The Elite Bomber Thread

1027 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Metanat

i am going to get a weapon to do every kind of damage and i noticed that the graviton vortex is the only bomb that does shadow and i have heard that it doesn't do much damage so should i get a sword or gun that does shadow and if so which one

Imagen de Culture

Graviton Vortex is indeed for crowd control and is meant to be paired with a sword charge, particularly something from the brandish line. You can use it to kill jellies or gremlins, but compared to something like a Gran Faust or Acheron it is a bit slow.

You might start a new thread that lists your armament and goals then asks for recommendations. Without a lot more context it is difficult to give advise.

Imagen de Icecreaminator
I made a new character and I

I made a new character and I want to be a bomber. I only can get two weapon slots so what combo would be the best?

-Blast and shard
-Blast and haze
-Shard and haze
-Blast and gaviton
-Shard and graviton
-Haze and graviton

I like the idea of the shard bombs but the haze gives good status effects for support and blast is easy to use.

Imagen de Trying
If you're going solo i would

If you're going solo i would say blast and shard since you need the damage of the blast and the shards to kill puppies.
If you're in a group I would say haze and vortex. The vortex keeps the crowd together and the haze kills them or weakens them.

Hey. I just came here to ask

I just came here to ask you guys a question,what to use as my secondary bomb.

Recently I got a Master Blast Bomb.
But what as the second bomb?

Imagen de Culture

Grab one of the Vaporizer bombs and see how you like it. Freezing or Fiery are good places to start.

Wouldnt freezing have like no

Wouldnt freezing have like no effect..? I mean blast bomb instantly throws them out again on hit.
Or doesnt that matter?

Imagen de Metanat
question about vaporizer

i have heard that the venom veilers poison halves any monsters attacks is this true and if so does it work in lockdown

Imagen de Paweu
Its true that it lowers

Its true that it lowers significantly monsters attacks, no clue about lockdown. Getting poisoned by monsters though lowers knights attack significantly so its only fair to believe that it does the same in lockdown.

Imagen de Mirehawk
Planned Gear

Is my planned loadout (for general purpose, no specific Stratum such as FSC or RJP) good?

For PvE
Helmet: Mercurial Demo Helm
Armor: Mercurial Demo Suit
Shield: Grey Owlite Shield
Trinkets: Elite Bomb Focus Module x2
Weapons: Nitronome
Radiant Sun Shards
Ash of Agni
Voltaic Tempest

For Lockdown (Tier 2)
Helmet: Fused Demo Helm
Armor: Fused Demo Suit
Shield: Recon Cloak
Trinkets: Brute Jelly Band x2 (or Brute Jelly Band + Tri-Heart Pendant, if I can get one >_>)
Weapons: Super Blast Bomb
Sun Shards
Lightning Capacitor

Any changes I should make?

Imagen de Ekita
Pocket Bombing

So today I was doing a run leveling my Mad Bomber Mask.I was using Master blast bomb,Skolver coat,Barbarous thorn shield,Mad Bomber Mask,and Divine Avenger for stratum 3.Then for stratum 4 changing out Master blast bomb for the Fiery Atomizer,and Gran Faust for Divine Avenger.I was with one other guy doing jelly king,and we owned that place so hard it was funny.Here are items stats I was running with:

Bomb CTR:Very high (Mad Bomber Mask(CTR:Medium:Bomb),Fiery Atomizer/Master Bomb(CTR:Medium:Bomb)
Sword Damage:Very high (Skolver Coat (Damage Bonus:Medium:Sword),Barbarous Thorn Shield (Damage Bonus:Medium:Sword)
Bomb Damage : Medium (Mad Bomber Mask(Damage Bonus:Medium)
Sword CTR : Medium (Divine Avenger/Gran Faust (CTR:Medium)

I found this set to be incredible for Pocket Bombers for Jelly King,I am not quite sure how well it would fair in FSC unless you had some UV for fire resist on both the Skolver Coat and Mad Bomber Mask,but trying this out was amazing.I would recommend this to any pocket bomber.

I would see if I could add it to the Wiki,but steam users can't post on the wiki.Unless they fixed that recently.

Imagen de Angou-Saru
Working with bombers as a gunner

Greetings bombers

I am posting on this thread as it seems to be more active than the gunslinger threads and I like the opions in here more, but let me know if I should move this conversation elsewhere. That and I'm looking for the bomber view on this.

Anyway, my regular party includes a pure swordie, bomber, and gunner (me). Usually we do really well together, even in t3, but recently we've been having issues with our teamwork particularly against wolvers.

  1. Bomber spams DBB causing its usual degree of chaos, but meanwhile I've got a BN charged with no shot lined up because of the constant projectiles. This normally wasn't that a big a deal when I was using my Callahan, which I still carry and switch to when needed, although I now favor the BN.
  2. I finally have a charged shot lined up on a target I've been tracking and fire away only to have a bomb go off close enough to make the wolver dodge out of my spray. We do use VOIP and I try to call my shots often, so this is not so much a communication issue, rather the bomber not realizing their range/surroundings, but I'm biased here.

Our current strategy is to attack from inside the blast zone of the bomb as much as possible, but that doesn't always work. I run with the nameless set and our bomber is completely mad so I'm sure there's a timing factor in here, as I have no CTR UV on my Blitz.

So bombers, what advice can you give our team about these situations and similar ones. Also, I just needed to get that out, but we have some rather ridiculous team combos if anyone is interested.

Imagen de Velcro
You shouldn't be using a

You shouldn't be using a Blitz to try to hit Wolvers. For one thing.

Imagen de Angou-Saru
Why not?

A single charge attack is enough to kill them, making it very effective at numbers reduction and its not like I'm firing wildly either. I make sure that I'm going to get at least one of them every time. I know the wolvers next to the target one aren't going to take the full hit and will do their burrow dodge, but is that enough of a reason to not use it even if the party is expecting it? Or do you think guns shouldn't be used on wolvers at all?

I really only play with the same two IRL friends, so I don't have any experience with random groups where I imagine a gunner could make quite a mess of things by being impatient and missing everything.

Imagen de Velcro
In tier 3 firing on a group

In tier 3 firing on a group of wolvers will cause chaos. There are exceptions, Callahan is fast enough to hit them and may knockdown them.

In most cases however, you're just going to cause the wolvers to go nuts teleporting everywhere. If they are in mid-attack this could cause them to teleport behind someone as they attack which most certainly will cause the knight to get hit. With Alpha Wolvers this could be even more dangerous.

DBB, on the other hand, is exceptional at blowing away wolver dens as well as fiends. I'd say aim to kill the butterflies with pin-point shots to avoid causing too much turmoil with the other wolvers.

Imagen de Angou-Saru
Thanks Velcro

I had a feeling that was the case. I usually do try to snipe the healers (the Callahan is great for that), unless the swordie gets to them first. The gun switch was a recent experiment to do some additional damage after all the butterflies, as you called them, have been dealt with. I will difinitely keep the Callahan out as a stunned wolver is also a big plus, although I may go back to the Blitz for clean up when there's only one or two left on the last wave and I won't be endangering any teammates.

Imagen de Glowing-Ember
Mercurial vs. Mad (again)

If someone could test damage increases of each set, I'd be really grateful. I already have two CTR trinkets but no damage trinkets. I'd just like someone to take, say, Nitronome, at the same depth and compare a Medium bonus and a Maximum bonus so I can know exactly how much damage I'd be missing by choosing Mercurial over Mad/Volcanic. The deeper the depth, the better, since it's easier to measure percentage the higher the base value is.

Also, for those that already have both Mercurial and Mad, now that you've probably had a while to test out the Mercurial, which do you prefer? How much do you like the speed boost and the Shock protection at the cost of damage?

Imagen de Draciusen
Slime Bomb

I need the best Slime/Construct-killing bomb.
Don't mention UVs, those make any weapon the best [Monster Type]-killing bomb.

Imagen de Trying
Lol UVs dont make any weapon

Lol UVs dont make any weapon "the best [Monster Type]-killing bomb". If you have a DBB with a UV of max damage against constructs (not that it exists) it still will do less than a Nitronome with no UVs.

It seems like you want a good bomb for RJP since it is pretty much all slime and construct. The best one damage-wise would be the Ash of Agni

Imagen de Metanat

in the wiki the mad bomber suit does low charge time reduction while the helm does medium is this true or is it a mistake

Imagen de Trying
It's true. It's one of the

It's true. It's one of the few sets that dont have identical armor and helm bonuses. Another one of those is the divine set

Edit: yeah it should be volcanic not mad

Imagen de Nicoya-Kitty
@Metanat,Trying I think

@Metanat,Trying I think you're both thinking of the Volcanic demo set, not the Mad. Mad is med CTR and Damage on both items, Volcanic is Med/Low CTR on Helm/Armor respectively

Imagen de Metanat
yeah thanks i did mean mad jut wrote the wrong one

also is it possible to get a bomb charge time reduction uv on a piece of armor like dragon scale mail

Imagen de Hyperonn
@Metanat Nope. Armors and

@Metanat Nope. Armors and Shields only get defensive UVs, and Weapons only get offensive UVs

Imagen de Glowing-Ember
OOO wants to make RSS pure

OOO wants to make RSS pure piercing.

They should be pure elemental if anything; help me protest in that thread!

Imagen de Culture

Already on it!

We already have two piercing bombs, I'm not sure a third would add anything to the mix.

Imagen de Metanat
why doesnt anyone like salt bomb

why doesnt anyone like the rock salt bomb i just made one today and i got booed out of the bomber huddle per say i liked it a lot

Imagen de Culture
Rock Salt Bomb

The Rock Salt Bomb is not bad at all, very viable in T1 and T2 before the depth nerf kicks in. I imagine it would come in handy in T2 Lockdown too.

However... the Ionized Salt Bomb, the 4* version, is unfairly handicapped by the slowest charge time of any bomb. It has its own category of slow. Even at CTR Max it is slower than a Level 1 Rock Salt Bomb. This means its DPS is stuck at low. The long charge puts the bomber in danger since Crystal bombs are best placed close to the target to maximize shard delivery.

I remember when I turned by Rock Salt Bomb into Ionized, I was so sad. I couldn't believe how slow it was. The shock status is great though, if only I could use it.

Imagen de Chris
Bombers please stick to

Bombers please stick to spamming status bombs
Nobody likes sub-par dps particle storms that lag people on bad computers and cause people on good computers from being able to play properly, which makes them do less dps.
A shivermist spam will do :)
Always remember, only girly men try to dps with bombs and guns.

Imagen de Glowing-Ember
y u here?

And Shiver is terrible for increasing party DPS. It nearly halves it compared to no bomb, and is about 10× slower than a vortex or almost any other haze bomb.

Imagen de Mustado

@Chris the fools who say guns and bombs can't be used for DPS have never seen an electron vortex or blitz needle in the hands of someone who knows to use them. I would very much like to see you one shot a trojan with your sword.

Which mist bombs should I get for lockdown?

Yeah, which one should I get? The abundance of SKOLVER makes it hard to use my new SMB.
I could get a Voltaic Tempest, no one likes getting shocked.
Could try to use my Stagger Storm, I already have one with a spectacular UV.
Maybe I could use an electron vortex, it would keep enemies in the same place, and it would also inflict shock, although it isn't a mist bomb.
Which one could I take?

Imagen de Nicoya-Kitty
I usually run with the

I usually run with the lightning capacitor and haze mk II in T2 lockdown. I tried running with my Electron Bomb but the reduced walk speed while charging made it basically useless. The larger suction radius of the 5* version might make it useful in T3, but you'll still be a sitting duck while charging it.

Imagen de Culture

Voltaic Tempest is my favorite bomb for Lockdown. It really helps close off corridors and take over points. Unlike Shivermist, very few people are going to resist VT. If you want to deal some damage though, RSS actually works well. Anyone with a slight amount of lag is destined to run into a shard when chasing you. It can be very frustrating to go up against, but it takes quite a few shards to actually kill someone.

Imagen de Pandecoco
Random question: what upgrade

Random question: what upgrade path would be better for a demo suit with a stun UV?

Imagen de Softhead
Im new at bombing. I have a

Im new at bombing. I have a firey vaporizer and a freezing vaporizer. I use a spine cone and planning on getting graviton. I'm using 2 slots. Calibur is what i use with secondary bomb. Is it good for t2? I have basic armour for bombing but what sheild should I get?

Imagen de Negimasonic
@PandecocoIt doesn't really

It doesn't really matter to be honest. Just don't choose bombastic. Choose volcanic demo if you like FSC a lot or choose mad bomber if you want the damage bonus and are pretty good at dodging. I assume you're not saving it for Mercurial.

Shields have little to do with bombing itself. Just choose whatever shield that protects against the kind of attack you've been hit by the most so far. Special mention goes to Owlite because of the elemental defense since gun puppies tend to be a weakness for a lot of bombers but really you could have issues with polyps and howlitzers all the same. or even Retrodes and devilites. Use what you've learned so far to decide.

A calibur is fine but you're going to want to upgrade that to the later versions, or ditch it altogether for specialized swords like the brandish series. The thing with the calibur line is you can never go wrong with it. But it is never exceptional either. If you don't like swapping weapons and prefer to not worry about weaknesses/resistances, keep building up your calibur. You are going to at least need to level it up to tempered then ascended to continue to be successful.

Imagen de Embodien
For a bomber what bombs would

For a bomber what bombs would you take in a JK run. For solo and for team? For two weapon slots and for four open weapons slots?

p.s at the moment I have grav, freeze, sun shard 3* and am unsure which to make into a four star first. I also have 2 star fiery vaporizer and blast bomb
If you could tell me that would be grate (:

Imagen de Nicoya-Kitty
The two bombs I always take

The two bombs I always take to RJP are the Plasma Cap and Fiery Atomizer (I'll upgrade them to 5* eventually). It used to be that the VV was almost essential for the RJ boss fight, but since the minis are now one-hit kill and the only method the RJ can heal, just keeping a cloud of damage status around him will both constantly damage him and prevent his healing at the same time.

Imagen de Michaelb
is this a good bomb set?

Master Blast Bomb
Radiant Sun Shards
Plasma Capacitor
Freezing Atomizer

Mad Bomber Suit
Heavy Demo Helm

Elite Bomb Focus Module
Bomb Focus Module

(Sorry for the multiple equipment questions, I change around a LOT, lol)

Imagen de Trying
well the problem with your

well the problem with your loadout is that you are wasting a lot of space on CTR that's getting wasted.
You have CTR med on your bombs at lvl10
Mad bomber suit give you CTR med
Heavy demo gives you CTR low
That already is CTR ultra
and plus the bomb focus module would give you maximum
The elite bomb focus module is getting unused since you cant go past max.

Imagen de Michaelb
oh. so you think i should go

oh. so you think i should go with something else?

i have an elite handgun focus mod. and some nice guns, like virulent catalyzer. those'd go well together I think. Maybe I should replace the gun with the plasma capacitor...?

Imagen de Trying
You mean replace the plasma

You mean replace the plasma capacitor with the catalyzer?

Imagen de Michaelb


Imagen de Trying
Yes There's only one shadow

There's only one shadow bomb and it doesnt do that much damage so that would cover your lack of shadow damage
Also the plasma capacitor is used mostly for it's damage and you already have 2 damage bombs

Imagen de Michaelb
...oh. thank you !! :D

...oh. thank you !! :D

Imagen de Softhead

I'm getting/goten these:

Fused Demo Set (getting)
Horned Owlite Shield
Firey Mk II
Freezing Mk II(getting)
Cold Iron Carver(getting)
Twisted Spine Cone(Getting)
Graviton Charge(getting)

I might get 2 more wep slots. but I only have 2. which bombs should I use for which occasions?Firey/ Freezing I switch for the lv i use them in(Firey; JK, Snarby, Tunnels. Freezing; Arenas, Vana, RT). I use calibur as secondary.

Imagen de Michaelb
sigh... Today I strapped a

sigh... Today I strapped a mohawk onto my heavy demo suit cuz' i was jelly of the mohawks that mad bombers have and this guy teased me about it. was what i did wrong?

Imagen de Michaelb
@atrumvindex: Now, let me

@atrumvindex: Now, let me just say that I am nowhere near Fallout and Culture on this subject, but I think it just depends on whether you like to spread status or do damage.

Freezing: Status
Fiery: Damage

O_O Uh oh first post on page 13

Imagen de Culture
13 Pages of Awesome!

RJP Bombs
Solo just bombs for me is Nitro, RSS, Ash, VV. If to do 2 slots only, I guess RSS and Ash, but I really like my bombs so always use 4 slots. :)

In a team it is Ash, VV, VT, Grav (see note below). VV is the optional one here because just Ash should kill the minis pretty quickly, and most teams will have collected vials. I just like it for the occasional silkwing since I hate healers. VT is optional too actually since Ash already does plenty of damage. VT is just the icing on the cake. RSS is a nice alternative too, takes some time to master though.

What to upgrade to 4* first?
The Graviton line only becomes really useful at 5*, any star before that the suction is too weak and the time is too short. I think you should upgrade your fiery and freezing to 4* before the others since laying status in a party setting is very helpful. Which before the other... just personal preference as Michaelb stated.

Re: Mohawks
Mohawk on Heavy looks great. Can't get such a color combination any other way. Note though - Mad Bomber Helm doesn't support top accessories so you can't upgrade unless you first remove the accessory. So I hope that helm is meant to go Volcanic or is just for costume.