The Collector

11 replies [Last post]
Dreathuxy's picture

When I was testing, the collector was a great boss. Well designed, great attacks, pretty much everything that is in a great boss.

I would like to see more of him.

An idea would be that there are prestige missions about him that would be added into the rotation.

Another one would be have him spawn randomly in random levels.

The last one is buildup. You hear nothing about him until the mission, how about when you're on the BS testing levels, you could see shadows of him flying by like that one boss in super metroid. It would provide some great buildup and get the player to have this feeling of being watched...

The-Worst-Knight's picture
I think that he can take

I think that he can take place in one of tortodrone levels. Also he need few stages, i can kill him instantly with 5* brandish charge and miss few monsters.

Megapon's picture
[Yep, even this is censored]

[Censored because of decompiling the game's files and finding stuff that he shouldn't share]

Doctorspacebar's picture
Pistol is best weapon in TF2

Excellent. Can't wait to fight some Mecha-Giants!

Hyper-Galactic's picture

Inb4 "that's a big daddy" comment.

Waffleconecake's picture
inb5 Megapon gets banndeded

inb5 Megapon gets banndeded for spoilers lelelelelel (ps can't wait for any of this [ps yea I can, just make sure it all works OOO, don't rush this])

Shidara's picture

Also he need few stages, i can kill him instantly with 5* brandish charge

Next time, try something more suited to the tier it resides in.

Klockworx's picture

You know i don't think that he was spoiling anything, from the way he worded it, it might as well be an educated guess seeing as Jigsaw Valley is a prominent place to spawn mechas, slimes, and gremlins. Also its one of the few level themes left that haven't gotten a mini boss yet.

Klipik-Forum's picture
but he mentioned the files, and what he found there.

@The-Worst-Knight: It's a T1 boss. It's not supposed to be hard for a vanguard -.-

The-Worst-Knight's picture

Anyway all stages should be visible.

Megapon's picture
Lawl... I am Other Vessel

@waffleconecake: Silly human, I am reborn! Now I rule the forums as ARCH PANDARA!

@Klipik-Forum's Subject: Correct!

Waffleconecake's picture

Don't make me beat you <_<