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What are the best loadouts for Shadow lair expeditions?

12 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Berzerkules

I have not ran any shadow lair expeditions in awhile, I figure I need to start running them again since I have so many keys. I am looking for the best loadout setups from experience players, however any suggestions will help. Thanks!

1. Shadow Gloaming Wildwoods
2. Shadow Royal Jelly Palace
3. Shadow Ironclaw Munitions Factory
4. Shadow Firestorm Citadel

Portrait de Traevelliath
well then...

I havent done UFSC, but this is what I bring to the other ones.

Rabid Snarbolax(s):
- Skolver Cap (Stun Resist Med)
- Snarby Coat
- Crest of Almire
- Final Flourish (+Dam vs Beast Med)
- Glacius (CTR Low)
- Argent Peacemaker (ASI low)
- Polaris
- Penta-Heart Pendant (+6 health)
- Elite Trueshot Module (+Dam Med - Guns)

Ice Queen:
- Skolver Cap (Stun Resist Med)
- Skolver Coat (Stun Resist Low)
- Barbarous Thorn Shield
- Acheron (ASI High, +Dam vs Gremlin Med)
- Polaris
- Glacius (CTR low) or Divine Avenger
- Umbra Driver
- Penta-Heart Pendant (+6 health)
- Elite Trueshot Module (+Dam Med - Guns)

Red Roarmulus Twins:
- Nameless Hat (Curse Resist Low)
- Nameless Poncho
- Grey Owlite Shield
- Argent Peacemaker (ASI low)
- Polaris
- Sentenza
- Divine Avenger
- Penta-Heart Pendant (+6 health)
- Elite Trueshot Module (+Dam Med - Guns)

(Vog works better, this is a "meh" loadout for RRT xD)

Portrait de Spicington
SL 1 & 2

I've done both Rabid Snarby & Ice Queen twice each, and here's what I equipped on the most recent of each run:

Rabid Snarbolax:
-Skolver Cap (+Poison Resist Med)
-Radiant Silvermail
-Dread Skelly Shield (+Piercing Defense Med)

-Combuster (+CTR Low)
-Barbarous Thorn Blade (+CTR High)
-Shivermist Buster (+CTR Low)

-Elite Sword Focus Module
-Pure White Laurel

Ice Queen:
-Skolver Cap
-Skolver Coat (+Elemental Defense Med)
-Barbarous Thorn Shield (+Piercing Defense High)

-Ash of Agni (+CTR Low)
-Dark Retribution

-Elite Sword Focus Module
-Sizzling Hearthstone Pendant


Oddly enough, Ice Queen's levels felt a great deal easier than Rabid Snarby. 3 DR's in the party may have had something to do with that on my most recent run (IQ herself went down in under a minute). Hope there's some useful tidbits here for you!

Portrait de Iron-Volvametal

I've heard that you don't need Pierce Resistant Gear in Ice Queen if you have an Ash of Agni.

Portrait de Nordlead
@ironskullkid - well, that

@ironskullkid - well, that isn't true.

While you greatly reduce the amount of piercing damage delt, there are still polyps and giant lichen along with the ice queen. On top of that, the only thing you might want to consider switching in would be elemental damage but only for the lumbers. I'd rather just have more pierce resistance since the multiple giant lichen can be a royal pain

Portrait de Bopp
see Shadow Lair article

The other posts here are reasonable. The wiki article "Shadow Lair" now offers a brief description of each Shadow Lair, indicating broadly which armor and weapons you want. For example, for SGWW it recommends normal, piercing, shadow, and poison armor. This suggests some mix of Skolver, Skelly, Fallen, etc. So start with that, or use it to verify the responses you get here.

Shadow Lair

How can i enter in shadow lair ?

Portrait de Pepperonius
by using the wiki

seriously, its all over the forums, too. Shadow key is required. So is the ability to get to depth 23. Generally speaking, if you have to ask, you can't get there yet.

Portrait de Fallen-Feces

Personally for Ice Queen id do

-Mixmaster or Celesial Orbit gun
-Mixmaster or Celesial Orbit gun
-Grim/Peppermint Repeater

2 Mixmaster type weps are for infinite reload thing
Permafrost is shadow damage and even though it does freeze u really dont wanna freeze enemies so theres knockback for ya.
U know why grim or pepper repeater

Portrait de Bopp
4.5-year necro

It's doubtful that the original poster is still looking for advice, 4.5 years later.

Portrait de Fallen-Feces
oh lol

oh wow i didnt notice its from 2012 XD

Portrait de Fallen-Feces
oh lol

oh wow i didnt notice its from 2012 XD

Portrait de Fehzors-Forum-Alt

And the loadout only costs... 300+ dollars!