My Impression of the Preview Thus Far

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Portrait de Seoul-Reaper

Note: This is my own opinion and if you differ, I'd like constructive arguments, not a flame war. Thanks!
Double Note: This is my first test of a preview, so sorry if I'm too "positive" of this

A little about me, I consider myself a semi-Vet. I played when it first came out, took a break, and got back into SK around September last year. I'm also more of a solo player, but I do join parties on occasion.

Alright, to begin... I LOVE THE ARSENAL! I only dream of having such a vast armory. Now onto what I Like/dislike/etc.

The Health/Shield bars: I really like it. I play a lot of Halo, so having a shield bar recharge is an awesome feature that I like. I don't always hold my shield up so I don't always know if my shield is completely recharged, so this helps A LOT. I also like the health bar. I think the health bar is kind of "Ok" for party members, but it's kind of hard to judge your party's health. Maybe add a X% to it? I give the health and shield bar a 9/10. Minor changes needed for party members, but I really like it none the less.

The Portrait: I actually like seeing my Knight in the top left. Maybe it's a stupid feature, but it's pretty cool in my opinion. And the fact that if you pick up a shard of Dark Matter or something, it adds it to your portrait! It's a little thing, but I like it. But I also really like how party member's portraits are now buttons. Want to boot them? Click their portrait and do it. Sure, it's a little different from how it is now, but I like this feature better. 10/10, no changes really needed.

Radar: I like how the radar displays the map like it does now, but the added enemies are pretty cool. My only problem with it are the floor spike traps/elemental traps. I don't like how they travel between blocks or around blocks, but they only show up if they pop up. Sure, it's a little thing, but I had some of them just randomly spawn where it was like "Oh, I wish I knew they were there... I was too busy seeing all the red dots of the Dust Bunnies." 8/10, I think maybe some minor changes, but I really want to know what Lockdown is this. That's my main "concern," but it's mainly a matter of Curiosity and not really a concern.

The enemies: I like the swarming enemies. There was a point where wolvers were all around AND dust bunnies. I loved that 30 second fight... However, I don't like how I could kill T3 swarmer's (Let's call them swarmers since they kind of rely on swarming tactics) with just 1 hit from just about everything. Unless it was like a AP, Blitz, or Sent, I was able to one shot just about everything or one slash. I think the integration of these swarmers need to be when there's a formidable force of standard mobs (Not devilites though... those little devils are fine by themselves).

That's my observations so far, I got a busy schedule, but I'll be adding edits. Again, please don't flame/troll. I'd like to have a constructive conversation! :)