7 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Quinzal

Three Rings, I am disappointed in you. I don't know anything about hosting a company and a MMO, but I think you could care about the community a little more than this.
Have you ever played your game without the Gamemaster Crowbar ready at hand to kill everything in 1 hit? People NEED these things that you are taking away, and they don't have 1-hit kill weapons that all of you do. This update, apart from Battle Sprites, is horrid.

First of all, the removal of the HP sharing revives. This is horrible. Why would you remove this when nobody has been complaining about it except for noobs? And even then, the noobs have not been dying THAT much. I assume that the only people complaining about this are the ones who like to solo a lot.
But one of the reasons that its called a Massively MULTIPLAYER Online game is that you play MULTIPLAYER. And the updates before this horrible one were representing that. Players being able to revive other players. Hearts that can be picked up by anyone. These were good things. But now, the only thing you can use are the Sparks of Life! No more sharing heat! No more getting last 1-hp chances at killing enemies that MIGHT drop hearts! No more being able to CONTROL when you revive! If you die, use that Spark of Life! And if you run out of them, too bad! Give us 50 CE!

Second, the revamp of transmuting/alchemy. I have not looked much into this topic, but I can only assume that it is either going to complicate or simplify the existing system. If you are looking to simplify it, why? It was already simplified enough! Just put some shiny materials into some unexplained machine, and boom! Divine Avenger! If you are looking to complicate it, which I doubt you are but is probably going to happen anyways, why? So the noobs cant craft a brandish to help them through the Gloaming Wildwoods without having to pay 50 CE for an Orb of Alchemy? And why do you need to use ANOTHER thing that costs CE in crafting? It was bad enough that you have to use CE by itself, which wasn't that big of a problem, but now we have to use that Orb of Alchemy! Get them while the economy lets you, folks!

Third, the Battle Sprites. This, and the difficulty sliders, are the only changes that I actually find myself liking. The backstory of all 3 are kind of cool, a machine that was able to adapt itself to the hostile environment of Cradle. But it seems kind of rushed, while everything else in Spiral Knights gets a ton of backstory and such, like the Shadow Lairs, or the missions leading up to FSC. The abilities that they have is cool, although I find the Maskeraith being kind of useless. The Caustic Quills' effect can be matched by the quite wide array of poison weapons, vials, and the abilities of other sprites. I like the design of the Seraphinx, and I am glad that they just didnt take the Mewkat model and put a harness on it. The Drakon seems like the one that everyone will pick, and with good reason. Its quite powerful.

Fourth, equipment limits. Why, did some alt insult your mother, so you have to hinder everyone in the game? I find this pointless, because if people have the high level equipment, then its likely that they are going to do the missions. If its a matter of balance, then why did you add the difficulty slider? If people want to jump ahead by buying everything and getting maxed out armour, then let them. If they want to ruin the game for themselves, fine. Don't hinder the ones that DO want to play legitimate.

Thats all I have to say.

Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle

but I can only assume that

So you've written a paragraph on a system where you're only "assuming" how it works?

Fourth, equipment limits.

You made next to no sense in this paragraph, you didn't bring up any evidence to backup your strangely incorrect claims. How will this hinder everyone in the game? What do you mean by "if people have the high level equipment, then its likely that they are going to do the missions"? People do the missions to get access to higher level equipment recipes, craft them, and use that higher level equipment to do the next mission. Your statement is very vague and isn't relevant to the restrictions. Difficulty slider only affects difficulty on a linear scale, while equipment affects difficulty on an exponential scale.
How do people jump ahead and max out their armor before doing the missions when they don't have recipes gained from the missions to do so?

Bild des Benutzers Little-Juances

"and they don't have 1-hit kill weapons that all of you do"

le Blitz Needle

Bild des Benutzers Hexzyle

The Caustic Quills' effect can be matched by the quite wide array of poison weapons

I lol'd. Apparently 6.7% of all the weapons available dealing poison is a "wide array".

Bild des Benutzers Zenpai
If they want to play the game

If they want to play the game legitimately then the equipment limits will not hinder them. Hurr durr.

Bild des Benutzers Klipik-Forum

Buying your way to 5* is completely legitimate.

Bild des Benutzers Fehzor

So whats wrong with these things exactly?

Bild des Benutzers Snarby-Lover-Me
my thoughts about the revives

if revive energy costs become 50CE on the main server, i personally think the game will die, as the majority of players will leave, thinking the revive costs are completely unreasonable. Some people won't be able to do Shadow Lairs anymore as they can't afford the revive costs, and the same applies to danger missions, especially if we can't give other players health to revive them, because that's what allowed them to be profitable.

Thanks for reading,