The Jempire - We're about personality, not gear.

130 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Legacy Username

Hey there, and welcome to the official thread for The Jempire here on Spiral Knights!

We're currently one of the most active and engaged guilds in the game. Our mantra is different from other guilds, though - we don't care whether you're rocking 5-star Vog gear or a 0-star Spiral Sallet. What matters to us, above all else, is your personality and dedication for the future.

That said, we've got an awesome team of end-game peoples who do sport decked-out, max UV five-star gear - so if that's where you'd like to be someday, then you're also in the right place.

Also, we really like PvP. If you're an active PvP player - and you fight your matches instead of afk'ing - then you'll be among friends with us.

We're a guild where you're more than just a number, and your skill in the game is secondary to who you are as a person. We're a guild of friends; not members. : )

As we start to fill our last spots before we hit 100 people, we're accepting applications both here on the forums and in-game. To apply in-game, please message either RubyEclipse, Ruyter, Dothackerduo, or Huntr.

A little more about us...

(This is us:

We've been around now for over 10 years, originally starting in an online game for Dreamcast called Phantasy Star Online. Ten years is a lot of time, and thanks to that, we've got a rich base of friends and experience that is the foundation of our guild.

You can find our official website and forums at:

[ Jempire Awards and Member Recognition ]

Autofire's Race Event
1st Place - Ruby
3rd Place - Plustoic

Spiral Knights PvP Leaderboards
First Place - Week 1-2
First Place - Week 3

Founder Awards (10+ years or more with the guild)


Bild des Benutzers Inheritor
I hate cake. I also heard

I hate cake.

I also heard that Inheritor guy has some pretty perky pecks, and infinite girlfriends and money.

Bild des Benutzers Inheritor
Bump because I absolutely

Bump because I absolutely love *kills small child* new people. Come join. Cake aint a lie, I don't bite dispite popular belife.

Legacy Username
A quick bump as we've been

A quick bump as we've been very active in-game, but haven't posted as much here.

Tonight we held another Trivia event and a number of new members have joined us - welcome to all of you, and we hope everyone who took part in the trivia had a fun time!

Huntr has also set up an alt guild for us, called "Minions of Jempire" - so if you have an alt you'd like to get guilded up, just let him know!

Bild des Benutzers Bigfootm

Me like cake too. Sadly GLaDOS LIED about giving me cake. Me sad now.

Legacy Username
Oh, that GLaDOS! Posting up

Oh, that GLaDOS!

Posting up today's picture from our guild get together... awesome!

Legacy Username
Updated the first post, as

Updated the first post, as we've been growing like wildfire lately and we have some new officers to congratulate! : )

Now that we're down to the final set of spots and we've trimmed almost all the inactives we can, we'll be accepting new members until we reach the 100-man mark. We'll update with more news then!

Thanks also to the many staff who helped us run the Race event last weekend, and the Trivia event earlier today. We host the largest player-run events in the game and do so very effectively, and you guys should be proud of volunteering your time to help make the SK Community a little brighter for other players. Thanks again.

It was always Black Forest Cake baby... I swear

Hey Ruby,

I'm relatively new and posted in the need a guild section, but then I read this post and I'm very interested in joining the guild. You guys seem like a great group of people, plus, one of my all-time favourite games is PSO. My brother and I used to play that all the time.

Anyway, if you are interested, I'd love to join up.

Legacy Username
joining your Guild

Hiiiii Folks!

I was sen the guild pages and your guild come to my attention, its the best i have seen so far so i wanna join, im a pretty new player of SK but im up to the task! i will be waiting for the reply thanks for the attention! C YA.

Legacy Username
I wanna join!

Hey, this guild sounds awesome! I'm a fairly(very) new player and id like to join this guil (muffled applause). My favorite color is green, I live in the good old US of A (I'm not a redneck, don't worry). I appreciate good gramma, and as you can see I use a lot of (). Other than that I really don't know what to say, other than guilds are always cool.


Legacy Username

I'm about to go on a holiday for a week so i decided to ask you guys if I could join the Jempire. I have been playing Spiral Knights for about two weeks now and I've seen many players from your guild. All of the Jempire members I've so far met were quite friendly. So, I really want a good guild to be in while I strive to get to Tier 3. I hope you guys accept me and that i find a guild invite when i get back! Thanks!

My in game name (IGN) is TriFangFox, just so you guys know.

Legacy Username
I would like to join! :D

I would also like to join the guild!.I am of young age BUT i'm really mature and i won't cuss or swear at all.Fairly new here since i only played this for 3 days. i'm also the silent type and won't speak much since im always involved in combat, but i'll try to fit in :D...
i would like to join you guys cause i can learn something new like tips, advice and do raids or fun events!
my ign is kimonka

Legacy Username
Hi. I'm a relatively new


I'm a relatively new player looking for a good guild.
I'm currently T2, and have been doing Solo runs only until now.
IGN is Tremir

Bild des Benutzers Nummy

I would love to join this guild i've been playing for a while looking for a good guild, and this one seems to fit me. My Characters name is Nummy, thanks

ruby can I be a member now

ruby can I be a member now ive been with jem for 5 or 6 weeks now

member time

It is time for me to be a member



I just started with this game and I'd be interested in playing with friends. I can't promise *a lot* of commitment as I'm currently on internship, but maybe weekends and some weekdays when I have time, I'd love to play together.

My in game name is "Smartname".

Legacy Username
hiya would like to joinya


I played alot of games looking to join a fun active guild I have nice gear but I also have many recipes to and will help out new guys I am a lil older than most I am 44 hahahaha but you would never know it got into the gamr playn with my son we played diablo together forever but hes off in college and now we play games to stay in touch but I still love to have fun I am not a drama person as I am a lil older but I will support and help where I can if u like to shoot me an invite IGN = BigPolock look forward to hearin from ya Peace......

Legacy Username
Hey everyone - tons of great

Hey everyone - tons of great responses, thanks! I'm going to contact some of you in-game, but also feel free to add me as a friend. (IGN: Rubyeclipse)

I've removed as many inactives as possible to give us more room, but we're still down to our last handful of spots. I'll update when the full 100 has filled. : )

Legacy Username
Sent you an IG friend

Sent you an IG friend request, Ruby.

i would like to join :D

hi i would like to join your awesome guild :D
My name on spiral knights is Xglory :)

Legacy Username
Misterskippy and Missusskippy

Misterskippy and Missusskippy - Welcome to the guild! Great to meet you guys tonight. : )

XNFS - Hit me up with a friend request, and drop me a tell anytime you see me in-game.

Likewise, anyone else who has posted but hasn't yet, please add me in-game and just send a tell when you spot myself or any other officer (listed above) online.


Legacy Username

My name is Lowercase (IGN) and I am intrested in joining this guild, I dont have good gear, I own a Super Slime Slasher, and an Ice Breaker Set. But, like you said its about personality... Well, I have 5* personality! Im looking to hear back from you (:

Legacy Username
Jempire. Sounds nice.

IGN: Raekinthebored

I would love to join your guild. I usually play on afternoons or late night central time zone. Please send me a letter in-game or a message on this board

Legacy Username
Hey Lowercase! I know where

Hey Lowercase! I know where your true loyalties lie; don't try and trick me. ; )

Raekin - I'll add you in-game. Please do the same for me! (IGN: Rubyeclipse)

Legacy Username
You had me at PSO...

Much <3 for PSO and Sega in general. I think I'd get along really well with you guys/gals. I am mic'd up (although I haven't really used that function yet since random people can sometimes get scared off x.x) and have only been playing for a few days (I'm one of the many new players brought into the world via Steam). I'm on the east coast and sometimes have to take ~5 - 10 day long trips with my business but otherwise I am free to play most nights (I normally play late, around 10pm - 2am EST). My IGN is Deebg - I'd love to check you guys out assuming you'll have me and haven't hit 100 yet =).

Oh also if I'm making a lot of in game typos its just because I just switched from an ergonomic keyboard to a straight one (which I like), but my fingers are having to re-teach themselves (so long ~80 WPM, hope to see you again soon)!

Legacy Username
Welcome aboard, DeeBG! We

Welcome aboard, DeeBG!

We hit the 100-man slot last night, but went ahead and removed a few more semi-inactives to make additional room. We're down to about 3 spots left now. : )

Legacy Username

Hey, I'd be interested in joining The Jempire.

I'm usually active on the weekends and occasionally weekdays, depending on my work schedule. Some days I may be on only for an hour and some days I may have a 10 hour marathon. I'm one of the many people who started playing when SK was introduced on Steam.

IGN is Nivlam. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Bild des Benutzers Heimdallr

5 days and no response. :(

Legacy Username
Hello I would like to join


Bild des Benutzers Milesprower
like to join

i'd like to join. my old guild armageddon troops was a lot like this but then it kinda fell apart because our leader never came on. we used to be one of the most active guilds. My IGN is Milesprower.(btw the cake is NOT a lie. you just need mods. and also when glados promised cake she meant you would be the cake because she would've thrown you in the fire if you didnt escape. she's the baker the fire was the oven you were the cake mix)
anyways im tier 2
Helm: Solid Cobalt
Armor: Solid Cobalt
Shield: Skelly Shield(almost have upgraded to scary skelly)
Sword: Striker
Gun:Needle Shot
Love having fun i go on sk all the time. love doin boss runs with a guild and friends. im a merchant but not one of those scammer people. so thanks for reading i hope ill join soon. :D

Legacy Username
We hit the 100 member mark

We hit the 100 member mark long ago, but have been continually removing inactives here and there to make room.

Right now, we have 2 spots open - chances are they'll fill by Weds night, so if you're interested, please let us know! (Dothackerduo, Huntr, and Kennyn are the best people to contact in-game during the day, and I'll be on at night!)

Legacy Username
come on

come on ruby dont slack off :P.
Free bump from ur most loyal veterans :D

Legacy Username
Want to join a guild.

I have played other mmorpg's such a wow in the past and found it too exhaustive. This is much more light hearted and fun. Not looking for anything too strenuous although I do tend to get quite into my games especially if I am having fun. For the record I am a 21 year old male from Auckland, New Zealand. Steam ID is DEADcamel. A guild of people mainly around my time zone would be good too.

Legacy Username
Hi Camel - hit us up in-game

Hi Camel - hit us up in-game sometime! :) Names to add: RubyEclipse, Dothackerduo, Huntr, and Kennyn. Any of these people can get you through an App to join.

Arasuki - thanks for the support! ; )

Legacy Username
hey camel. Im in sydney :D.

hey camel. Im in sydney :D. Lets be best friends 4evar :D

Legacy Username
PvP has hit. The servers are

PvP has hit. The servers are going crazy. Jempire is going as strong as ever!

Legacy Username
The Jempire Team Battle

The Jempire Team Battle Tournament has begun! (Details on our website and forums.) Good luck to all our members in the event - onto those leaderboards we rise!

Legacy Username
jempire is number one guild

jempire is number one guild in blast network and always will be!

Legacy Username
I'm sure other guilds will

I'm sure other guilds will one day have their time, too. : ) But for now... we're fighting hard to keep our position!

Legacy Username

Jempire sounds like a great Guild that can guide me! I am a pretty new player that just started exploring tier 2 (and dying). Any chance of an invite?

Bild des Benutzers Milesprower
yes but

we shall hold our position as long as possible on the leaderboards >:D

Legacy Username
Cried Application

IGName : Cried

Hey, lately the guild I am currently active in (Knights and Day) recently got a big blow as over half of the members are now banned.

I am currently on a search for a new active clan who I can play with for over 6 hours a day. I must admit I found your guild from the high scores as I am currently very active in the PvP aspect of the game, although I do enjoy doing my daily vana/jelly runs. I have most 5* Gear including some Vog and Levi Blade.

In 'NaD' I have pushed my guild to try and pursue rank 10 on the leader boards, but since the fatal ban's this has soon been forgotten (although I do try to push people to come and get it every-night as we are rank 15)

Please don't think I am joining because you are currently rank 1 on the leader boards, although that is how I initially found you guys, I would like to become an active member of your successful guild and keep on doing my daily runs and be active in pvp :)

Any more questions feel free to PM me in-game. Thanks.

Legacy Username
Following today's Leader

Following today's Leader Board reset... we're happy to announce that Jempire took First Place in the Guild PVP Rankings for the first week and a half from launch!

A well deserved congratulations goes out to all our members for their hard work in fighting on and keeping our points high.

Now, then... onto the new Leader Boards!

Legacy Username
Welcome to our two newest

Welcome to our two newest members: Jaerin and Ismailmorg!

Also, back up to #1 on that leader board... : ) keep it up all!

Bild des Benutzers Fradow
Hey, I am looking for a guild

Hey, I am looking for a guild mainly for talking on the chat while waiting for this damn mist to recharge. I don't really like the Blast Network (too much lag, and I am just bad at it :p), so I'll only play in clockworks. Also do you have players chatting during European hours ? If so, I would be very interested in joining your guild (if everything fits and you have some spots left).

ign : Fradow

Legacy Username
Hey there Fradow! Typically

Hey there Fradow!

Typically we'd ask that all members do their part if we're trying to get to Rank #1 on the leader board, but it's not a requirement. We do a lot of PvE and Vana / JK running as well. We have players online almost all times during the day, but especially in the late European / evening US hours.

Due to a huge demand from applicants and no room in the guild, we've also just updated our Guild app system - going forward, all new applicants can get a spot on our waiting list by posting on our forums. A special thread has been set up on for us to let guild applicants see how close they are to applying, and to join the list. In the meantime, you can also take a look at all the other threads and events within the guild, introduce yourself to the gang, and get a feel for what the Jempire is all about.

So, for anyone who would like to apply going forward, please make sure to drop a post on the Waiting List thread over at ! We'll get you ready for the app and (hopefully!) full membership from there.

Thanks everyone!

Bild des Benutzers Fradow
Thanks for the response.

Thanks for the response.

Well, seeing as you want to stay Rank #1 and you don't have any problem filling the slots, I'll find another guild. I don't want to be a drag for a guild that aim high.

Good luck to keep your spot.

Legacy Username
I wanna join

I have posted on the Forums, Boxhead told me about it.
Thanks, hope to hear from you guys soon!

My IGN is Emerlite

Legacy Username
i want to join

Hello guys . i want to join this nice guild . i think u guys re soo nice and we ll have fun . im new player of spiral knights played 3 weeks at all . iam active player , playing on GMT+1 from 12pm to 24:00 IGN:Ericoya

Legacy Username
Welcome to our two new

Welcome to our two new members tonight: Tsuzu and Radgris!

For the ~10 of you on the waiting list, take heart - we're making some changes to the way the list works, to help ensure that active applicants are given the spots first. Once your time has come, you'll get a mail and will have 48 hours to respond and take the app. If we don't hear back, we'll move on to the next person in line and drop you to the bottom of the list, as it means you may have gone inactive. : )

In other guild news, props to Dothackerduo and the officer team for hosting the Jempire Team Time Trial Event over the weekend! Guild members were challenged to race in 3-man teams to see who could complete a full tier the fastest. (One T1 Snarby run, one T2 Twins run.) The winners in each team will be getting special awards on the jeM site shortly.

Tonight we also held a pretty fantastic Trivia Event for the public - special thanks to all the Jempire staff for helping make that possible!

If you're new to the Jempire thread and are interested in applying, please drop us a line over on our forums ( in the waiting list thread, and include your in-game name. We think you'll find it's well worth the wait!