Another New Forum!

The Arsenal?
Do we discuss our awesome weapons here?
Then let me tell you I love my Khorovod very much.
I love my Storm Driver very much.

Hey is it true.. tha Khorvorod makes you feel like dancing? lol
Why, yes it does. Dancing with an elephant, but that's what makes it so much fun.
<-Also has love for the Khorovod
A happy dance will ensure every time I get to swing a weapon larger than myself. <3 Khorovod but can't wait for the 5* version.
My jelly crown <: and Cobby's storm too, but only when it's Cobby using it.
I love my Winmillion. Haters gonna hate. WTB a 5* version. :O
Oh woo, more and more subforums with actual subjects. Soon enough I'll be able to ignore the whiney General forum! :P
And d0gr0ck your kilt looks like a dress. >>

It's a manly dress! I tango with my Khorovod while wearing it.
Well hello there.