Do you hate boring but efficient weapons? Super Splodin' Shard Squad is looking for you!

84 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Magnicth
Invites have been sent to you

Invites have been sent to you three, and we are glad to have you! Also, thanks for the bump, Aiden. I've been meaning to bring this thread back, and get things more active, but been otherwise occupied to do it.

Any other hipsters or regular ol' bombers of the like who wish to join the guild can send a mail to me or Aiden, or just comment here on this thread and one of our officers or Gm's shall take care of it! Happy Sharding!


I am interested to join.I am

I am interested to join.I am full 5 stars vanguard and I would also like to help you grow more if i get in :)

IGN Stevacar

Imagen de Pine-Fresh
Good day...

I would like to join :3 (IGN Cloudfall)

I'll send a message to Zeddy in case you guys miss this.

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff

Congrats to our newest recruit Cloudfall!

Bump~ And apparently Halcr too, who snuck in at some point this week without me noticing!

Imagen de Panair

Bumpity bump.

Imagen de Kamishinlnoyari
I want to join.

I'm an alt and I want to join! I hope I will like the guild! Although all the guilds I was in were inactive and non-social and I was just a name in the list. That's why I want to be sure I will stay in this guild. My main knight is in guild but I don't like it, that's why I'm searching for new one.
I'm pure Striker (I use only swords) and I like "hipster" weapons. On my alt I'm soloing RJP with Cobalt set and the most wonderful thing in the game- Troika! On my main knight I bring (and use :D) CIV everywhere, although the guys with Brandishes and Needles kill all the zombies before I can reach them...and when I have a chance to reach the damn monster, it takes one hour to kill it. I'm planning to craft Biohazard (I got all the recipes), Sudaruska (or Triglav) and one of the 5* Shard bombs.

IGN: Kamishinlnoyari

Imagen de Nechrome
Troika line FTW

I'd like to join please! :D

IGN: Lordofnecromancers

Imagen de Carson-Slovak
I'd like to join. :)

I'm kinda new to bombing. Only started this bomber alt last week. Got the dbb and mad bomber set too. Still planning on making my super crystal bomb to 5*. :)
Ign: Piraso

Imagen de Magnicth
Invites have been sent

Invites have been sent out!


Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff
Bump~ Congrats to a whole

Bump~ Congrats to a whole slew of recruits :P Also if any rich players out there wanna join and get into the troikas I have an asi high for sale.

While we love alts do consider keeping all your weapons on one character to faciliate combo runs!

Imagen de Panair


Can I join the guild? IGN:Il-Kenshi-Il

Imagen de Etharaes

I may not be Zeddy, but I can send you an invite to shard squad nonetheless.

~Ethanol, lover of Volcanic Pepperbox.

Imagen de Destroyerofthenort
I respect thee vastly

I respect that there is a guild out there against linear loadouts entirely, and using unappreciated weapons as opposed to the 6x retread tire that is the polaris... or the blitz... or even GF and DA; all of which have been overgraced by many a biased guide (those playing steam, challenge me: press shift-tab and find me one that does not have a star for recommended items at least... or glorify specific weapons, or berate others). We need more people using what feels right for them. And, while refusing to leave my own guild, i am surprised that this popped up before a blitz and gran faust guild di-oh wait... that is basically all LD guilds out there.

In any case, i look forward to seeing your guild blossom. Your guild is a much appreciated sight in my opinion. It shows that not everyone is a "wolver clone" that uses the wiki or other players for all of their decisions. I wish to hear of your exploits soon. I have checked the statistics: Every weapon is a good weapon with a certain niche in a player loadout... well; except, of course, for cautery sword. It is just weaker for no reason and lacks even a 4* line with no drop in price between it and a standard brandish. That is undisputed. But pepperbox? Your guild is encouraging people to embrace their own styles in a way no-one else seems to. Cheers, mate ;D

Imagen de Pine-Fresh
Weekly bump.

Weekly bump.

Imagen de Sppw
I'm baaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Howdy old, and new guildmates

Remember me? I left Spiral knights. I came back to the forums. The community brought me here.

To Zeddy, remember all the narcissistic conversations we had?

Imagen de Pine-Fresh
/e gives this thread a mighty

/e gives this thread a mighty shove.

Imagen de Ninja-Gyles

I would join this guild, but I love my guild to much to leave it... I do have an alt though! :D His name is Weirdos(or Wierdos I can't remember the spelling :/).

Imagen de Krakob

I wish I was in a guild as cool as the Shard Squad! :<

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff
Thanks for the kind words

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Recruitment is still open, despite the mass confusion of sprites and mist evaporating.

Thanks to the lack of ele costs guild arena runs are flourishing!

Imagen de Xenonguard

Unstable's alt here (if you don't believe me check "his" original request here) I started yet another alt to get back into the game,test out the new-player changes and to try out a tank playstyle. Now, I'm just a 0* noob with a Heavy Hatchet and a Seraphynx (named Maskeraith). So yeah, I'd like to go back into the guild.

IGN: Nautilan

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff
Heya unstable. Invite sent

Heya unstable.

Invite sent bro.

I will join you soon guys ^^

I still have the invite from last time... a bomber like me feels lonely among a guild of swordies.. and I don't get to play as much as I want... so will join you all soon... ^^

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff

SS is happy to announce the return of several highly valued old members, the doubling in size of our guild-hall, the obtainment of a Guild-Training-Hall, a Hunting Lodge, many many kitchens, and a bunch of new members! (yes, it's been a busy month)

Recruitment open!

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff

Congrats to today's newest recruits, The-Promix, Edilela, and Kenji-Inada!

And a whole bunch of others from throughout the month (:

sounds fun

TBH This Guild Sounds Pretty Fun, But There Is One Thing.
Is There A Teamspeak Channel?
Also The Beginning Of Every Word Is Capitalized.

Imagen de Aiden-Curry-Puff
Hallo Raksho. We don't.

Hallo Raksho. We don't. Some of the guildies may choose to use steam voice chat although I wouldn't know anything about that (nonsteam client)

Try sending Zeddy a mail for more info about that.


Imagen de Jammy-Jams
Any room for a 0*?

I've messaged Darkbrady and Zeddy, but I'm not sure if it's ever going to be read :<
I've seen a lot of your videos, and I think this is a wonderful guild!
I dream of one day becoming a good bomber too, and I hope you guys could help me out ^.^

Imagen de Vesperaldus
I have a confession

I'm Not Hollows.

Imagen de Popoixd

Hi your guild actually look super. But my main alreadyu have a guild so i would like to test your guild to decide wich one i love the more please send an invite to Plopcorn.

Imagen de Msaad

Have a free bump.

Imagen de Sir-Pandabear

We're back. Join us if you're a cool person.

This intro is hilarious +rep

This intro is hilarious
+rep xd

This intro is hilarious +rep

This intro is hilarious
+rep xd