Make a Valentine for a Spiral Knights NPC! [Winners announced!]

Will comics be allowed as entries or is it solely one-shot pictures?

well for the crayon one i plan on making a 2page thingy

So...if I laid the crayons on the paper in a pattern on the paper so it looked like a picture, this would only be using "Crayons and a white sheet of paper," right?
Naw, not a serious question! xD
@Eurydice/Aphrodite: I feel sorry for you two because it has taken several attempts at spelling out rules for Section 1, yet I don't think it's understood quite yet.
Oh well. All part of the job, right?
Oh, and on the note of no Spiral Spy:
Now I no idea of what to make. :(
Can we freeze time until I get some Blender skills and a working Spiral Knights rig? ...Oh, we can't? Darn....I'll have to think of some other idea.

Just before I go jump into/finish this project I'm making...
Is it legal for me to say, make a song and produce a video for it that includes scenes from SpiralSpy? Or is that not acceptable?

Think the gms said no spiralspy for anything. Has to be your own creation. Song-wise, I think it's ok.

I posted an entry for Category 1(crayons only) and I accidentally wrote the date and my ign in pen at the end (was in a rush to upload it ><). Is that alright or should I edit my drawing and write 2/14/13 & Miabot in crayon also? Just curious~ I just don't want to suddenly be DQ'ed for something silly .-.
<3 Miabot
**EDIT: never mind! I just edited it to crayon :x

1500+ page tokens and still no books
only 2 days left on this to do this .. but i need this book for 2 purpose wich include my whole guild
not like i wrote something like this at the very begining of this anouncement

@Quakeman What....does this have to do about valentines?

i plan of getting my reward from black kat event before stating drawing and making some more 3d for this event
sadly i cant manage to drop a book no matter how many kat i encounter reducing the time i can put on polishing the quality of my work for this event
i would be a shame of not getting a book before the event end for the first time

Do Mecha knights (Friendly Mecha knights) Count as Npc?

Do we have to use the crayons ONLY to draw and/or write, or can we make a crayon sculpture on the card if need be?

Also does it count when we bring to mecha's together? (Guessing not since it's love to npc not love to npc from npc)

Another question! Is it okay if it's a Rocket puppy statue?
Also can we make Valentines with other monsters? Like love puppies and wolver and lumbers?

Do Mecha knights (Friendly Mecha knights) Count as Npc?
Yes, they do.
Do we have to use the crayons ONLY to draw and/or write, or can we make a crayon sculpture on the card if need be?
The only restriction is you have to use crayons and white paper. What you do with those 2 supplies is up to you and your creativity!
Also does it count when we bring to mecha's together? (Guessing not since it's love to npc not love to npc from npc)
No, it needs to be a valentine from you to an NPC.
Another question! Is it okay if it's a Rocket puppy statue?
Also can we make Valentines with other monsters? Like love puppies and wolver and lumbers?
Yes, any monsters, even the special rare ones, are eligible for the event.
"Rocket puppy statue"
Can we make love to Statues? They do count as Npc right?

i never seen that in 2 years ._. where is that?
also thats just a props .. not a npc
unless you consider lil cal a living thing

Soo....still wondering if Aphrodite would allow it waiting for a word from her.

@Night-Rove No, statues don't count as an NPC for this event.

Another question! If 3 people worked on a video do they each get their reference prize? Or do they have to share?

would be unfair to delive more presents when 1 person worked hard by itels isnt it?

3 people worked on the video if you got that mixed up.

The prize will only be awarded to the person who posted the entry. There will not be additional prizes for anyone else who worked on the entry.

Just wondering but, when do you think the results are gonna be announced? Would it be next week or what? Just wondering :)

Once the deadline has passed, we'll try to get the judging done as quickly as possible. I can't promise when the results will be posted, but they will be up as soon as winners have been selected.

I edited entry. I worked things out since there can only be 1 person who receives the prize in my entry.

Here is my valentine to the Black Kats. They have been the object of a lot of hatred lately with this new event going on and they deserve some love. I think the whole incident with the Moorcraft Archives is just a misunderstanding. The Kats just have a voracious hunger for knowledge and a great story but they don't quite understand how books work. They just need someone to teach them how to read. Hence, my illustration of me - Korhl - having storytime with a Black Kat in a quiet corner of Candlestick Keep.
Hope you guys enjoy and remember, Don't fight Kats, Fight Illiteracy! Peace through Education!
This is an entry for the "Knock Yourself Out" category.
My in game name is Korhl.
I also do custom character portraits if anyone is interested. Check out my etsy page or message me in game.
Edit: I am interested in the elevator pass prize.

Wheeeew, so happy I got my entry in! Whether I win or lose, I'm really happy I made it happen.
Kohl, that's nice but this isn't the entry thread. o:
On this Post or New post
are kongregate players allowed to participate in contests and will they recive the prises that is if they win
i was wondering cause they deserve some love to.

Hey Aphrodite even though the contest is over. Lots of people didnt put this:
- Your entry must have your knight name and the date, February 14, 2013, appear somewhere to verify this is original work for this event.
Is that still okay? Or will all the people who didnt write that be Disqualified? I hope not because that would be REALLY sad since lots of people entered with out it :/
Same here i feel motivated but its already too late darn well keep me posted on my tread in gmail :D
Anyway it should be alright rite admin pls add :D

Thank you for being patient! I had to wait for the snipes to deliver translations for some of the entries.
Category 1: Paper and Crayon
Jyudie Ain't no stranger to L♥ve - Love Puppy Pocket Monster and a Forever Love Puppy Mask
Tevokkia Heartwrenching - Love Puppy Pocket Monster
Pipochee Sweet Biscotti - Mewkat Pocket Monster
Duners Be Mine - Love Puppy Pocket Monster
Category 2: Knock Yourself Out
The executive committee decided it was too difficult to choose between the written word and artistic effort, so we decided to award both!!
Amanzi Witty Ensemble - Starry Eyes, 30-day Elevator Pass, Forever Love Puppy Mask
Shuichi Dark Ritual - Chroma Whelp Pocket Monsters
Cobalt What Recipe? - Love Aura
Miabot Love Puppy Attack! - Mewkat Pocket Monster
Cookiebatter The Cute Roarmulus - Starry Eyes, Mewkat Pocket Monsters, Forever Love Puppy Mask
Toastnaut Sonnet for an Unnamed NPC - Love Puppy Pocket Monster
Carcharo Carta a Monomi - Elevator Pass
Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone who made an entry! It was a fantastic event. Prizes have been awarded, so check your game mail.

God LAMB Eos doing work!! Good job to everyone in Eos!! <69

Congrats to the winners! I'm not surprised I didn't place, my art kinda sucks. XD

Wow, alot of EoS members. And thank you OOO's, It was a fun contest! I hope there's another one soon!!! This one was very fun to do xD! Congrats to all the other winners! =D

Waffle your so cute =0
Gives Waffles a whole stack of waffles go eat =0

Congrats to all the winners and thanks OOO for the comp :D

Congrats to all of the winners!
I'm not sure if I'm more excited that I got a prize, or by how many friends I see on that list!
Thanks for another fun contest!

I wonder if I should use my Starry Eyes on Balderus or just save them.
Oh! Also, congrats to everyone else who won and I'd just like to say that I enjoyed looking at, listening to, and reading everyone's art. :D

Totally use the starry eyes. They're completely and totally awesome. If I didn't like having my knight looking so happy, I'd get a pair! :D

Thanks for the lovely prizes, and congratulations to the other winners! Also, if you're reading this, Lanieu and Twelvepm, I loved your works. For real. I'd send them chocolate and dirty limericks if it were still Valentine's Day.

Wow! Thanks for this wonderful competition OOO!~
I'm just really thankful that you liked my silly artwork >u< Also, congrats to the other winners and to everyone else that competed! I really enjoyed looking/reading all of the artworks (made me sweat about the competition D:) that people provided :]
Thanks again OOO!! <3 <3 <3 <3
btw, the love puppy is still on my laptop... lol

Thank you! And congratulations to all the winners! Everyone had such great entries. ^.^
Can the valentine card be done in the shape of something, or be a pop up card like this?