Discussion thread for upcoming patch

Too late. Release coming in five days. Although this was never mentioned in the Testing Feedback forum.

So uh how's this going to affect those of us who don't die in player versus environment? Are you saying we could play FOREVER?
Also it feels like a large part of the spiral knight story will be lost mainly concerning the concept of "energy", what about the knight at the core that says "he just needs a mist tank" what about that knight that describe to you what mist energy is? Crystal energy's name even had meaning and story in which it is mined in the depth of the the clock works. Does that mean we have to use sparks of life in the Lock Down and blast net work? I kinda like the fact that I could bribe krogmo with my mist and that I could revive at least once or twice with a low cost.
Aside from that energy won't feel like energy any more it will literally be currency. With what we know so far mist energy exist in the air and is emitted from the core and it crystallizes in certain area thus how both energy's got there names. It's the existence of these two that the spiral order is interested in the core. With these change some of the story based on energy won't make sense. If energy is changed from the way it won't make sense for it to be called energy.
Right now what can energy do?
You can power elevator's, you can power mecha-knights, you can revive your self with it, you can bring down locked doors, forge weapons and gear, and you can even trade it when it's in a solid "CRYSTAL" state.
How do we get it?
Are Knight can actually collect energy in its mist stated from the air, 1 unit every 13 minutes, and a knight can hold up to 100 units in their body's. This amount of energy is enough to preform most of the action stated above multiple times.
If a large amount of energy is need at one single moment additional energy can be purchased in a crystal stated that can be preserve indefinably, thus is more valued than mist energy.
What it going to do after this update.
You can buy stuff with it!... And rev your self for 50 if you ran out of sparks which are better way to revive your self (not to mention with the free revive on each level most of us won't be using them)
... not really much different than crowns
How will we get energy?
well we get it with money (in game or real money) so we can use it as money!
In short energy won't feel like a power source anymore.

This is all very fascinating, but will danger rooms still cost energy?
I know it's just 3CE, but the thought of having to spend non-renewable energy on danger rooms feels wrong.
Spiral Knights needs steam cards. That would attract a lot of new people and cause people who have tried SK once and given up to give the game a second chance.

I am really excited for the update to arrive, it's going be flamin'!
Just one question... What about revives in Lockdown? Are they going to be removed? Please don't say yes.. :(

How long exactly will this update take like time wise. 1hour? 100billion hours?

. Wonder why all the no avatars are hating really hard on this update.

I'm severely disappointed.
You've just destroyed everything that you've established in the 2 years and 3 months I've been playing this game.
I'm not going into context, since apparently glacies just did that for me (+1 bro).
But, I guess I'll live.
One question: What happends to the UV market? Without mist-crafting UVs are going to cost an absurd amount.
Do multiple fire crystals give you UVs? I don't get it. What are fire crystals, anyway?
The market is dead. CE is now useless.
Apparently everyone reads:
'OMG INFINITE ELEVATORS' and stops reading. They don't realize that this will kill the game in the long run.
Also, have you decided to keep shared crowns/heat? Or have you just not told us.

OMG , i love changes in any games :D keep up the good work OOO
before reading any of the posts, i wana get some things off my mind
1st of all the patch notes really got me excited and im looking forward to be playing again to discover new features
the part about removing elevator fees was very surprising and i hope itll keep new players playing
altho im not a new player ill be just as interested in all of the new features for now
with energy having been the primary currency ever since the game launched, im having a hard time figuring out, how things will turn out gameplay-wise, so ill once again prefer to hold back any of that fictitious feedback regarding future gameplay, but heres my opinion about how the major update will positively affect releases of any kind in the future
all free players have always been strongly affected by energy prices, putting a pressure on all of us to keep suggesting sales and things like that, because of which im under the impression, that promotions, events and sales all had to be published in a rush in order to keep the energy prices low and statisfy the entire f2p playerbase, which created a bad money grabbing impression on all players, who are already struggling with energy prices
now that this mutual pressure of lowering energy prices is gone, the sales and events can be planned more freely and do not have to be focused on lowering energy costs
i think that also opens a great opportunity for releasing well-thought-out events and promotions with the bigger focus on player statisfaction rather than energy prices
to avoid misunderstandings, this doesnt mean, that im looking forward to completely free releases
releases for both f2p and p2p players can be designed in any direction now, whereas in the past they had to have their priority on energy prices
these are just my impressions and i hope, that sk will keep a good playerbase for a long time
and in the spirit of updates../e throws a 2-year-old crowbar at the developer having coffee break around the core. o.o

This is all very fascinating, but will danger rooms still cost energy?
I know it's just 3CE, but the thought of having to spend non-renewable energy on danger rooms feels wrong.

Well, I assume it will die faster. How will they make money?
It's not like anyone is going to buy CE, unless they buy it to use on the Supply Depot.

Not sure what to think. Waiting to try this crap to see if its A, good or B, well, crap. And ya, no offense, but u guys really screwed up removing mist :(

I don't like how they removing ele cost (mist energy system) completely.
Maybe reduce the cost to 5 energy per ele is fine.
Of course only noob will be happy about this.

as I understand it, UVs are now possible to get whilst leveling an item, aswell as you could still rage craft by collecting orbs in dives if you so wished, I find the patch will be rewarding those that play more over those that pay more, wether this is good or bad is a thing only time can tell.
If you want to read more on the UVs/ heat leveling, go to announcements and read under Fire Crystals, I cannot be bothered to link I'm lazy.
As I understand it, Fire Crystals = UV chance
What does that mean for us that are already at Heat Level 10?
Well . . . . .

There's some good stuff in this update, and there's some questionable..
I honestly don't know what to think.

I dunno how you came to that conclusion, as I read it, it says it will give bonuses such as double level upgrade...No mention of any UV bonuses.

"it says it will give bonuses such as double level updrage"
That's the keyword "bonuses". Makes one wonder. Double level and... what else? triple level? duh, there has to be something.....

Will we be able to get some compensation for mist-crafting alts? For example, being able to claim one 2* crafting orb or 2 1* crafting orbs per day (say, via a mission) would satisfy me, but I also have put money into having seperate mist alts, and I would be disappointed to lose the advantage of the alt altogether.
Also, I hope I like the compensation for the elevator pass.. Mine expires in February. 2015. For me personally, having crafting orbs may make it worth it..
Oooh, idea! What if you make a market-like exchange - for each unused mist tank, you can pick one of (this list), for each day/week/month of your elevator pass, you can pick from (this list), or for each 1/10/100/1000 units of energy in your mist tank, you can pick from (this list)... just a thought, that'd let players customize their choices (and thus, hopefully be happier about the changes)

Is Eurydice still listening to the complaints and still explaining how they'll work out or maybe find a way to fix them? I mean, let's not jump to conclusions here. As a 2-year veteran I've seen plenty of things and yet I still play. You all threw hissy fits over the new UI but did I/ No. All I did was look at it, think about it, and boom. i'm used to it and cool with it.
But enough basing knowledge from my past, I too am sketchy about this new update about removing Mist, not sucking up 30% from dead players, but they might do something to impress us in the end. Who knows?

I think what bugs me about your most recent post is how often you put it entirely on... Nick. It's almost as if you think of him as some sort of reincarnation of Beetlejuice, and that if you say his name enough he'll just magically appear and give you a tangible post to read far too much into and still be just as upset as you were prior to him ever showing up.
Let me clarify - am I a little concerned that they're essentially taking a defibrillator to the current SK economy by removing the mist system entirely? Yes. Do I think it's going to really put a spin on things in terms of prices of everything we know of at the moment going fresh out the window until we know exactly what the new system can and cannot do? Also yes. Am I going to sit here and be afraid of change because it's not something I can readily determine the pros and cons of at a first glance? No.
The point that I'm getting at is this. I promise it's really simple - yes, it's a huge change. No, you shouldn't just be happy-go-lucky about it. But don't shoot it down and get upset that you don't have input on something. Frankly, it doesn't matter how long you've been here, or how long I've been here, or anyone else for that matter. They (meaning the developers) have been here longer, and the most we can do is be as supportive as we deem necessary once the changes go into effect. If we don't like the changes, then write a letter to your local congressman, tell your friends, whatever. Or just let your wallet - or lack thereof - do the talking for you.
Simple stuff.

man.. i dnt CARE about 50 energy per revive or sparks of life... i can just restart the mission without a problem cuz elevator costs nothing now! BEST IDEA EVER! they just made my life so much EASIER! freakin vana all day! 100k a day! damn i'lll be richer than frickin bill gates goddamnit! i'm so hyped idk what to do!

"To be fair, I don't think we're losing anything of value with you leaving. Also, to be fair, under their new system, making things should be easier even if you have a metric *%(@ton of CE if only because you can just buy the equivalent metric *(#% of Orbs of Alchemy from the Supply Depot. The only difference in that regard is what looks to be an extra layer of transactions that can be made, which isn't so terrible as long as the Orbs of Alchemy are reasonably priced/balanced as such.
So yeah, enjoy League of Legends."
Hurr durr "to be fair"
First of all, do I even know you? I have never heard of you, nor seen you, nor talked to you. I don't think it's "fair" for you to judge me so quickly without even taking a moment to have a talk with me first. But whatever, ego and assumptions rule over logic.
If you really want to go deep into a debate as to why I did things, why I start rage threads, and why I'm overly sarcastic, please do your research first. Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not famous like you. You can't research on me. Cuz I'm a noob. Solution = talk to me
buuut you know, talking is overrated. I'll just be typing rage messages from behind a screen and keyboard. like a MANLY MAN
You actually represent about half of the Spiral Knights community quite well. Another reason I don't play this game nearly as much as before. Besides the fact that we have no content to play >_>

I don't expect a reply, nor do I expect anything out of my ranting. I'm annoyed because out of everything they could have told the community, they decide to just keep it quiet until the last minute. I say Nick's name because he has (as far as I know) heart-control of the game. If you want me to say "they" instead, then I will. I don't know everyone's role in Spiral Knights but Nick is the main developer for Spiral Knights so I just say his name the most.
"But don't shoot it down and get upset that you don't have input on something."
I'm not upset, I'm annoyed and just like anyone else here, I have the right to input my opinion about something, correct? I could be wrong, I could be right, who knows. I've been supportive for a long time and I said the exact thing you are saying now. I've said plenty of times about updates and changes "Don't shoot it down, support it" to people who have hated the updates.
Honestly, it's not even the fact that I'm afraid of the update. It's something I don't like so as many people say: If you don't like something, don't play it.

I have to admit I am utterly amazed Nick forgot to add the most important detail to those notes: Yellow Snipes for Guild Halls. Please Nick let us have new colored Snipes for the guild hall I am sure a lot of guilds including Eos will spend tons on them. (We already have 35mil crowns put aside =0).

Oh wait, I forgot, I'm not famous like you.
You know, I've been hearing that a lot lately, and I'm not really sure why people assume that. Aside from gel drop shenanigans, I really don't do much with the community.
However, you're actually pretty easy to do research on, solely because of your rage threads - which more often than not result in you typing in all caps, attempting to use the biggest font possible, demanding answers that (for some reason) you feel entitled to having while throwing what amounts to be a digital temper tantrum. At that point, it's kind of the same stream of !#@&*ing I can find on any other site geared around a gaming community, so in that vein I know you fairly well. Outside of that, I can honestly say it's probably not worth the time, considering you emphasize that people should talk to you before jumping to conclusions, yet you make it so easy to jump to those conclusions with how you carry yourself on the forums.
Give me a reason to get to know you, and I'll be more than happy to oblige. Until then, you get the labels you earn.

I don't expect a reply, nor do I expect anything out of my ranting. I'm annoyed because out of everything they could have told the community, they decide to just keep it quiet until the last minute. I say Nick's name because he has (as far as I know) heart-control of the game. If you want me to say "they" instead, then I will. I don't know everyone's role in Spiral Knights but Nick is the main developer for Spiral Knights so I just say his name the most.
Hey, considering the most I could do was nitpick at the fact you were just saying Nick as if it was his call, that's a good thing. Sorry if I came across like I was belittling your point based off of that - it's still entirely valid.
I'm not upset, I'm annoyed and just like anyone else here, I have the right to input my opinion about something, correct? I could be wrong, I could be right, who knows. I've been supportive for a long time and I said the exact thing you are saying now. I've said plenty of times about updates and changes "Don't shoot it down, support it" to people who have hated the updates.
Honestly, it's not even the fact that I'm afraid of the update. It's something I don't like so as many people say: If you don't like something, don't play it.
I also never said you had no right to state an opinion, which I also apologize for if it came across that way. It just seemed as if you were playing only one side of the coin - which is understandable, since I already highlighted that they're essentially crashing the market in the hopes that it pulls some sort of phoenix-like rebirth, with new life and new looks. I'm just acting as the devil's advocate, so to speak, by stating that it could actually be a step in the right direction. If revamping the current crafting system, and by proxy, a good portion of the current market means that the game becomes better equipped to handle newer players - all the while not ostracizing older players entirely - then I'm all for it.
The game needs something to bring in newer players - ideally on par with the influx they saw from the Steam release of SK - and streamlining a lot of the things that newer players complained about is their best shot of doing that, no matter how much we dislike the idea.

"I have had my 5* gear way before this ranking well,bullshit,to say the least,this made me very angry because i worked hard for my gear,and deserved my place amongst the ranks of tier 3."
You clearly don't read. It was stated that if you had 5* gear bound to you without you doing ranking missions, your equipment limit stays at 5*.

I have mixed feelings about this update.
On one hand, the removal of elevator fees could breathe new life into this game. A lot of people have tried Spiral Knights and enjoyed the gameplay, but quit because of the energy system. So I think in the long run, these changes will increase the Spiral Knights population and benefit the community as a whole.
On the other hand, these changes will affect me in a negative way. I haven't played in a few months, but I still have a ton of materials, UV'ed equipment, and CE. It looks like these items could lose their value. So I'm disappointed. The thing is, Spiral Knights is not an isolated economy. People use energy and crowns to buy other things through Steam trading (games, TF2 items, Dota 2 items). The instability caused by these changes is probably going to affect the value of Spiral Knights items on Steam in a negative way.

I was JUST about to do a Shadow Lair run as soon as I found a party, if I can't do it on time, I'll have to find all these Orbs of Alchemy right? I've been working towards all the requirements for Shadow Lair since I've started playing and now this next step is worrying me. How frequent is the drop rate for these and how many will we need? Will I still be able to do it before college life takes over and I turn towards educational priorities?
Love it.
I don't care, whatever happen with the economy, I'll be richer. Just keep changing things and adding difficulty to make the noobs quit.
I'm still waiting for colliseum upgrades.

A huge update that will change SK completely,
we can explore indefinitely!
I really like this update, especially the elevator fee removed,
But I am still thinking, what will happen to the economy?
Prices of CE, income for OOO... I hope this does not affect
OOO negatively. But We'll see when the update hits, next week.
SK needs to evolve.
OOO might lose old players, but may attract new players.
We know that "energy" (which is now not much different than crowns) will be used now to "buy" orbs and sparks but how much exactly are they going to cost?
And what is the difference in difficulties? Rereading the older announcement it says they'll have more strength, does that mean they simply do more damage?

what happens to Elevator Passes (gimme my money back)

Well, i guess, every update spiral knights made is better and worse at the same time.Like, for instance, some say it's good and better, some says the new one is bad and worse.I think this is no different.Just I'm wondering, will LD too use spark of life to revive?Also, for a little question, what the energy knight at havens will talk about? That'd be weird if they talk about mist and CE when there only exist normal energy :V
But yeah, as i were saying, it all depends on each people's perspective about is this better or worse.My opinion?I rate this update 7/10 , while the old one is 6/10.Yeah, not much difference, even in fact it's much

They said something about compensating for those who have mist tanks, elevator passes, mist wells, etc. We don't know what it is yet though.

The market crashed, spiked, everyone's in utter panic, and chaos is reigning. Utter destruction, scams, and crimes are being committed. Everyone is panicking, the AH has lost half its items, and many people are on the verge of quitting.
/e claps slowly.
Oh good, my slow clap processor made it into this thing. So we have that.
Well, good luck OOO, and may the odds be ever in your favor. I am borderline close to quitting D: Only this update can save the day. Let's see what happens to the market >_<

should I use my Guardian Pack that I've been keeping for months or no?

"However, you're actually pretty easy to do research on, solely because of your rage threads - which more often than not result in you typing in all caps, attempting to use the biggest font possible, demanding answers that (for some reason) you feel entitled to having while throwing what amounts to be a digital temper tantrum. At that point, it's kind of the same stream of !#@&*ing I can find on any other site geared around a gaming community, so in that vein I know you fairly well. Outside of that, I can honestly say it's probably not worth the time, considering you emphasize that people should talk to you before jumping to conclusions, yet you make it so easy to jump to those conclusions with how you carry yourself on the forums.
Give me a reason to get to know you, and I'll be more than happy to oblige. Until then, you get the labels you earn."
Rage threads. LOL. Why do I make them? Cause it's funny how many people argue on them. I like it.
"you typing in all caps"
capslock is a button. get over it.
"demanding answers"
Everybody is demanding answers. Now they're thrown at us straight up in the face. with 5 days to discuss it. Make that 4 days.
"I can honestly say it's probably not worth the time, considering you emphasize that people should talk to you before jumping to conclusions, yet you make it so easy to jump to those conclusions with how you carry yourself on the forums."
ermergerd so smart, you saw through my MASTER DISGUISE! whoa i think I'll hide behind canzozozoz
"Give me a reason to get to know you, and I'll be more than happy to oblige. Until then, you get the labels you earn"
hoooo leee schittznophrenicladjfasd wohohohohoooooo. I've been waiting for somebody to say that, cause it's just so funny. "give me a reason to get to know you" LMFAO. HOOOLYCRAP. I think I'll go buy some stickers that say "pro" and "label" myself with that.
The fact that you are replying to me is reason enough for you to get to know me better. For better or worse, who really cares? I don't. This game is going down the drain, and I don't really care anymore. Public image? aint nobody got time for that.
^If you noticed, I'm not exactly serious. But you know, labels are labels
Actually I change my mind about quitting this game. I'm gonna be here JUST for the community and for people like you.
Never gona give you upppp, never gonna let you downnn <333333333
Don't worry budd. I'll be there for youuuuuuuu ;o
@feller, the love of my life
"Love it.
I don't care, whatever happen with the economy, I'll be richer. Just keep changing things and adding difficulty to make the noobs quit.
I'm still waiting for colliseum upgrades."
They're actually making things easier for noobs. Time to rip them off on prices ;o ;o ;o ;o (particularly because the prices will be unstable at first)
+1 to coliseum upgrades.
Excuse me while I sing
[redacted because too much autotune]

I kinda really have mixed feelings about this update, it has some major ups and downs. I like that the elevators are now free (probably to balance out the 50 ce revive cost), but I could have dealt with just lowering the cost to 5 ce or mist per ride. Which leads me into my next topic.
I dont think I like that they did away with mist. It kinda is what made this game the way it is now and now your going to have F2P players on the whole freakin day causing more lag and glitching. This game is suppose to be played CASUALLY. But this will definitely help grinding the Arcade and going on Expeditions.
The party system isnt dead, its just been remade. Dont think of it as a party anymore, think of it as 4 soloing players that happen to just be in the same room. Now runs will be more like a competition or race, instead of a band of brothers (which I kinda like actually).
And whats going to happen to all the people who bought elevator passes like myself???? Are we going to get a refund, or get payed in crowns or "energy", or are we just going to have to deal with it??
Other then that, Im just going to have to see how this plays out. I dont think this update will be the end of this game.
With much respect and hopefulness, Jabbzz

They need to make Nonna show up with her pets in the middle of all this.

Mixed feeling... I just don't know what the game will look like... I'm just... baffled...
We'll see when I have time I guess....
Dear devs if you really want to remove the mist then you removed one of what kept the game unique and fun if its for the F2P then you don't have to do that major update that removes most of the best options in parties you can just lower the elevator fees and its fine for us to wait until our mist recharge or just buy CE for reviving and crafting...
Nick add the pets but don't remove what kept the game unique from loot sharing to sharing hearts also the mist from keeping the price of the items are possible to buy you can remove the mist but like that you removed most of the veterans who kept the game on running and fun..
The current system is better than ever so there is no need to ruin it now after 2 years...
Well I'm gonna miss the mist system for good...
Why it had to end like this D: