Are the abilities working as intended?

11 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Portrait de Zeddy

We really need an answer to this.

Caustic Quills
In what light am I supposed to view these? Nick's announcement described them as such:

"Fires a series of quills that stick to targets and inflicts poison. For each hit a quilled target receives, they lose one quill and take additional damage."

This description heavily implies that I should be able to stack every single one of my quills on a single target. With the current damage level of them, this amounts to a very massive amount that I can't help but feel be overpowered. But the quills do not work that way. Am I supposed to be able to give any meaningful input on that? I have no idea if the damage per quill used to be lower but you raised it because you couldn't get multistacking to work, or if this is genuinely a bug and I'm supposed to stack a load of quills for 200 damage each on a single target and basically have much better plague needle with me at all times. I can't know which one it is because you people didn't mention this change with a single breath.

Hexing Haze
Nick's description says:

"Creates a miasma around you that hexes any target within. Each hex has a timer that deals heavy damage upon termination. For every target acquired by hexing haze, the duration of hexing haze increases."

I don't know what to make of this! I have no problems at all with the current duration, and it honestly feels like the most powerful skill any of the sprites have to offer, and yet, if the skill worked according to the description up there, it would be infinitely more powerful because I should be able to perpetually keep a large group of enemies exploding until I run out of enemies. That sounds really fun and I'd like for the mechanic to be there. Did you guys remove it or is the skill bugged? We don't know because you people haven't adressed it.

Ray of Light
Had no mention about invincitinks anywhere. Is it a bug in your damage system? Is it an intended restriction to make sure you can't use Seraphynx to deal a meaningful amount of damage? We don't know, you certainly didn't say anything about it.

Orbs of Alchemy
Have no prices in the market. Why are they even there? What are we even supposed to feedback on?

In summary
Work with us here. Tell us your intentions about these things and we can give you much more meaningful input. We can tell you whether or not your intentions are in the right place and we can tell you whether or not the implementation matches the intention.

Portrait de Cakemask
I agree

A little clarification would be nice.

Portrait de Zeddy

These still need answers.

Portrait de Hexzyle
Did the Maskeraith's cloak

Did the Maskeraith's cloak get fixed? Or does it still stand even after taking damage?

Portrait de Klockworx

Yes, maskaraith's Shadow Cloak did get fixed so when you take damage it breaks. They also decreased the time it takes for you to become invisible as well.

And i agree with everything else said here, a little clarification on the progress of these would be a great help.

Portrait de Onekone
For that matter

Another question:
Is Chaotic Hex Haze and quills dealing statuses to status-immune enemies going to be fixed? In BS thread I linked image of Maskeraith *poisoning* Toxigel (which IS poison-type) and I managed to *curse* and *set on fire* fire slug zombie with haze

Portrait de Meta-Knight-Kirby
If you want responses...

Maybe you can post it here:

Portrait de Nick
Zeddy: - Sprite skills should


- Sprite skills should not be applying sc's to sc immune monsters. We should have fixes for those bugs soon.

- The Hexing Haze description has been adjusted. The intended behavior is that the countdown timer on a hex applied to a target is static but the duration of the miasma that surrounds you that allows you to apply the hexes increases as you acquire more targets, creating a positive feedback loop.

- The ray of light is intended to have a hit limit to have a balance between doing a fair amount of damage per hit and not making it overpowered. The limit has a very short cooldown and allows for targets to be hit again if the ray of light is still active and the target in range.

- The orbs of alchemy have arbitrary prices until they have been finalized.

Portrait de Doctorspacebar

Can you give us an estimate on the prices of the Alchemy Orbs? Otherwise, we can't really give much feedback in the first place, because the prices of the orbs determine everything.

Portrait de Zeddy

Thanks for answering!

Could you also answer as to whether or not multiple caustic quills should be able to stack up on a single enemy? They didn't, last I checked.

I had also understood Hexing Haze to be intended to work as you described it there, but last I checked the miasma had the same duration regardless of how many enemies you tag. Good luck to the dev team on fixing that!

Portrait de Nick
Yes, the quills used to stack

Yes, the quills used to stack (though with a limit) and they don't seem to do so anymore so we'll fix that, thanks!

Portrait de Zeddy

Awesome. Thanks for your time!