Discussion thread for upcoming patch

397 respuestas [Último envío]
Imagen de Byas

Wow, this is much better than the "half-picture" we had before... You guys should have just told this from the beginning. Although comparing to the system we have now... IDK, I see some benefits and some downsides but can't really decide which one is better, I guess I'm just gonna wait and see how it turns out.

Imagen de Pwnswag
elevator pass

UMM... What will happen to those who wasted their money on elevator pass will they get something special or energy...

Imagen de Burq
Ok, this is really.. weird

The new revive system still annoys me to no end, along with the changes to the drop system (no reason to go on parties anymore) but the other changes are quite perplexing: what's the use of energy now? Crafting was the main reason to grind for it, at least for me, is reviving and buying stuff from the depot the only things to use it on now?

Imagen de Shadownox
Honk honk. Make way for the dead bunny.


The first thing that came to my mind was a vision of the Dark Harvest. Infinite Grinding. ._.

The thing I'm honestly worried about the most is the economy. I'm not sure it will survive this update. >.< Of course, like Kilpik, said, I'm glad people won't be pressured into farming FSC.

Imagen de Little-Juances

How will this truly feel for everyone:


Imagen de Gfjmember

I am worried. This sounds like to me "We're shutting down! Please have all the things and enjoy the last days!"

Can you categorically say here that neither OOO, Sega, or any other associated company have any plans to shut the game down?

Imagen de Fallconn

As long as Lockdown is alive, SK is alive, PvP is pretty much the only thing that is keeping this game here, once that goes, it all goes.

Imagen de Dmatter
/e sits down, pondering in deep thought

I am confused on how I feel... I can't really post judgement until I see it... I feel somewhat annoyed yet happy at the same time... I feel this song is fitting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maOsDfYz_KE

Imagen de Eurydice
Community Manager

Gfjmember, I'm not sure how you would draw that conclusion. It would be really bizarre for the development team to bust their behinds for months straight just to have a little "Please have all the things and enjoy the last days" party. This update is about what the announcement said--redesigning the energy system, and releasing Battle Sprites, and that's it.

Imagen de The-Pecan
Damn, just noticed ce, trink

Damn, just noticed ce, trink and wep spots ton be expensive
- your friendly neighborhood jim

Imagen de Bleyken
Now every noobie can do PvE

Now every noobie can do PvE without energy, find orbs, craft infinite weapons and destroy the UV market... Well done OOO...

(I'm being sarcastic)

Imagen de Thunderskull
Retro? Maybe....

Feels like some kind of retro rpg game mechanics...I approve of retroness :P

Imagen de Guardian-Ceal
My thoughts, on each thing

Battle Sprites:
Still cool, still hoarding mats for my kitty to have.

Difficulty Modes:
I really like this. Doing Dauntless Delver on the hardest difficulty, anybody?

E-Less Elevators:
...Really cool. Very nice. I like.

No Mist:
No reason to Randomly Craft things, No reason to Open Gates, No reason to revive Mecha-Kni-Pffffhahahahahaha, I can't take that last one seriously. Seems Okay, but I liked my infinite Autoguns.

Orbs of Alchemy:
As long as they drop a reasonable amount of the time, I'm fine. Though, I wuill need to buy 12 5* ones soon...Meh.

Sparks of Life:
Same with Orbs, as long as they drop reasonably often, that's okay. Free revive is also kinda cool.

Star Level:
NOOOO! Not my Hammer-Wielding 0* and 2* people D=
*Reads Futher*
Oh. Okay then. Strange.

Fire Crystals:
This is one part I don't like looking at it. The chance of failing is what REALLY gets me though. That's just...silly.

I like the update, but It means more trouble for me for my silly SL expedition I'm planning. Other than that, I think I'm going to enjoy it.

Imagen de Theultralord
what about mist related things

Woah woah woah now. What about mist tanks and Elevator passes? Are we going to get Energy for them or something to make up for it?

Imagen de Gfjmember

Sorry Eury T_T I know you guys have been working hard, but it could still be just a case of 'a gift to the players'...

I apologize to any staff I've offended.

Though, excuse my paranoia, but you didn't actually give a straight answer. Sorry to be a pain, but would you straight up say that we aren't approaching the end of this game?

Imagen de Eurydice
Community Manager
Please see the original

Please see the original announcement (the section in italics), and my post earlier in this thread for info about mist tanks and elevator passes.

Reviving and Loot sharing

Well we still be able to revive a fallen team mate or share the loots like before?

Imagen de Eurydice
Community Manager

Gfj, this is really weird. Of course we're not shutting down the game. Please try not to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻, ok?

Imagen de Gfjmember

Thanks, and apologies again. In penance I shall ensure that all tables are set properly!

Imagen de Little-Juances

Possible exploit?

If elevators are free, can't I just go to Haven and join the party again?

Imagen de Eurydice
Community Manager
┬──┬ ¯\_(ツ)

Thank you. :)

Imagen de Little-Juances

I ninja'd Eury, I can die in peace.

How many battle sprite we can have?

How many battle sprite knight can own?

Do we still can share loots in floors with parties and revive each other like normal? (Please answer this one)

Imagen de Gkku

I'd assume they'll just make it so if you re-join within X amount of time you're still dead. Or just have the instance remember "if X player was dead when he/she left and he/she rejoins, remember that they're dead".

Imagen de Diamondshreddie

At first I though (Oh god what is this game anymore?!%@#)

But now I actually quite like the sound of how this will turn out. Good work, thanks for the ETA

EDIT: OH MY I noticed that this will be glorious for the ability to actually have nice UVs!! Alchemy orbs, especially 2 star ones, should be plentiful! that way, so much more crafting, and that means more UVs out there :O ! Even though UVs are not the biggest thing in the game, I am loving the sounds of this, I am excited :D I would like to personally express my gratitude to the small but superb development team of OOOs

Imagen de Thunderskull
Nuhhh Juances

You cannot RIP in peace yet. D:

Imagen de Gfjmember
@Little Juances I should just

@Little Juances I should just say, already in the game if you leave a party then join again on the same level, you'll still be missing any health you already were.

Imagen de Eurydice
Community Manager
If elevators are free, can't

If elevators are free, can't I just go to Haven and join the party again?

We've got that covered. If you leave the party, we remember everything: death, current health and emergency revive status.* However, you will lose heat, pickups and vitapods, so that's the penalty for leaving.

*Also the name of your firstborn.

Imagen de Dirigible
Worst Case Scenario . . .

Energy Market goes through the roof to the point where no one can do anything anymore, and Orbs of Alchemy are as rare as equipment drops.

Imagen de Little-Juances

Got that. But then, another minor detail, I can go to Haven, switch gear and return?

This could be important. Rather than carrying a DVS for Vana's mask the whole dungeon, I could switch next to the elevator on D27.

Imagen de Dmatter
*cuts in momentary to say something.*

Addition to Gfj: and anyway, if you wait for the next level, SOMEONE will probably take your place.
Edit @little juances' new post: There would be an easy fix for that: just make it so, no matter what, you can't join during bosses. Even if friends.

Oh, and the orbs of alch probably will be rare enough that it's reasonable to just use money to buy energy for them, so no need to worry about OOO. (People were worrying about that right? I'm pretty sure they were...)

Can you elaborate?

What sort of bonuses do fire crystals give, will they give Unique Variants? I assume you still have to level up your gear 10 times with fire crystals to get to the next level is that correct?

Also, what will be the pricing on Orbs of alchemy for each level? 10/50/200/400/800 ce from supply depot? Or will it cost more/less?

Imagen de Amaki
Holy crap.

This is just too much to absorb at once. I got the part about the Battle Sprites, the removal of the energy system, and the revives, but beyond that I'm just overwhelmed. To say this is a major change is an understatement. Most developers would call this a sequel.

I suppose that, regardless of how the changes play out, I have to congratulate Three Rings for this level of effort. Thank you.

Imagen de Hearthstone

Lol'd at Gfj and Eury's table episode.

Anyways, i like how the updates look, but how will you make money other than DLC and other things purchasable...?

Edit: Adding, since energy will no longer be used in Elevators... What. Type of lore is fitted here...? Has HQ been able to-- HGGGK!

Imagen de Thunder-The-Bright

that was my first reaction other than nailing my desk. now to update word copy. about the update and everything. gotta refine, posting on this thread later.

Imagen de Jackaline


Finally, a way to make progression feasable for those who aren't willing to pay or are just coming in, so that they aren't abruptly brought to a stop and are ultimately encouraged to stop playing the game, leaving desolate environments for paying clientele. People who've had mist alts will have enjoyed the amount of items they've been able to craft and the free energy they've been able to obtain, but now, even more players will be able to enjoy purchasing items without having to worry about having them become a semi-temporary purchases when their game is throttled down if they don't maintain their monthly energy payments.

But I wonder, given that OOO is willing to go this far, could that also mean OOO might reconsider its stance with the DLC, like its asiatic counterpart/subsidiary?

I just hope

I just hope this don't ruin the gameplay even if the elevator was free and alchemy orbs would be rare drops that will be pain to keep grinding for orbs :l

Imagen de Zeddy

Will danger rooms still cost energy?

Mist Aura

How about every one who had E-pass and Mist tanks get a free Mist Aura? :3 Ain't this cool? x3

Imagen de Glacies
Yeah, this is my last straw

Yeah, this is my last straw here.

I'm seeing it as OOO will lose huge amounts of profit from this. What reason is there to buy Crystal Energy anymore? Almost Zero. If you can run levels for the Orbs of Alchemy, why buy them from Kozma? If you die, what's the point of revival? Just saving time? And what about the people who currently have Elevator Passes enabled? Those will just become absolutely worthless and people who have bought quite a few this month will be screwed over, right?

The Energy System despite its flaws and complaints was there to keep the market in check and help support the game with purchases. You're tearing down a wall that was meant to support the game and keep everything stable. Tearing down that wall will bring in new players which is clearly what you want but in the long run will severely cause you to lose profits.

Why buy CE when I can just run a level infinitely until I get all the Orbs of Alchemy? Oh, no need for Kozma! No need for that Supply Depot! Why revive when I can just keep doing the same level over and over?

Counting what's in the game, there's only four things that will use CE: Trinket/Weapon Slots, Silverkeys, Shadow Keys, and Revives.

This may seem good from a Free-to-Play perspective but I see this as the downfall of the game.

"All of these changes represent a huge realignment of the game, and we’re aware that this will generate debate. Over the next couple of months, we will focus on refining these features and other areas of the game further to improve the overall experience of Spiral Knights"

This gets me, Nick. Didn't you say the exact thing about everything else that was released? Remember that UI update that everyone hated? Remember Operation: Crimson Hammer? How about the Mission UI?

It's all a matter of opinion but I seriously don't see this update being a good thing in the long-run. People will exhaust the game much faster than they are now, and complain even more about the lack of content that we keep getting promised. Battle Sprites? Oh, that's neat. But what else is there supporting the game anymore? All people are going to do is run Firestorm Citadel... With Sprites.

I will say that you've made a fantastic game, Nick, and you have an incredible set of Gamemasters there to support it. I was hoping to see a turn around at some point but I don't see this being anything to cheer about, at least from my end.

Thanks for the two years, guys. It's been a blast.

Hate me all you want for what I've said community (I expect lots of hate), but opinions are opinions.

Imagen de Holy-Crab
First, I must say this was

First, I must say this was totally unexpected, I'm shocked.

Now only one thing didn't seem clear enough to me, Fire Crystals:

-How these are working? Apparently we still have the same old heat system but to make an item level up we will also need Fire Crystals? For each level? And there would be a random factor that could make the leveling not happen despite using them? I'm not sure I understood this, can you enlighten me please.

-What would be the cost to get Orbs of Alchemy and bulks of Sparks of Life from the supply depot, and any insight on the frequency they will drop at? Without these informations, it's hard for one to have a clear picture of the changes' impact on the game.

Positive thing, when I first read about the 50 ce revive, I sincerly thought you guys lost your mind, no offense lol. Good thing to see you guys had a bigger plan.

I guess also new "energy" packs will come out with Orbs and the such in them.


I totally agree with that.

Not the mist!

I don't know how to start,

I agree that lot of people complain about only being able to do a max of ten levels per day if you are free to play, I also agree that the the escalating revive cost was really messed up, but this and mist added a sense of difficulty. I can't judge the sparks of life yet but it possible that they might make the game easier than it all ready is. I felt that mist (when I had an elevator pass) was the amount of lives I had the can only be replenished if I had a mist tank or sacrificed my hard earned ce.

I'm also worried what limitless play time might do to the game. The amount of crowns running through the market will most likely increase especially with missions being re-playable.

Personally I though that tier 1 should be free of cost, tier 2 and tier 3 should cost 5 energy and mission should cost 10 to be replayed. With this boss type gear would cost more tokens to balance it out the fact that bosses could be fought more often.

Spiral knight has become more fast paced (progress wise) over the last few updates and I'm afraid this may make the game to easy.

I know that a difficultly mode is going to be implemented but how is difficulty being defined? Is it going to be a simple health increase like when the party increases or are the enemies going to have a better AI or different behavior with more attack variety?

Imagen de Thunder-The-Bright

This is the final verson of the post that I prepared for one month. It will be long and with some additions.

Ook, here we go.

First up, what this update has brought.

Party system is destroyed. What were the incentives of going in a party? Reviving with the help of your teammates, having a nicer time with monsters if you party or more difficulty when you go alone, not be compelled to take loot. With personal loot and no health sharing, there is no reason to be in a party if you don’t stick together, and that will require a change on the playerbase level that will not happen shortly. People tend to act recklessly. When they are soloing, because it’s only they or the monsters. Nothing to care about but loot. In parties, with health sharing, because you will have your teammates to take you up again. Also you don’t have to look after loot because your teammates and the RNG will administrate it for you. Now no more. With no health sharing, people would like to go alone even in parties because of, well, the difficulty. You can kill things pretty well in a party of 4 even if you are alone. Game modes will solve it? Time will tell. Returning on track, loot setting will affect the energy market, and badly.
EDIT: although, pills and vitapods will be shared, so there will be more overall health. Also, there are not many ways to split in this game. Finish fast or get more loot, and I like that.
In a few words, there will be no need for it unless the enmies are too strong, and difficulty setting will take care of that.
Only one thing. Enemies don't spawn on loot. If there is a vial/ cr/ heat ember/ material on their spawning position, the spawning position changes.
in d25 FSC, bottom right room, loot is great and room is little. where do enemies spawn?
Now off we go with the other things. That is, entering in detail.

Orbs of alchemy don’t get much off me, since the prices will practically stay the same.
Same with sparks of life, except that more energy will be consumed/ saved, depending on the number of consecutive deaths one can now afford. Well, not exactly afford, but whatever.
EDIT needed. After sparks of life got 50 energy. Crod no. 25. 30. Not 50. 50 is too much. 25 is affordable. Don’t do this. It’s suicide. It’s like rasing taxes, the more you raise, the less people will be likely to pay them.
RE-EDIT: without mist, there is now no quarter. You have to pay to revive, or you have to be lucky and have a rare drop. More on mist later.

No health reviving pisses me off a bit. If you could, I don’t know, break a shard to revive a downed party member (even without full health), maybe even with a price of your own health, and then keep another life shard with which you could craft another Spark after a while, it would be great. EDIT: read first edit, and consider this less.

Now, difficulty settings. From what I heard from the testers, it’s more health and speed. Crap, if you have the old AIs, why don’t you use them? Why pumping monsters with health when you know that with Battle Sprites our dps will increase? Why pumping them with speed when we have UVs that now own the monsters and will take off the challenge of the Elite difficulty? You are giving us the difficulty and the tools to surpass it. But there was a way better way (imo).
AFTER NICK POST ON DIFFICULTY: can’t wait to see the changes on first release then. Say that before, no huh?

Loot distribution, a way to stick together that will not work. I have an idea. It could be crazy and it could change nothing but whatever. Give the new loot system only to materials, and leave sharing on crowns and heat. If you need materials you kill monsters. That is the plan.
This is before nick post on loot. Placed here for the luls. Don’t pay it attention. Now if you want loot, go get it. Like pills. Yeah, my vision has changed a lot.

Equipment limits, mmm. I hope you will give the appropriate rank to whoever has a 5* item, or things will go bad. Not everyone like missions, not everyone like ranks, and ultimately, everyone has worked hard for those equips. Leave the existent bound equips as they are and give the new ones and the unbound ones the limitations. Unbinding would restrict them.
EDIT: well, that has happened. Sort of. Way to go.

Analysis of your summary:

Our goal with the next set of releases is to encourage players to enjoy the process of finding materials and crafting their way to more powerful gear. Battle Sprites and the addition of Orbs are both features that will encourage more focus on individual choices about crafting and how they equip themselves for missions.

So, the objectives of the update are:
Encourage people to actually get their materials to craft. Done.
Make them enjoy it. I would laugh but there is nothing to laugh for.
Encourage variety. You got this right.

These are my first impressions to node 83402. The statements I make are my opinion only and will probably be crushed or surpassed by people more experienced or more intelligent than me. I don’t care.
OOO, you must understand that there must be communication. You must tell us why you are making this and how have the problems appeared. With only this, I will be satisfied.

Well, yeah. That was the things I thought after node 83402. Now let’s jump to 84730, 5 days before the update.
Battle sprites and difficulty modes have already been explained.
Mist is now gone. The energy system that maintained this economy standing is now not any more. Markets will change. I don’t know how.

Orbs and sparks will only add a step. If you are reviving buying a spark now, you are either mad or ready to revive more than 4 times, cause otherwise the previous system was better. Orbs will be found in the clockworks and can be bought, so they will not be obstacles.

Fire sparks, new things we need for leveling up gear. This will slow down progress, as there is no mention in buying them. If they can be bought, they will not work. Now we will think more carefully for our weapons, and also we will associate them with battle sprites, as the leveling is practically the same.

Ok, done. Now to the community:
Newbies, new to the forums: the update will change Spiral Knights, radically. Don’t cheer. It’s the devastation of a war.
The ones who see the good that this update bring, I call upon you to crush the horde of complainers that will charge. I don’t ask you to stop them, I ask you to bring them to unite, so there is more room to fight back.
As for the complainers, you have lots of reason to complain and lots to complain for. I don’t think you will stop if I say so. Just stay in one thread. Don’t spam the forums, see what you can make for this update, because it will not change. If you begin to destroy the forums, I will kill you all.

Imagen de Little-Juances

Also, any planned price changes to energy packs? Will it all stay the same? What about the explorer pack?

Imagen de Redblades

I was just about to buy ridiculous amounts of CE to get better gear. Thanks for the tip, now I can just spam runs like no tomorrow. The energy system is what made this game so special, thanks for ruining it. I also was debating whether to quit or not. Thanks for making the decision 10x easier for me. I'll just stay to screw around with my pet and quit. Thanks for the 2 years of fun. Cya, off to farming IP for Jayce.

Imagen de Goofio

Is weapon unbinding going to stay the same (require energy, same price, and so on)?

Imagen de Klipik-Forum
Oh, I forgot my third reaction.

"gogogo heat everything nownownownownow!"

EDIT: And my later ones after reading the rest of the thread.

"everything Glacies said except the quitting part"

"Well, I always did want to get to diamond league SCII... I think now's a good time."

Imagen de Thunder-The-Bright

ce will be now used to rage buy orbs to ragecraft, to ragerevive when you have no sparks, and to unbind. those will be the energy sink of the game. imo.
one more thing. please stick with the name crystal energy. oh, and update the tips and tutorials before the update, ty.

Imagen de Retequizzle
@ Redblades

To be fair, I don't think we're losing anything of value with you leaving. Also, to be fair, under their new system, making things should be easier even if you have a metric *%(@ton of CE if only because you can just buy the equivalent metric *(#% of Orbs of Alchemy from the Supply Depot. The only difference in that regard is what looks to be an extra layer of transactions that can be made, which isn't so terrible as long as the Orbs of Alchemy are reasonably priced/balanced as such.

So yeah, enjoy League of Legends.