with dvn evnger: i pressing alot of tines on atteck and it doing like swing>turn>MORE turn>swing
after alot heat and annoing matirials it wants a "evo crystalit" to upgrade anf the mat. is nowhere to be found on the food machine

Um... On a scale of 1 to "Jesus Christ", how high are you right now?

Seerusly what the f**k? I couldn't understand a word from your post.

with dvn evnger: i pressing alot of tines on atteck and it doing like swing>turn>MORE turn>swing
after alot heat and annoing matirials it wants a "evo crystalit" to upgrade anf the mat. is nowhere to be found on the food machine
With Divine Avenger I pressed the attack button allot and it was swinging, then it turned, then turned even more before swinging again. After I gathered allot of heat and some annoying material I wanted a "evo crystal" to upgrade my draco but the material was not in the food machine.
lel I can read.

Evo-catalysts are in the missions tab where you can purchase the items under the rarity tab. Took me a while to find it as well.