Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights NPC! [Winners announced!]

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, so let's show our non-player-characters (NPCs) some love.
Gather your artistic skills knights! It is time to express your affection and dedication to the NPCs of Cradle who make Haven and the clockworks such a wonderful place. Perhaps a particular NPC has caught your eye, or you want to express your appreciation to that special monster who makes Cradle a warm fuzzy place.
Deadline: February 13, 2013, 11:59 PM Game Time (Pacific timezone)
Prizes: Three winners from each of the two entry categories will be able to pick between a 30 day elevator pass, a Love Aura, or a pocket monster (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, and Mewkat ). The winner(s) in Category 2 will also receive a Starry Eyes usable. Other prizes may be added depending on participation.
Category 1: Paper and Crayon
1 - Obtain a sheet of white paper and some crayons.
2 - With the crayons, create your Valentine to a Spiral Knights NPC on the sheet of paper.
3 - Scan or photograph, and upload the image(s) of your Valentine on a website that allows you to link to it. For example: deviantArt, Photobucket, Imgur, or Imageshack.
4 - Submit your entry in this thread:
Your entry must have the following format:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image:
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass, a Love Aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
Category 2: Knock Yourself Out
In this category, it's a free-for-all! You may submit poetry, macaroni art, drawings, video confessionals, prose, interpretive dance, animated gifs of your own making, whatever. Pour forth your feels and create a masterwork.* Once you have done so:
1 - For art and video, upload your entry to a website which allows you to link to it, such as YouTube, deviantArt, Photobucket, Imgur, or Imageshack. For written entries, you may paste the text into the body of your entry post.
2 - Submit your entry in this thread:
Your entry must have the following format:
Knight Name:
Link to entry image, or if your entry is written, put the text here:
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass, a Love Aura, or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
Judging Criteria:
Judging will be based on creativity, execution, and the earnestness of your feels.
*But please keep it clean--no Rule 34 or anything else that would violate the Forum Rules.
- You may enter more than once, but only one entry per knight will be awarded a prize. You may enter each category, but you may only win in one category.
- Your entry must have your knight name and the date, February 14, 2013, appear somewhere to verify this is original work for this event.
- The subject of your entry must be an NPC from Spiral Knights. This can be a knight or monster. Feel free to choose a knight who isn't listed there - such as the guy carrying crates through the arcade.
- There are 2 entry threads. Please be sure you put your entry into the correct thread!
- Discussion threads for the other supported languages are currently being worked on.

Can I fill colors in the art?
But the way more events? Noooooooooooooooooooooo!
/mind blowed

is photoshop and maya legit for category 1 and 2?
also is it legit to make it gift to more than 1 npc at once?

and flash .. i forgot flash .. is it alowed too?

no Rule 34
lol lol lol
I wonder how many will miss this part?

Can you submit multiple entries? I would totally love to be able to enter multiple things, but you know, have that restricted to you can only win once in each category. :T

> Is crayon art eligible for both categories 1 and 2?
Sure, but keep in mind that if you enter your crayon art in the Knock Yourself Out category, you'll be competing against people who are doing other, potentially more complex things. The playing field will be more level for your paper and crayon art in the Paper and Crayon category. Up to you, though.
> is photoshop and maya legit for category 1 and 2?
You can use Photoshop, Maya, Flash, and the like for Knock Yourself Out, but not for Paper and Crayon. Paper and Crayon entries should be literally just paper and crayon.
> also is it legit to make it gift to more than 1 npc at once?
> I wonder how many will miss this part [about no Rule 34 entries]?
Zero, I hope! We just wanted to be clear from the outset about the forum rules; there was a contest long ago where we had to disqualify some entries.
> Can you submit multiple entries?
Yep! Check the OP under "PLEASE NOTE."

Time for me to start interpreting my costumes before making poetry out of them. Then I'll have to find some way to make it look okay. This is horrid for me since I have no real ability to make visuals of my own... though I will enter.

Ah one more thing about Paper and Crayon, and I realize this sounds really [silly], but I'm going to ask anyways. Can we use other media along with Paper and Crayon? E.G. Colored pencils or Markers?

I'm gonna probably say no. Eury said: "Paper and Crayon entries should be literally just paper and crayon."
So that means paper and crayon only.

Just making sure, you can participate multiple times in each catagory, but if you do, you can only win for one entry?

> So that means paper and crayon only.
Correct. Paper and crayon ONLY in the Paper and Crayon category.
> Just making sure, you can participate multiple times in each catagory, but if you do, you can only win for one entry?

People are going to make the most bootyful paper and crayon drawings. If you know what I m-
"no Rule 34"
Never mind.

May we use Spiral Spy for category 2? As long as we don't use content that hasn't been released?

> What about Strangers?
Those are NPCs, so go right ahead!
> May we use Spiral Spy for category 2?
We're looking for original creations here, so I'm going to have to say no to Spiral Spy. Sorry!

It's too bad the interpretive dance has to be SFW
Pants completely negate my true feels

Can we record like "scenes" on the spiral knight client and then edit it to make sort of a storyline using the spiral knight client?
What gender is Bechamel?

> Pants completely negate my true feels
Wear a unitard.
> Can we record like "scenes" on the spiral knight client and then edit it to make sort of a storyline using the spiral knight client?
Sure, if you want to make a video/story set in Spiral Knights, that's fine.
> What gender is Bechamel?
Bechamel gets referred to as "he" in some lore. Don't let that stop you, though.

Is it okay if 2 people are making the Art work?

Are mustaches considered NPCs?
Oh god, the fetish is seeping out. SUPPRESS SUPPRESS!

"> What gender is Bechamel?
Bechamel gets referred to as "he" in some lore. Don't let that stop you, though."

Really? Are you being serious? Did you even read Aphrodite's Post?

Does a story of a NPC writing a poem for another NPC count? I've got this really good idea in my head but I want to make sure it's eligible.

How about short comic as entry, or something like those li'l Valentine Cards (terrible puns, technicolour backgrounds, and all that jazz)?
Can we draw a player's character showing affection to an NPC (for example), or NPC x NPC only?
What about collabs?

We're looking for original creations here, so I'm going to have to say no to Spiral Spy. Sorry!
This makes me ask: what if I re-texture things in Spiral Spy?
Make a "Energy Heart" effect?
Make a comic?

On the crayon one, it says we need a crayon and a sheet of white paper. Can it be any color, or just white?

Is it alright to have only monsters in the entry? Or does it need a knight of sorts?

Collaborations are fine, but we'll be taking it into account during the judging; the more people have worked on an entry, the better we expect it to be, and the more effort we expect to see reflected in it.
> On the crayon one, it says we need a crayon and a sheet of white paper. Can it be any color, or just white?
A sheet of white paper is specified here. It needs to be a sheet of white paper.
> This makes me ask: what if I re-texture things in Spiral Spy?
Again, sorry, no Spiral Spy this time.
> Does a story of a NPC writing a poem for another NPC count?
The Valentine should be from you to an NPC.

"The Valentine should be from you to an NPC."
Fudge, I did it the other way around.
Would the 30 day elevator pass start immediately when we receive the prize or can we activate it at a later date?

If this was on something else other than all this lovey dovey stuff I might try it.
Crayons are so simple, just like squirrel minds.
Pick up a pencil, a brush, or a pen. Make something nice and if you don't like it, do it again.

Can I use pencils with the crayons ?

Is flattery of all game masters in SK with a giant group pic acceptable? Also, will it cause bias? <3

Dang it, that means the entry I was gonna enter for this doesn't work since it's two kitties. T.T If anyone wants to see it, I was gonna enter this,
Ah well, I'll make another!

So Category 1 has to be a Valentine's Day card, but Category 2 just needs to be something (anything) about our knight's affection for an NPC? Is that correct?
Or is Category 2 meant to be something our knight would give to the NPC as a Valentine's gift as well?

If only I could draw.
I hope someone remembers Boost. ^^;

Awh, I was going to make, "An Ode to Troika" 3:

960 tokens ...
alright ill start working on my project for this after i get my first book (kill a kat) ...:I my first book ...
(kill another kat) ... after ... (kill another) ... my (kill another) first (kill 2 other) BOOK!
and then quakeman never participated to the event

Crayons are crayons. My doubts are with Oil pastels and chalk. Are they considerably allowed due to their nature that is similar to crayon.

complete the sketches , get the 3d base ready .. now i just have redefine the details ... but of course i wont miss the kat event first .. lets just drop a book first .. ive been doing this for 9 days i might be about to drop one right? ....
(8 hours of hunting later)
(god im glad im on my break week other wise i wouldnt even tasted this event :I)

> Would the 30 day elevator pass start immediately when we receive the prize or can we activate it at a later date?
It is start when the prize is awarded.
> various questions about category 1: crayons, pencils, etc
Crayons + white paper - that is all. These are crayons.
> Is flattery of all game masters in SK with a giant group pic acceptable? Also, will it cause bias? <3
While we love flattery, Game Masters are real people and not NPCs, so cannot be used as a subject for this event.
> So Category 1 has to be a Valentine's Day card, but Category 2 just needs to be something (anything) about our knight's affection for an NPC? Is that correct? Or is Category 2 meant to be something our knight would give to the NPC as a Valentine's gift as well?
We're not going to restrain your creativity. For either category, you can make a card, drawing or whatever you feel inspired to produce. It can be a gift to give, or an expression of your affection.
Is crayon art eligible for both categories 1 and 2?
Btw, thanks for the event, I feel motivated to do something.