Did anyone else try the new 0* Proto Gun?

2 replies [Last post]
Paintool's picture

Try it out while there's still time left! Avert your gaze from the OP 5* guns.~

It's like an antigua for newbies. What are the implications of this?

Dibsville's picture
I'm just an Antigua hater, deal with my Alchemers

Hopefully they aren't promoting Antiguas for use considering how we now have a pretty solid amount of different gun choices that noobies could main with outside of having a click-fest. >_>

Draycos's picture

I hope it means newer players will have a wider choice of items, so they get a handle on how each item feels before they say "this will be one of my first high-rank weapons", but I guess that's false hope, because there's just that proto-antigua..