More information being displayed. Nescesary or not?

1 Réponse [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Djawed

Hello guys.

Let me be clear first that I am not part of the test servers. One of the things about the new UI worries me a lot though. Hence why i made a thread specifically for the following question.
Are the new additions of information about the following aspects a good or a bad thing?

Healthbar on enemies: Is this really needed? Wasn't the unknown aspect about the other side a good thing? Or does it add in a good way?

Enemy weaknesses: Same as previous, wasn't finding out about certain aspects of the game part of the game's charm and giving sense of reward for experimenting/researching? Or do you feel like it was missing.

Enemy display on map: No opinion on this one personally. Just wanna ask. good or bad?

Shield bar: why....?

In conclusion, why this sudden change of direction from a pure experience to being spoonfed? Yes this thread isn't very neutral but please share your thoughts whether you agree or disagree.

The enemy bar is an amazing

The enemy bar is an amazing addition and I don't know why that wasn't there from the start. The rest is just unnecessary. We already had a perfectly working shield indicator. We don't need enemy indicators on maps... every room you come across is big enough to see what is surrounding you. How is a map of every enemy going to help in an arena room? You're never going to look at it, you already can see what's around you. Instead it just takes away from seeing your own team mate's colors and their position.

Unfortunately, if they go through with this update, it's going to be a disaster.