measuring the number of square walked when charging:

ATH with Max CTR
No Movement, Medium Movement, Percent Increase
BaB 5.2 5.8 11%
Nitro 5.8 6.2 7%
Haze 8.2 8.8 7%

These are based on multiple trials, averaged up. Sometimes I'd drop it sooner/later due to connection lag or better timing.

But overall, it seems like with full Merc you can run with BaB about as far you could with Nitro and no Movement boost. You still take the small steps, but you move farther.

Imagen de Metanat
my current set is

spiral demo helm and suit boosted plate shield my current bombs are freeze vapor fire vapor crystal bomb blast bomb and spine cone can any of you think of anything else i should have to swap out for different stratums

also what happens if you use fire and freeze at the same time just wondering

Imagen de Fallout

@Culture.... Exactly what i had hoped! epic work xD I'm guessing I will actually have a use for Irontech and BAB now xD as the walking speed was the one thing that got me (fuses i hated at first, but i just got used to them); but nitro will still scale up with it. I'm actually looking forward to getting the merc demo now....

Will have to revamp the Guide now =S... or later; maybe when assessment is over.


any1 interested in the List of bombers?

Imagen de Fallout
haha, that's funny; Ima add

haha, that's funny; Ima add myself with a link to me failing. And now you convinced me to actually update the gui.... no; to much work D=
on an unrelated note: Eeks is done with SK (logged in the other day after being inactive and was like 'oh they ruined the game' and went back to playing forza.


ye i figured he was gone i just checked his youtube channel for confirmation

just curious what happened to syor, wasnt he like the richer bomber :O

Imagen de Fallout
Mmm dunno what happened to

Mmm dunno what happened to syor; hasn't been on steam for a while either. And ugh; did some work on the loadouts section as that seemed like something that people wanted. not done yet- got four left to do and i don't feel like it tonight but here

Also fixed some stuff a troll did.... Seriously, why would you put a table of contents in the middle of the PvP section?!?!? (they did add some helpful stuff though... just don't see how you can derp that badly)

Edit: HOllllly fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu they copied and pasted the entire document again T~T

Hey Fallout, great guide you

Hey Fallout, great guide you have!
I only started a week or 3 ago, and it has been a great help :)
At this time I have the Mad Bomber set, Boom Module trinket, Nitronome, Shivermist Buster, Fiery Atomizer, and I'm gonna level a cutter once I craft one with a bonus I like.
I was wondering, since I don't have anything electric yet (the sword will be poison), should I go for the Electron Vortex, or is the Voltaic Tempest better?
And are those shard bombs really worth the effort of leveling them, or am I good with my current gear?
Thanks in advance!

Imagen de Fallout
Electron Vortex is usually

Electron Vortex is usually more helpful in PvE, and most bombers will want to get their hands on a vortex at some point. So if you haven't already - head towards the vortex. And yes those shard bombs (more specifically RSS) are quite useful in bothe PvE and PvP. They can be useful for sniping gunpuppies from afar, and are good for delivering extreme levels of damage once you get used to timing and placements.

I see, thanks! I don't really

I see, thanks!
I don't really do pvp, never did in any game, but boy do I hate gunpuppies D:
I haven't gotten a vortex yet, and I have 5 krogmo boosters, so I might as well put em to good use then :)

Do you happen to have any more pointers for a PVE bomber who almost only plays with a gunner and a swordfighter (my 2 best buddies)?

Imagen de Jim-Dale
What is the bets Loadout for

What is the bets Loadout for a Solo Swagga(So sorry) Bomber?

Imagen de Culture
Interrupt Gun Puppies

I was at D26 in a party of 4 with an Ionized Salt Bomb and it was not interrupting the gun puppies even though my timing was right on. Anyone else experience this? I've never had that issue when spamming RSS, so maybe it is just an issue with the Ion. Or maybe the bomb wasn't doing enough damage to cross the interrupt threshold because it has no elemental component and it was a party of 4?

Imagen de Fallout
yeah, culture, i think it

yeah, culture, i think it gets to the point where the damage isn't enough to interrupt the attacks =/ gets like that with DBB when in 4 person parties as well.

#Smikkel, basically if your playing knockback, control it by spamming mobs into a corner where they just get trapped. delivering high DPS without knock back is also awesome for swordies and gunners as they wont miss with their attacks - so RSS DBB etc. help a lot. Venom actually makes things a lot easier to if you haven't already got one.

Um, Jim, I'll try and fix the wiki up with a solo bomber load-out as i forgot that xD basically you want to be playing offensive while solo, except you will want something to fall out from if it gets tough

*Nitronome for knockback
*AoA (perhaps switch out for a polaris [AP for greavers if DBB isn't equipped] or your preferred sword)
*Shivermist (so when low on health you have time to recover and quickly strategize your next moves - combo it with closely placed RSS)

*Vdemo helm (+Elite Boom mod)
*Mad suit

Sun shards are awesome, why

Sun shards are awesome, why didn't I try em before? :D

Imagen de Metanat
your input please

my current set is

spiral demo helm and suit boosted plate shield my current bombs are freeze vapor fire vapor crystal bomb blast bomb and spine cone can any of you think of anything else i should have to swap out for different stratums

also what happens if you use fire and freeze at the same time just wondering

Imagen de Ekita

Are there any shields specific for bombing?

Imagen de Beans
Holy jeeze, this thread is long.

I'm sure the question I'm about to ask has been done to death, but;

As a Vog Cub hack 'n' slasher, how would you suggest I integrate bombs into my current playstyle?

I don't want to give up on swording by any means. I really dig my DA/GF.

However, I've been thinking more about getting new weapons. [Something to deal with Wolvers/Fiends, and generally give me more range.]

Basically, let's say my setup is currently full Vog, with DA/GF/Polaris or Acheron/Glacius/Polaris, with two Elite Slash Modules.

What bomb would fit in as a fourth weapon, or what changes in general would you make to this set up, for the most versatility/effectiveness?

Imagen de Fallout
do deeedooo

@ ekita, no there aren't reaaally any shields just for bombing - however it is recommended you get elemental and normal with shock and fire rsistance. So basically owlite. This defends bombers from gun puppies, retrodes and all the nasties we hate (apart from devilites.....try and get a shadow resist on that xD)

there are only a few options for a swordsman (unless your rich and can afford a heap vhigh ctr bombs which aren't vaporizers). For your DA/GF/Polaris set-up, area of effect bombs combo nicely - so Ash, Voltaic and Shiver are great options. I'm pretty sure most players have a shivermist by now, so if you want to take a more offensive route head for VT or AoA; just to increase your DPS that much more. Ash of Agni is great for kiting (arenas) when your on low health and is becoming one of the less used bombs due to Firestorm... but i doub't you need many bombs there, as no dps bomb will help a lot without ctr and damage bonuses. For your Acheron/Glacius/Polaris, consider a vortex; as they combo incredibly well with brandish upgrades (see here: ) If you really aren't in the high roller market (like me) maybe drop just one slash mod and get a bomb focus mod; just so you only need medium UV bombs.
If you start to like bombing, but still like swords a lot, just get a nitronome; which is basically the all-round weapon for everything in game.

Imagen de Jim-Dale
What about a solo load-out

What about a solo load-out for a scrooge who won't buy weapon slots?

Imagen de Iron-Volvametal
Hmm...I noticed in that Video...

Did you start walking slower while Charging the Bomb, like with the ItD?

Imagen de Fallout
Vortex, ID, BAB all have slow

Vortex, ID, BAB all have slow walking speeds.

and Jimmy; . if it wasn't very useful, basially for a 2 slot loadout you want a crowd control bomb and DPS bomb. Nitronome + Ash of Agni are my favorite option.

Imagen de Kon-Ron
medium damage?

i have a RSS with UV damage medium vs beasts, the elemental makes 75% less to that family so how much helps the +medium damage?

also ¿what is the difference within the electron vortex at 3* and 5*? the damage?

Imagen de Fallout

I'm not sure on the damage maths, but it should help a bit; I'd have to check, but i'm to busy playing bf3 atm.
With the vortex stuff, basically everything increases. The radius, the damage and the types of mobs that can be sucked in (i.e. you can suck trojans in with the 5*).

Imagen de Iron-Volvametal
Ah ok.

In your post, you said Vortex had slow walking speed. Does that include Electron or just Graviton?

Imagen de Fallout
'Vortex' generally includes

'Vortex' generally includes both Graviton and Electron as they essentially have the same use, just with different damage types (ele has shock status too).

Also guys, just a notice that I'll be disappearing for a while (a month or so) while all the good games that i want are released. I've been playing the exact same dungeons for over a year now; i need a break. So I probably wont be on in game - but i still might check the forums and do some stuff on the guide ;) The guides almost at the stage where you wont need to ask anymore --> but we need more examples of just regular bombing. So get on your recording hats and get some footage xD.

Chow for now

Hey guys,first of thanks for

Hey guys,first of thanks for the answer the last time I asked.
Though I got another question.
Lets say I take whole Mad Bomber Set.
Would Nitronome be any good? I mean would the damage increase have an effect,since its damage is already almost maximal?
Also,which shield to take,owlite? To get rid of these annoying - resistances I mean.
And which bomb as secondary?

/E: Can I add charge time reduction to a bomb after its level 5 or earlier?
Or do I have to keep on crafting low bombs till I get one?

Imagen de Fallout
The damage bar on the bomb

The damage bar on the bomb has nothing to do with the actual damage. you can hit max on the bar and still do more damage, so yes nitronome is very good for a mad bomber - almost essential. Yeah Owlite is a good choice. For a second choice; you most likely will want to combo it with a status bomb (in which most people do). Basically Venom and Ash are your better choices if you're going to be comboing, as it will result in higher DPS, whereas Shock and freeze will block movement making the final positions of enemies whilst using nitro hard to predict.

Yes, you can technically add Charge times to 5* bombs through punch, however it is a large gamble and will probably result with a damage buff of some sort. (i think that's what you meant; level 5= 5* ? - correct me otherwise). So crafting low star bombs for lower cost is the more effective way. Or just check the bazaar forums/ AH to see if there are any for UV CTR bombs for sale.

Alright then thanks for the

Alright then thanks for the quick reply, and yes I ment 5* my bad lol.
I read somewhere that you can "buy" UV's somewhere to add on the bombs later, or is that wrong?
(For crowns at some merchant?)

Imagen de Culture

You can get UVs from Punch in the Bazaar, but it is really expensive - 20k CR per try and the UV is completely random. It is cheaper to buy a 2-3* bomb at the Auction House with the UV you want and level that up to a Nitronome since by default you keep UVs when you upgrade an item.

UVs are entirely necessary when bombing, however. If you are wearing full Mad Bomber then all you need is 1 Elite Boom Trinket to reach Max CTR and Max Damage with no UV at all. If you do get a UV though, CTR UVs tend to be more useful since they will give you more armor options and still be able to reach Max CTR.

Imagen de Metanat
your input please

my current set is spiral demo helm and suit boosted plate shield my current bombs are freeze vapor fire vapor crystal bomb blast bomb and spine cone can any of you think of anything else i should have to swap out for different stratums

Imagen de Fallout
meeetttaaa, Nope; you pretty

meeetttaaa, Nope; you pretty much won't need any other bombs --> just upgrade the stuff you got as it's a good setup - but maybe get a shield with elemental defense for gunpuppies (I.e. Owlite).

So guys situation changed

So guys situation changed abit.
Today I crafted a Super Blast Bomb with High Charge Time Reduction..
So I dont need mad bomber no more I think.
What else should I get as armor and helm now? Merc?

Imagen de Negimasonic
Your shield choice still

Your shield choice still wouldn't change as shields have little to do with the art of bombing itself. shields are for when you're not bombing and think you're going to get hit, so what do you get hit most by? Get a shield that protects against that. Owlite is always recommended but that's up to you.

That high CTR is amazing, so nice job on that, but with no armor you'll just have an Ultra CTR bomb at level 10, not max, that's not the worst thing of course, but it's just something to note. Additionally, without mad bomber, you forsake the damage bonus unless you want to invest in trinkets.

If you plan on using other bombs, you may still wish to get it or one of the other alternatives (except bombastic). If your only bomb is going to be the super blast bomb and you don't care about damage bonuses, then go find some non bomber armor to help you out.