Gunning Update Testing Feedback: Armor/Helms - Round 2

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Thalia's picture
Game Master

Welcome testers!

Time for round 2 for the gunner update - see the details here:
Please post specific feedback you have about the new gear in this thread. This includes balance, usefulness, bugs, etc. Using this thread makes it easier for a developer to see what you've posted. Please keep your feedback constructive and with as much detail as possible. Off topic posts will be removed so it's easier to see the feedback.

If you do run across a bug while testing, please file a bug report using F2. Please make sure you give it a short description that makes it clear what the issue is.

Flare's picture
"- Armor has not changed but

"- Armor has not changed but will be tweaked for future tests. "

What is the point of this thread then?

Draycos's picture

Likely for PvP-related feedback.

Personally, I'd prefer it if gear was primarily balanced around PvE.

Mrgrey's picture
Testing out some stuff in the

Testing out some stuff in the LD.

Right now the catalyzer that has freeze chance and shadow damage does like no damage but shows the animation of pips falling off my char. Broken?

I'm worried that the gear may cause these to be more powerful than most weapons in the game. With the multiple defenses against a variety of elements (ex: Shadow, and freeze resistance/defense) AND damage boosts, doesn't that mean that these will be more beneficial to their classes than any other armor in the game that solely benefits its class?

For example, even though it's low, the damage with double gear adds up to medium (or very high versus one type of monster), plus ASI boost (more DPS), and although I see the attempted balance through having weakness to something, I don't feel that it makes up for how much of a bonus in stats this gives-


(Average) Very High Damage boost OR Very High ASI, has defense/resistance versus elemental, shadow, or piercing, with 1 defense to either fire, ice, or poison.

It would be nice if each specific sets of gear are more equal to one another- unless you intend to release gear in this new fashion for each class (bomber, swordie, or gunner).

I love how you can pick up SUPER specific gear, for any specific situation, but the nice thing before was that you could have gear that fit more or less every situation. I don't see many people going for the Anti-Beast gear, because honestly... the beast are too stupid to buy gear against. The "Damage vs. x" is kind of cool to see in so many options, but there aren't options like that for every class- at least not to this degree, and I could see in PvE sticking to gunning because with this update there will be:

Very comparable damage to swords
Defense against a pretty good amount of things from one armor
ton of stats boosts from one piece of gear
movement speed isn't really a hindrance anymore and allows me to be safe when charging/shooting equal to how using a sword is.

After this update I may just focus on gunning to avoid dying.

Parasthesia's picture
As far as the armor in pvp

As far as the armor in pvp goes, some pieces have some use as a full set or half of a set. Meds across the board are okay, but people will mostly stick with their chaos or shadowsun for the damage, since you can always acquire asi and ctr with uv's, and ctr is generally secondary to asi.

I've seen people use one or two pieces as a more defensive gear setup, using the new armor pieces to provide a max shock or freeze stat for bomb status immunity or moderate status immunity.