Suggestion for this, or maybe next week if it's too late to change now.

3 replies [Last post]
Klipik-Forum's picture

So we can't drop vials anymore because we can't share them with teammates, right? Instead of that, would it be possible to keep dropped vials but have them only visible to you? It would allow us to reorganize things much faster.

Shamanalah's picture
my 2 cents

Instead of that, would it be possible to keep dropped vials but have them only visible to you? It would allow us to reorganize things much faster.

Let me put a +1 right there


Don't like throwing 3 elec vials just to get that mecha knight to be honest...

Fehzor's picture

Lol yeah, that is a good point. I hate it when I'm dancing around with 1% of my health and theres a pill I can't pick up because I have 20 curse and fire vials on hand to fight the firey curse immune monsters I'm up against.

That or they could just make vials worth using. Vials are far from useless, but when you have T3 gear they're on par with your weapon strikes, but unreliable and slower. If they dealt heavy damage upon breaking that'd make them much better. Like big angry bomb damage. I wouldn't mind picking up and using some of those.

Espeonage's picture

They actually once did ~100 impact damage no holds barred. Like an extra 1500 damage back then, heck yeah.