
5 replies [Last post]
Yvanblo's picture

Firstly, I missed the test server by 10 days... that is, I bought energy 10 days too soon. A bummer, but who cares, right?

Ok, here is my suggestion: OOO, what if we keep our current guns as "legacy" guns, and then we can get the new ones in addition? Hey, it's more energy that has to be purchased! It's a win-win, jack!

Thunder-The-Bright's picture
gods ain't gonna help you, son.

if you know how much the guns have been buffed in this update, you know that everyone will go for the new guns and screw the old ones. the movement while firing alone could be a thing to drive people off the new guns. it just won't work.

Yvanblo's picture
say what?

Not sure what you mean?: "the movement while firing alone could be a thing to drive people off the new guns. it just won't work."

Your first sentence made the new guns sound great, and no one would want the old ones. But then the second sentence threw me for a loop.

Anway, OOO will not do what I am suggesting, but I thought it would be cool to have a gun marked "legacy", you know, like legacy forum names.

Thunder-The-Bright's picture
gods ain't gonna help you, son.

your suggestion just won't work. that's what I meant.
and coolness is not a factor. do you actually use lionheart to show off you've been here for that long? the comparison is pretty much the same.
and it's me or this forum section makes me make less sense? I mean, look at all the "m"s I've used in such a short time.
I think I'm going crazy. good thing I stopped playing. for a while.

Whimsicality's picture

Why would you want inferior guns that make you move slower when shooting?

Retequizzle's picture

because sometimes it's more about the journey not the destination

the only actual reason i could see for people to want to stick with the old is in the event they're worried they wouldn't be able to adapt to the movement speeds, but that's a pretty flimsy reason by anyone's standard so yeah