Super Splodin' Shard Squad

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Imagen de Softhead
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Imagen de Zeddy
Super Splodin' Shard Squad's Silent Legion Assault

Today we did The Silent Legion.

Scintillating Sun Shards, Deadly Crystal Bomb
Full Mercurial Demo, Gray Owlite Shield (I don't know why I didn't bring Crest. Chalk it up to silliness.) (MAX dmg vs Fiends, Med dmg vs other things, Med CTR from bombs themselves)

Radiant Sun Shards, some kinda' ice brandish
Full Heavy Demo, some kinda' owlite shield

Scintillating Sun Shards, Deadly Crystal Bomb
Mad+Volcanic, some kinda' shield who cares

We wiped about five times because greavers, but the boss was easy because you could just plant shards and the long fuse was perfect for baiting him into clusters of them. One time we had big a shardfield planted out when the greavers spawned and they were mercilessly slaughtered by it which was pretty cool.

The end.

Imagen de Qwote
Oo Shard Party

I would like to join you guys with testing what tactic of shard bombing is the best.

That is all.

Imagen de Zeddy
I recognize you!

Aren't you that guy with the video where you run between Vanaduke's orbiting fireorbs dropping RSS to kill him?

It would be an honour, sir.


I would like to join this project, but it would probably be best for me to practice a bit, get to tier 3, and get all my 5* gear together first, correct?

Imagen de Softhead
Not really.

I'm mostly 4/3/2*.....

But you need T3 equips for lower depths...

Imagen de Xenonguard

For Shardy Goodness!

Imagen de Zeddy
Fight fire with fire

Slime are pretty cool. They're some of the few enemies to have status variants with significant differences. They're also the only enemy with interesting effects happening if you hit them with their own status.

Lastly, oilers are the only fire enemies you can kill using fire.

Ash of Agni, Shivermist Buster, Venom Veiler
Who cares about armour? We were hazebombing.

Deadly Crystal Bomb, Shivermist Buster, Venom Veiler

Qwote spammed Venom Veiler while I set the oilers on fire and put them back out again with AoA and Cheatermist. It worked. I recorded it.

You can tell the difference between the fire damaging them and the haze blast damaging them because the haze blast is weaker and kind of grayed out.

Imagen de Xenonguard


Imagen de Zeddy
Shard bombs on motorcycles

Today I planted some shard bombs, recorded it, and reduced the framerate to 1/6th.

The video reveals a lot about the nature of shard bombs. From frame-by-frame analysis (I had more than just this particular video), I draw the following conclusions:
-After the initial blast, the first set of shards appear a set time later. This time seems to be about 10 frames?
-The shards do not spawn all at the same time. Rather, they appear in sets that are spaced 3 frames apart. I've seen these sets contain anywhere between 0 and 7 shards.
-The shards spawn with a random fuse time and do not necessarily explode in the same order they appeared.
-Shard explosions work just like spawning. It happens in sets spaced 3 frames apart. This is the reason why knockback is so unpredictable with the bombs, as you cannot count on any given shards to explode at the same time. It also hurts the bomb's ability to multihit, as a monster might get knocked out of the ring before all the shards it stood close to would've exploded.
-I'm assuming that shard bomb coding has to account for two shards from the same bomb possibly exploding 0.1 seconds apart. This is why getting invincitinks under false circumstances is so common, as the code does not seem to care about the specific bomb that shard hits come from, only the player dropping them. Thus, core from one bomb + 3 shards from another can trigger invincitinks.

I get the feeling that the bombs might just have been cooler if the difference in fuse times was larger. Seems like a waste of random number generation to basically have all the shards explode at the same time anyway. The unpredictability of random fuses would certainly help it somewhat in Lockdown.

Imagen de Diamondshreddie
Hey, is this thread still going on?

I recently got back into spiral knights, and oh boy CE isn't 9k anymore

I love the shard bombs, and i never knew of this thread before! If you need, I would be happy to oblige researching effective shard bomb techniques.

I havent read through everything yet, but I'm fairly certain you have all already figured out that shards can work exceptionally well when kiting and/or vortexing mobs into a corner, and then shiver-locking them and alternating between that and spamming shards.

Additionally, It's rather plain to see that the outer ring of shards have a surprisingly long fuse time. For the longest time I'd wished they would change this, but I now realize that this can be taken advantage of, if you run away from the enemy while placing shards in a zig-zagg pattern, you can effectively overlap shards while staying a significantly safe distance from harm. Though this method does not really work in small rooms, as you will esentially juggle the enemies towards you as you run out of room to maneuver.

If I were to suggest one thing to be changed about the shards, is that the blast radius for the individual outer-ring shards be increased, making it easier to land a successful multi-shard-hit.

I look forward to furthering an understanding of shard bombs and their uses.

Imagen de Zeddy

The cooldown for invincitinks seems to be about 1.5 seconds. If you wish to space your shards far enough apart that you will never encounter them, you could use Bombtastic armour or something and avoid going above a total of CTR high.

Today's fun fact.

Imagen de Magnicth
The thread! It lives! *Draws

The thread! It lives! *Draws noodly moostaches on the crate with eyebrows taped to the ceiling*


Imagen de Ninja-Gyles
Necro time!


Imagen de Krakob


Imagen de Zeddy

For today's science, I found something by accident.

Stun bug works on bombs.

Didn't know where else to post about it so might as well revive this thing.