Gunning Update Testing Feedback: Other

14 Antworten [Letzter Beitrag]
Bild des Benutzers Cronus
Game Master

Welcome testers!

Please post specific feedback you have about the changes that aren't specific to guns and gear in this thread. Using this thread makes it easier for a developer to see what you've posted. Please keep your feedback constructive and with as much detail as possible. Off topic posts will be removed so it's easier to see the feedback.

If you do run across a bug while testing, please file a bug report using F2. Please make sure you give it a short description that makes it clear what the issue is.

Bild des Benutzers The-Worst-Knight
Vanaduke is too big for

Vanaduke is too big for catalyzer, only few explosions touch him.

Bild des Benutzers Choridia

Several notes for work of preview client and server.

For faster pace, it would be great to remove forging system in at least preview client. It makes no point with easy crystal access from depot, but makes heating process way more longer and annoying, not alowing getting the heat to get gear on maximum level instantly.
Also, it made a problem with heating that I met. As "Fast Advancement" mission is not replayable and it's not mentioned anythere, I carelessly been walking through all the depths of it, heating all the gear, so at the end I met with consequences - now I can't use that mission for heating until missions will be reset on the server. Would be good to make it replayable or, instead, infinite. Or, as I said before, remove forging system from preview, so all the heat on first depth will fully heat up all gear pieces to level 10.

So far, that's it.

Bild des Benutzers Drischa

You can get charged quicksilver mail from the supply depot but not mercurial mail? What is this madness?

Bild des Benutzers Ultimaximus
Choridia, it says it in the

Choridia, it says it in the mission description:

"'Return to Haven' before you reach the end so you can come back to this mission."

Bild des Benutzers Choridia

Oh? Right, I see it now. It seriously makes it into my mistake then. But still, little heating changes in preview would make quite sense anyways.

Bild des Benutzers Pipipipipi
Darth Ritual strikes back!

Is it just me, or has the weakness/resistance system suddenly been wonked up?

Bild des Benutzers Onekone

Can you please fix bug, that makes bombs and projectiles suddenly do lower damage when player that shoot/planted them been poisoned? This really cripples Catalyzers


Personally, I don't think that's a bug, since that's sorta what poison does:
"Poison is a status condition that inflicts the victim with various effects depending on if it is a knight or a monster.
When a knight is poisoned, they cannot heal, either from hearts or capsules, and have reduced attack power by approximately one-third."
(copied off the wiki)
So uh yeah, it's not really a bug, as I'm pretty sure that effect is intended.

Bild des Benutzers Draycos

He means to say, "projectiles that I fire before I'm buffed/debuffed should not have their damage modified".

Yes, buffs work too- you can place lots of DRs then use an upgraded Maskeraith's cloak to boost them and stealth at the same time.

Bild des Benutzers Zethalan

Nice job OOO! I'm happy with the upcoming Gunner Update.

One thing: why do the Blitz Needle and Grim Repeater have a speed increase? They already offer a good amount of damage so why do they need a speed increase? Wouldn't that make them a bit more overpowered?

Bild des Benutzers Drischa

I'm genuinely surprised no-one has discussed the new danger rooms yet.

The one I did earlier had a battle pod with two healers - the healers just kept reviving each other and placing healing rings under that battlepod, effectively making it invincible. PLEASE DO NOT MIX BATTLEPODS AND HEALERS.

Bild des Benutzers Untrustful
Or alternatively, make the

Or alternatively, make the time the gremlin heal logo heals shorter, half if necessary.

Bild des Benutzers Leafblader

I want to find all the new danger rooms but I don't know how many there are so can you guys tell us how many new danger rooms there are?

Bild des Benutzers Gkku

Don't really have any usable feedback, but I was running tier 1 in 5* gear (why I can't give usable feedback) to document these new danger rooms and I found a couple of bugs, figured this thread would be the best place to put them.

  • The spikes in the middle of this danger room can't be walked on - presumably to prevent players getting stuck inside the Battlepod when it spawns - and as a result loot from the Battlepod can get stuck there.
  • While it may not necessarily be a bug, Riftlocker uses Phantasmos' sounds despite having it's own.

I realized while typing this down that I should've filed bug reports, but now that I've gone to do that the preview server is down. All the more reason to post this I suppose.