(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)
Doubt this will shed any light but here goes
My in-game name is Antter
I started playing spiral knights the week it came out, but have lost motivation on several occasions
I have always loved Spiral Knights, but when I grinded the ranks and got all the gear I wanted, I had realized that the only thing I ever wanted from the game was a friend or two
I'm not sure what you'd want to know about me... I'm just a boy who wants to try his best, just a kid trying to bring meaning to everything he does, just a spiral knight trying to show people that they aren't alone. Also, I'd rather talk to someone 1 on 1 to get to know them because there is a very small difference between the virtual world and the real world, and I would want to get to know every single guild member one by one.
I am from the United States (East Coast)
Well, I haven't played in a while, but when I came on, my first impression of RC was that it was one of the only things keeping Spiral knights, the game that I have always loved, alive
To be honest, I don't want anything from the guild, I just want to be around a group of people that really understand that what they are doing is special and makes them happy, and in return, I would be willing to help a fresh-out-of-the-box noob go from 0-5* in a week (basically I would do anything)
I read the rules, and I agree to them.
Getting an invite to this guild may be the only motivation I would ever have for coming back to spiral knights... Have a great day
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I played way back when, but the game has changed so much I don't think it's relevant anymore. So far I've played for the past 3 days, and I believe I'm going to stay.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Pretty frequently! I ground myself to rank 5-2 in these past three days, and have managed to craft myself some tier 3 gear, which I guess isn't bad? I have about 20 hours on my toon so far, and while it'll probably decrease a bit on weekdays, I expect to at least play an hour a day.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I mean, I like to think I'm nice. I program, draw. I raid on Wildstar for most of the time, so I know a bit about how to stay organized and work in a group.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Boring ol' United States.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Retribution Council seems like a great guild with a great goal. Not only would it help me get myself better at the game (there are plenty of questions I have to ask...), but I would be able to find a good community that would make me want to stay in the game.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I like helping people. I try to answer as many questions as I can, and I would enjoy going through the arcade with others just to get them some more crowns for that item they really wanted, or to get energy so they could craft their new tier piece. Even though I can't offer much in terms of crafting myself and high end content ideas, I can help reduce the pain of doing the same gates over and over again just for enough crowns.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

IGN: Jaynat
Joined the game at: April 2015
Playing frequency: I do my best to log on at least once a day, for varying durations (From just checking the auction house and prestige missions to spending houres in-game, depending on how busy I am at the moment, if there are any friends or guild members online and other variables.)
About me:
Well, I don't really know what a guild manager needs to know other than the information you require in the other questions, but I'll do my best...
I'm an 18 years old male. You'll discover that Jaynat looks feminie if you'll meet him but he's a male too (I like to write backstories for the characters I create and play as, and this one's pretty weird... I might tell it one day, who knows.) I enjoy playing video games but since my computer isn't exactly a gaming beast and, until very recently (when I finished school), I didn't really have the time to save enough money to upgrade to a gaming machine, I learned to enjoy the simpler, cheaper, smaller but not necessarily less enjoyable games. That's how I found out about spiral knights, and I quickly learned to love it, hate it and love my hatred towards it. (That last sentence doesn't make much sense but it sounds deep and meaninful so I'll leave it there.)
I tend pretty chatty (I almost died multiple times because I was trying to type to my party members but apperantly mecha knights don't give a f#%k about that, and, hey, just look at this application!) but can be serious when seriousness is required (like I said, I almost died at these times.) I have a pretty weird sense of humor, but it's not like I'm intolerable or anything like that at all... I'm a curious person, which led me to learning many things (both related to SK and in general) either from research, other's or (more often than I'd like to) my own mistakes...
I suppose that if I will make it into the guild you will learn more about me in time, but for an application it should be more than enough...
Origin: I'd rather not reveal it as of right now for reasons that will be made clear once I decide I'm ready to reveal it. I can tell you the important bits:
- Time zone: UTC+2 (UTC+3 during summer - Daylight saving time and all that)
- English is: not my first language, but I do speak it more properly than a large portion of the english speaking people I meet online, so it doesn't really mean anything, does it?
Reason(s) for choosing the Retribution Council:
- One of the most important things I'm looking in a guild is activeness - like you said, I want to play with a guild, not just be a part of one. The last guild I was a member of was great for some time, but sadly as time passed most players that were active around the same time as me left it, which made it pretty boring and quiet in guild chat... Anyway from what I can tell from your description you seem like a very active guild that I'd be more than happy to be a part of.
- Obviously simply being active isn't enough to be concidered a good guild. With that said, out of all the guilds that are recruiting on the forums that I had the time and patience to read their introduction posts (most of the first page) the Retribiution Council really stands out. Why? (Well, I shouldn't need to tell you, you probably know it better than me considering that you're a part of it, but...) because there are many guild out there that are really open and will accept people from all tiers and with varying skill levels, and there are many guilds out there that seem to be a really cohesive community that will really feel more like a community than simply a guild, but there are very few that are both, and the Retribution Council is at the top of these few special ones.
What can I offer to the community: I'm a determined player that will always do the best possible to ensure the success of whatever it is that I'm doing. I like to belive I work great in a group (but I suppose that it's the group members that have the right to judge...), and I usually do what I can to contribute and work for the common good (in this case - the guild.) I join to help almost every friend or guild member that asks for help in whatever he/she needs (unless I'm in the middle of something I need as well, in which case I will join and help him/her after I'll be done, assuming he/she will still need my help) and even if I can't offer the help one requires I'll probably still try to help in whatever else I can (I can't just leave a friend in need like that, can I?)
Also, I hope that in the guild I won't be the only person who's like that and that this cooperation will be mutal, since you know how they say - one plus one can be much greater than two. Math may not be their strongest side, but they did succeed at life.
and finally...
[v] I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.
1.What's your in-game name?
2.When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-Back in 2013, probably a bit earlier but I think it's my main date of playing. XD
3.How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I play this everyday though i may take some breaks. But the breaks aren't that long anyway. I'm also in highschool so i got a lot of time to
4.Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-I'm normally a cheery happy dude, I like Contributing to noble causes. I'm very friendly to people and I'm very loyal when i start to know the person.
5.Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-I live in the philippines :D
6.Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-I feel like this guild is gonna be more active with a lot of members to become one big family. Plus i think this guild is more developed and more advanced than other guilds. I'm pretty sure this guild is a noble one.
7.We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-I can offer to become one with vana escorts or just contribute to the guild by way of crowns,materials,recipes. I love collaborating with people to help others in need.
8.Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
If you saw I applied for this guild a while ago and they really helped me. The people in the guild are friendly, smart and always try to help you. I may not be in the guild anymore but my time in it was great and I would like to thank everyone from Retribution Coucil. You should definately consider joining either them or The Anonymous. :)

2.2012 and to this day
3.About 5 to 3 hours a day
4.A good guy just looking for a good guild :)
5.Im from Serbia
6.A friend of mine in your guild recommended it and it looks rly nice
7.Rly enything l like to help people maybe hard cause runing on an old computed but sure what ever is asked of me
8.Yes read it and agreed
Thank you for reading

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within three days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions, please mail/message ''Kazangen'' or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

IGN: Deywalker
*Started playing for a month as of this post
*I play everyday 2-6 hours
*I dnt really have any knowledge about how i seem to others but i like to be frank and do silly stuffs :D
*Im from Bangladesh
*I looked through this post and well i really cudnt ask for more from a guild its really hard for new players like us to get into a gud guild....
*I am always ready to help someone doing missions if im idle, i would always pitch in on any guild events or services if i have the ability to do so and also i like playing with a solid party(doesnt have to be overpowered but having an experienced party of knights makes even boring runs enjoyable). Also i only make my stuff by farming so seeing this is a farming based guild makes me feel right at home :D
* yep, i really am looking forward to joining u guys and dnt have any problems with any of the rules

I've been in this guild for three months now, and all I can say is that it is a wonderful community of wonderful people. Every weekend I eagerly run to my computer and hop on the Teamspeak, knowing the next couple of hours will be full of laughs and great times. Everyone is so caring and willing to help to the best of each of their abilities, and it's truly great to feel a part of it.
Plus the work they put into this guild really shines through.
Here's to the future, and to many more fun times!

What's your in-game name? - Spirare.
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? - Several years ago, but I stopped playing and deleted that knight. I started playing again a few months ago.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! - Every day.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? - No, I don't care to.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? - United States.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? - ...Everything on the first post.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? - I often help out players below my rank.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? - Yes.
(BTW, even though I'm posting as Vanaduke Destroyer, I have no idea what to do when fighting Lord Vanaduke.)

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Since July 2012
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play (almost) every day
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I'm a quiet (and probably shy?) 18 year old student. But friendly and willing to aid anyone on their clockwork adventures
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I like how this guild gives their effort to assist their members. Also I'm looking for a active and mature guild to keep myself active and play this game again for fun like I used to
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Mostly helping any guildmate on whatever mission/arcade they are playing. Also donating any kind of materials for crafting
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes. And I agree
What's your in-game name? Authentic-Duckling
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Somewhere near the end of 2011
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I always play at least 1 hour - 4 hours +. Its a very adventurous game that I just enjoy with all the leveling up gear concept.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I'm 15 years old (Turning 16 in October), My favorite activities are football, gaming and a lot more. Gaming has been a hobby of mine since the first time I held a game boy. I have played MANY games over the years from MMO's RPG's to even FPS games.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? New Zealand :P
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Just from reading the description, it seems like a very structured and formatted guild. A guild that helps out even in the most stressful moments and even has some bonus perks along with it ;P
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Lending a helping hand towards Knights in need of help. Whether that's handing out materials, a mission and even donating to the treasury
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, if I break them, I shall abide to any punishment.
Thank you for reading
-Authentic Duckling
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Um... Not sure... Sometime in 2011-2012.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I really really love playing this game. During summer I can spend up to 12 hours a day on SK. :D. However, I have a unique situation, I guess you could say. Where I normally live, Spiral Knights isn't accessible (it was at one point, but I dunno why it's not anymore), so I'm only able to play when I travel elsewhere (i.e for summer, chinese new year, etc.)
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I'm a pretty nice person, I don't mind helping other people out. I always greet people who come online in the guild unless I might die typing. I play off a Mac, so sometimes I do have FPS issues. Oh yeah, and I play off steam, so feel free to add me @http://steamcommunity.com/id/alphapro/.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
From Malaysia, living in China (normally).
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
You guys look like a pretty nice and active guild, and it seems like you guys care a lot for your guild members.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
As I've said, I'm a pretty nice player, I spark people for free. :P I don't mind helping out with the guild upkeep and donating. Plus, I really enjoy joining newer players' missions.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yep. Completely. By the way, did you know that putin is censored? Oh yeah, one thing. As I've mentioned my situation, I expect that if I do get into this guild, I will most likely be removed due to inactivity, does that mean I'll never be able to go back into Retribution Council again? Cause this looks like a really cool guild and that would really suck. (Never mind, reread).
Would be great if you could review my application before summer ends. :P
P.S Sorry for wall of text.
What's your in-game name?
Caledric -- My account is an Armor games account so this is just a forum account made to post
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Last week, though I'm already close to being in 5 star gear. Just lack Shining fire crystals to level my gear.
(edit) Just finally got my first gun to 5 star, just my armor pieces, shield, and 2 other guns to go!
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
couple hours a day
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
35 year old combat veteran, currently work as a Corrections Officer. Suffer from PTSD. Games are my outlet.
Been online gaming since 1995, so 20 years experience as a gamer in various MMOs and some of the largest guilds in them.
I have a Corgi... he is a tard, but he's my therapeutic tard
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
United States, specifically Pittsburgh, PA
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Appears well organized, helpful to each other, and active
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I like to help others when I can, so just helping people with their missions and farming I guess.
I bring lots of gaming experience to the table, as well as lots of knowledge in managing large guilds.
Not looking for any kind of leadership roles, but I'm willing to advise the leadership of the guild when it is sought.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes. And I agree
What's your in-game name?
My In-game name is Killabite
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Late 2012 or Early 2013
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I absolutely love the spiral Knights game and it's community I was playing a lot but then I stopped for a bit of a break I have recently returned and due to some recent updates I am loving this game again I couldn't see myself stopping playing in a long time.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I am a 16 year old boy who loves the mix between sport games I love all sports but I also love coming home and taking it easy breaking out some intense spiral Knights I like to think I am a very caring fun outgoing type of person I love having a muck around and enjoying life but I am always willing to help.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am from Melbourne Australia.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Retribution council has been strongly recommended by my best in real life friend Meat-Ballss who I have known since I was 3 he has told me your helpful guild ways are awesome and people are always willing to help you out and from what I was reading in your comment about how the guild works I was blown away by the way you Kaz have set thing up I mean weekly shadow runs recipes and materials that's amazing.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I think I can help the retribution council community by being active and helpful when needed as I am progressing up the ranks of being a better player I am becoming more willing to help others trying to progress I can definitely bring this aspect of me into you community and hopefully to help change the guild for the better.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes I read the rules and agree 100% they are fair and make a lot of sense.

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within three days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions, please mail/message ''Kazangen'' or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
beginning of 2014.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
i enjoy the game so i tend to play it a lot .
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
i really like making others feel good and safe and strive me best to be trustworthy for every one,
i also like to work very hard in the game so i can be on top of the food chain.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
This guild likes to work hard just like i do and a feel good guild so i thought this would be my type of guild
, a guild of hardworking good people.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
i can help others if they need me on missions or anything and i am always there for helping other people.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
beginning of 2014.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
i enjoy the game so i tend to play it a lot .
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
i really like making others feel good and safe and strive me best to be trustworthy for every one,
i also like to work very hard in the game so i can be on top of the food chain.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
This guild likes to work hard just like i do and a feel good guild so i thought this would be my type of guild
, a guild of hardworking good people.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
i can help others if they need me on missions or anything and i am always there for helping other people.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

I've been a member of this guild for awhile and they're fantastic. I was a Knight Elite when I joined and this guild really helped me advance quickly.
It's a really, really, really active guild made up of a bunch of amazing people from all over the globe. I came for the help, but stayed because of the community. They've got a good thing going here, and I'm glad to be a part of it.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Since 2011 when ce prices weren't so atrocious and just a little before missions were added in.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Hmm I try to get online everyday just to at least do the daily prestige, but studying can get in the way of things.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I enjoy watching anime on the side, swimming in the summer and skiing in winter.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I'm looking for a guild that's solid on the game play and more about strengthening the community than its name. I'm interested in meeting other SK players that have either excelled at the game or new people so that I can show them the ropes. Learning from others and teaching others is how SK should be played.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I used to be well aware of the various prices in the trading market, but I need to catch up. I am more or less average and can help others in runs, I only shine because I don't use spirits in runs. I can help out in runs, but I prefer to give tips so that they can do the runs themselves.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I have read all and agree to them. For the last one, if I were to tell a GM or an officer that I had exams and I would be inactive for a week, would I be removed then asked to rejoin or will I be allowed in the guild while I'm away? Is there a limit where I can be "inactive" due to studying? Or is 3 times the final limit where I will be asked to leave.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Summer of 2011
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
10 - 15 hours a week
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I enjoy gaming and roleplaying games such as Warframe and Spiral Knights
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am from the United States
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
This guild seems very organized and I am looking for a well-organized guild with a strong set of rules to follow
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can offer my service to my fellow guildmates if they need help on missions
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
What's your in-game name? - Mountain-Jew
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? - A couple of years ago.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! - Usually when I have the time for it (aka spare time).
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? - Well, I'm 16 years old, I AM socially-awkward, I'm 6'2 and weight 65 kilos. :P I like stealth videogames and RPGs as well. Want to find out more about me? Come find me in-game!
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? - I was born in Spain and currently living in Mexico.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? - Some guilds are focused on PvP and basically just that. They don't interact that much with recruits, members, etc. They're kind of...selfish, you know? So, I've been told this guild is different so I decided to check that out by myself! Looks nice so far. And I'm really really looking forward to make new friends and share some good moments with you!
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? - Since this is a free guild, you don't HAVE to pay a fee for your stay in the guild, which is nice! You can basically donate crowns anytime you want (same goes for materials, recipes, etc). I'd help people out with their missions, collect crowns for the guild (and for me, of course) and guide the ''newbies'' into this new world which is called Spiral Knights.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? - Absolutely.
Thanks for your time, guys!

1. I am the Iron Guardian, [The-Heavenly-Iron] of the six heroes, pleasure
2. when did I play eh? hm...I cannot remember well, but I can describe it was when the game was grand, before these missions and what not
3. I can say I am on for so long, doing gate runs and assisting the knights in need
4. I am from Texas
5. Why the Retribution Council? because my kind of guild would be a guild that care for all the members and have discipline as well when it comes to the rules, and I will serve and follow till my hearts content, the bitter end.
6. I can contribute by supporting the guild hall and the players, since I am a very active player
7. Yes I read all the rules, and I shall naturally follow and enforce them, you have my word as one of the guardians of cradle, though if its okay, id like a message telling me if I am qualified, thank you for the chance
IGN: The-Heavenly-Iron
1 - My in-game name is KzTuti
2 - I started playing SK in the beginning of July
3 - I play it every day, I really enjoy this game and I find it really fun!
4 - I'm a joyfull and cheerfull, happy to help kind of person, always trying to have the most fun of everything!
5 - I'm from Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.
6 - I have a friend that is always talking about the guild and he keep saying that he'd like me to try and join it, after I knew about how the guild works I couldn't say no.
7 - If someone needs something that I can help with, I'd be glad to do it immediately! I really like helping and cooperating, it makes me feel awesome.
8 - I've read the rules and I agree with them.
P.S: My friend nickname is Squaredfish <3
What's your in-game name?: My character is named Dav-Yeah (everything else I could think was taken.)
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I don't really remember. For a few years I think. ( I am still a noob though because I deleted all my old characters.)
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! When not in a guild once a week. But when I'm in one (which I'm hoping to be) about once a day.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I consider myself kind. I value friendship and loyalty above most things.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I am from the United States.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? You seemed friendly just by the way you wrote the thread. I want to be part of that. Also my past guild died weeks after I joined. This looks like it will keep standing for a while. It also seems like you are acepting to people of lower ranks. (I am a knight)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I can help by being a friendly face always helping out with farming that is not too hard for me.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes.
What's your in-game name? Smithy-Boi
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Yesterday
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I will play the game 5 to 7 days a week
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person? I am a trustworthy reliable person who can get the job done
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Australia
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Retribution Council seems like a strong reliable guild that can help new players like me
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? One thing that could contribute to the community is maybe higher players could do dungeons with smaller players to help them get better
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I have read the rules and agree to them
-What's your in-game name?
-When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
i rate 5*
-Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
Male.18old.a good gamer.
-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I come from Malaysian.
-Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Cause i see this guild good for teamwork introduction.
-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Sure if you guys do more goodness.
-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes.i have read all rule and agree that.
Reply my request!:)

1. What's your in-game name?
2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-I started the game initially for the Team Fortress 2 promotion.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I'd managed to work my way up to several 5-star equipments and made several Vanaduke runs before I left the game for 4 years. Nostalgia hits me and I'm looking to get back to it.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-I usually keep to myself around new environments. Although after a while I can be come more talkative (but sometimes if I think I took a step too far and accidentally offended people, I'd just devolve back to the stranger personality at the beginning)
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-Taiwan (Asia)
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-This guild seems more PvE-oriented which I like, because I'm not a PvP person (not to mention the latency I'll be getting by playing from Asia... damn those Krogmo coins).
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-I'm still catching up with whatever updates were added during these 4 years, but I can try my best to help others on various questions/requests, along with some co-op fun.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
-No begging, avoid profanities, follow the leader(s), behave for the guild, and no rejoin--Got them.

So let's talk about what's new. It's time for our seventh update! As the norm, we'll go over the usual basics and get to some brand new tweaks made over the passing days. Not only that, but a lot more things that really shouldn't be spoiled in this description (unless I obviously spoiled it in the title already). It's a common question of why fix something that isn't broken, which the answer is to make it even better! That's exactly what we're packing this round, so enough of the beating around the bush, and let's get on down to it.
Oh.. but first the basics.. Because the law demands I repeat the same formula constantly.
↺Normal Update↻
1) We've stuffed our Screenshots section, with even more pictures for anyone's viewing pleasure. This includes thirteen more Vanaduke Runs photos, starring a special anonymous guest by the codename White Hairball. Along with five brand spanking new Shadow Lair photos, two of which also featuring the anonymous cat in white! It would have been seven instead, but let's just say we came across a.. ''minor complication'', known as Steam. You can take a gander at them right here, with swanky names to boot them off with: 3 Shields 1 Dog / Honoring Roadkill / The Avatar / Army Imposters / Mist-fits ( A damn good pun )
2) A massive list of new countries to our TeamSpeak, this round. This time we have Belgium, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, Mexico, Romania, and Spain! As impressive as that is, to this day I'm still waiting for someone from Japan. Like seriously, Spiral Knights Asia is gone, so where's my Japanese! Someone has to teach me how to use this soul stealing katana that I stole fr-.. borrowed from a friend. Clearly my intentions are to cut perfect slices of bread with it.
↺First Anniversary / The Revamp↻
1) In our last update there was mention of another promo video for a massive guild event we'll be hosting. Well, we weren't joking. On June 29th, we hosted that very guild event, and a whopping 41 guildies joined in for it! This was the first anniversary of the Retribution Council, which made us proud to see so many people appreciated our community to the point that over three dozen players ended up coming. So, what was the anniversary you ask? To keep it simple, we got a crap ton of fireworks and crap ton of confetti, topped off with a crap ton of people. The result was basically enough things going off to make even the best computers lag, and for the ones that lagged already.. whoops.
Huge appreciation to all who attended, as well as helped out to make the anniversary event itself a possibility. It shows that even the youngest guilds with the right amount of care, hard work, and organization can become big all the same. We don't plan on stopping there though, as there's always ways to improve! Since we're not going anywhere, and crossed our first milestone, it's time to play harder than before for year number two! In the meantime, enjoy our Fireworks Jubilee pictures and video!
Click these links for screenshots of the event: Fireworks Jubilee 1 / Fireworks Jubilee 2 / Fireworks Jubilee 3 / Fireworks Jubilee 4
Click this link for the official promo video of the event: Spiral Knights - Fireworks Jubilee - Retribution Council
2) Now we move on, talking about the revamp. This included some basic things, such as slight redesign to certain thread aspects, rewording, and general sentence structure similar to our past sixth update. For the keen eyed, one would notice Retribution Council has now changed goals due to reaching our milestone, and thus we're shaping along with the time. So instead of simply being the place for anyone, we're changing up to be the place for everyone! That.. made no sense.. Just read the thread. Not only that, but we've now gotten our own official YouTube channel!
What's to come from that? Truthfully, we're tossing ideas left and right to publish more than simple event videos. We may be doing Shadow Lair videos, we may be doing challenge videos, we may be doing bikini contests. The point is, we'll be doing something, and all anyone can do is wait. Don't consider us serious content providers folks, remember for now it's just an idea! Knowing us though, we'll probably do it. Besides, there's still more things for our thread that we have yet to implement, so stay tuned.
3) Of course we couldn't just wrap things up on that alone. Due to the massive popularity of our Exclusive Recipe Bank and Exclusive Sprite Food Bank, we now present our newest perk in full force! Thus unveiling.. the Exclusive Shadow Lair Material Bank, for all our players. Just the gift that keeps on giving, and it's not even Christmas! As usual, you can read all about this new perk in the original post, at the Exclusive Guild Perks section! With all the Shadow Lairs we do, the main idea for implementing this perk was ''why the hell not''.
A massive thanks to everyone who supports the Retribution Council, as we continue to grow for years to come!
Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

My in game name is Fishmclishy
I honestly cant remember when I started, but I've been playing before sprites and orbs etc were implemented, if that matters.
I play the game around 2 hours every day on avg.
Hm, I'm the kinda guy that welcomes everybody online, because nobody else ever does :P Also, I like teaching people mechanics of the game (ex. cancelling)
Canada, eh?
Well, some of the reasons that retri council is so special are the amount of perks and the teamspeak server, like no other guilds have that. Just read over the ranking doc. page and your guild is VERY organized, looks like a lot of fun to be a part of ^w^.
Well, things i can offer are not being a drama queen (as that is very popular in a lot of guilds) and helping people, because most of the time im just squatting in haven. Also, your recipe hunting kind of runs seem REALLY fun and productive, as I give someone else a needed recipe and I get that 5k bonus! Sweet!
I do agree to all those rules.

1. My In Game Name if Blastorang
2. Not quite sure I know it was about a year before the Battle Sprite update ( which I loved and hated )
3. On average 4 times a week. It highly depends on my schedule
4. I play games because I want to enjoy them. My hobbies are vide games sports and Legos XD
5. Minnesota USA
6. Because it's all about teamwork and the community and I can tell that I'd enjoy myself and hopefully others will to.
7. An advice giver and a helper on runs ( I'm pretty sure that's how I'm supposed to word that? )
8. Completely understood and agreed too.
What's your in-game name? Enternameherelol
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? i used to play spiral knights with my friends a few years back... but i never actually really started to play it until this year
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! Whenever I have the chance
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. i have a crappy computer that lags a lot. i am a pretty quiet person although i like making comments sometimes. i am working toward a five star gun.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? USA
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? i have a friend in the guild, a veteran named vaxikon who told me about the guild.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? i will try to donate crowns as much as i can.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I have.
• What's your in-game name?
• When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I began playing about three weeks ago, but I really began playing when a friend started playing with me a week ago so 2015. =P
• How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I like playing this game three times or more a week. I prefer playing with friends. When I do so, I usually play it for longer hours, because I find it more enjoyable that way. I could even go on playing it for a week straight. The more the merrier. The merrier, the more I play.
• Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
As a person I’m a respectful citizen, sincerely. I also enjoy helping others and learning new things regardless of what field we’re talking about here (people skills, something academic, etc.).
• Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I’m from Ecuador which is in South America. I was born there and I live there, currently.
• Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I’ve found that I would much rather play with others than just by myself. I think this will help me play more, progress more and overall, have more fun in the game. Everything you guys do seems like fun, though I know that behind it there is a lot of effort. I’m talking about the Fireworks Jubilee and the Haven Takeover self-created missions. It challenges players in other aspects than just the missions and allows us some fun. Apart from that, there are players in all tiers so it’ll really feel like a family where there are more-experienced players coaching the less-experienced ones like a real-life family with daddys and mommys and kids where the kids grow up really quickly heh.
• We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I’ll contribute in any way I can. As I said, I’m mostly here to enjoy spending time with other people playing this game, because playing solo isn’t that thrilling. I’ll farm and even do the dishes if that’s necessary.
• Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, I’ve read them over and over again. I like the part that goes “Remember, the behavior of one reflects the behavior of all.”
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Hard to say really. I've played a long time ago, way back when energy to crowns was around 100:5000. I seem to remember it was on open beta, but not sure. It was before it got released on steam though. I did take a long break, only started playing recently. But technically, still a veteran. So you know. There's that.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Daily, Usually an hour or two. Solo that is, it's going to be different when I have people to talk to, or to team up with.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Dutch, somewhere mid/late twenties, gamer, loves long walks on the beach. Hates sand, walking, distances. Besides the shitty sense of humor, I'm actually a decent person.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Dutchland. We have cheese. And rain.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Activity. Been playing the game quite a lot lately, so you know. From what I've seen, there are not many active guilds. And those that are active, do not all seem.. Well. my type of guild so to say. I'm looking for a mature, fun, active guild, with fun people to talk to, and fun people to play with. I believe RC is all of this.
I also like the attitude you have. Not forced, and kind. As I'm still returning, kindness is appreciated. Needless to say, you will get it back in triplicate.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I'm a strategist. I have a set of working brains that doesn't 'fraid of difficult puzzles. A tough battle is just that - a puzzle, waiting to be solved. Now, with the current bosses and stuff in the game, I don't think it will be of much use, but with future expansions, I believe I could be a help there. I just love to dive headfirst into new content, and see how you can crack that difficult setup.
Besides that, I have a caring heart, often don't mind helping others out. Plus, I'm active.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Rules seem fair. As long as #3 won't be abused, I fully agree.
1.my in game name is Thewilliams
2.about a month and half
3.on for hours on end unless doing something irl and will probably decrease in activity during the school year
4. i am the type of player who will shout "for glory" if playing with friends and i deeply despise running away and iv'e been described as a funny guy and and generally a loyal friend
6.you guys seem pretty cool another player told me about you and reading about your guild you guys seem kinda cool
7.as i said i am on for hours and will fight my way to the core if my group wants to,i am good to have around for grinding and getting past tough areas that would beat any one person and i also like ,making great gear for my under equipped friends
8, i read your rules and i agree to all of them,i will accept any orders given to me by the guildmasters

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

Just a little post to say that Im not dead, Im just doing schoolwork and hope to be back soon Kaz.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
A couple years ago, not sure exactly when. A couple months before elevator passes came out? (I've been here a long time)
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
VERY often! I play whenever I have time and no other obligations, so i normally manage to fit in a couple hours a day.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Well, I'm really cool. I'm an avid actor and amateur psychologist (still in highschool). In game, I'm mostly a support bomber, although I've decided to try my hand at swording for a bit.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
The U.S., I'm a valley boy B) (L.A.)
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Well, this guild is huge and very active, with a great community, from what I can tell. That's exactly what I need, since I just want people to run PvE with and talk to. This guild also has people from a lot of different time zones, which is awesome because I don't always keep normal hours.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Well, I'm always down for any run, I like to think I'm hilarious, and I enjoy playing support to other players ^.^
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
What's your in-game name?
My in game name is Elnorda
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I don't remember when but i have been playing for a while now this is my second account as i forgot the password from and old one sadly. ( If what i was guild less and i could not get past one mission by my self sadly so i rage quit:( )
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
For the past 2 week i would say i came one at least once a day for 1-2 hours
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I would tell about my self but i cant as only the person that really wants to know me will find out my true self. Oh yes i am 16 :).
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Well lets say UK i hope that should do it.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I have heard good things from some people that helped me to do some missions about this guild. And generally the the description made me fell good.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
did not get the question very well sorry. But i guess i would try brings happiness and lots of potatos loyal potatos.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I did read the rules carefully and I agree to them as they are one off the reasons that i want to join:))))!!!

IGN- Voltduck
I began playing 2 years ago.
I like to go on spiral knights when i can (which is fairly often)
I like to think i'm friendly, I like to make people feel welcome on the game, and I'm also willing to help when needed
I look towards further development in my spiral knights experience I look for guilds that can add to my experience, and I'm looking for an active guild, as I enjoy the company of other players during my playtime
As an individual, I would gladly spend my time and effort into gathering items for the guild and my guildmates.
I have read over the rules and completely agree to them.
-disclaimer- This is on Fishmclisy's forum account, as mine just isn't working .-.
P.S. I like ducks, Quack
Hello, My name is Barry Allen. JK lol, but I would love to join your guild(Please excuse my name, it took me a while to figure this forum thing out)
What's your in-game name?:
My in game name is Nerdy-Knight(get it?)
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?:
I have been playing Spiral Knights for 1 year now. The longest time I have played a game.(Controlling Parents)
How frequently do you like playing the game?:
How often I played this game has varied to be honest. When I first started the game, I spent all my time on it, after about 2 months, I played a sandbox known as Terraria, which lasted for about 1 month. After a while, I got bored of Terraria, and I began my Spiral Knights grind, which lasted for about 9 months, with the help of my friend, I developed decent PvE skills(Didn't really help with PvP tho D:) Recently, I have began playing the popular MOBA League Of Legends(Which has turned into a rage fest).Of course, there is the school year, where I will most likely be studying(Blarg) and doing work, but I will devote as much time as I can to Spiral Knights. Personally, some of my happiest moments have been playing this game, and I will continue frequently play this game, and hopefully, create more enjoyable, wifi lag free moments.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person:
Do you really want to open that door? Well, to be honest, I am an energetic, intelligent, and outgoing. I am the type of person who can take a few jokes, and tell a couple bad ones too. My friends are also very important to me, and I would say some of the most important people in my life, my friends are the ones who introduced me to Spiral Knights. Academics are also very important to me, I study hard, and I get my homework done, I work very hard in school, and while I try to enjoy life, much the the dismay of my parents, I do care about my academic life. Personally, I think that I am a good person at heart, and I will do that is right.
Which Country are you from?:
I was born is Shanghai, China, and was raised in British Columbia, Canada.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Why do I want to join Retribution Council? Well for a number of reasons, but the main reason I want to join is to join an active guild with nice, and helpful people. All my life, I have been around terrible people, people who were, people who would try to swindle you for their own gain. For once, I want to be in a nice, active guild filled with honest people.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?:
I can help anybody with whatever they need to the best of my ability. While I am not a rich person, I have decent PvE skills, and I can carry people through most levels. While I cannot help people much with their inventory, I can help them obtain whatever they need, or simply give it to them if I happen to have it.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?:
Of course, as my father says, don’t operate a device without reading the instructions. I have read these rules and I abide by them, they protect people, and makes the guild more enjoyable for everybody.

One of this guild's member told me that i would fit in this guild :), here we go:
Q:What's your in-game name?
Q:When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
A:Hum not sure but maybe 2012??
Q:How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
A:I try to play everyday , during summer vocation... im totally free to play!
Q:Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
A: Relaxed person, funny, not rude , just like to have fun and chill with people! Im all about having fun, don't like people with bad humour tho xD
Q:Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
A: Portugal !!!
Q:Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Well i left the last guild because i wans't active with them, and seems that Reribution Council is prety active and has every kind of people to have fun, for haven chills, FSC , other missions, from what people told me , you guys really have fun together and that's what im looking for, i wanna be in a guild for a reason, and you gusy already gave me to many reason to join your guild!
Q:We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
A: Hum... well, i hope my personality brings more fun to the party xD, but i can always donate money, help people with missions, advices etc. etc.
Q:Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
A: Of course"
Well i hope you guys are happy with my QA's, wel... see you around haven! ;)

Drawster is gonna be a great asset to your guild hes nice friendly and i nver had any trouble with him and with pain in my heart i had too let him go :'( but do take care of him :D

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
What's your in-game name?
-My in-game name is Vynlaris.
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-I started playing SK around a year ago, stopped when I finally got my Snarbolax Set, and then I restarted 4 days ago.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I play SK pretty frequently, but only after school hours. Even though I can only play after school hours, I'm already at the
rank of 6-2 even though I made this new knight just 4 days ago.
Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
-In real life and in SK, I'm a very friendly and enthusiastic person. Generally what I can say about myself, but I'll see what
becomes of me in the future as I develop more traits.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-I am from the Philippines.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-A year ago, when I was in my old guild, Owsla, I knew Retribution Council was already a prospering guild at the time up to now.
I saw a lot of people (Vanguards) who roam around with the Retribution Council Guild name, and I knew it was one of the top
rank guilds before, so I was more than happy to see that Retribution Council is still here when I restarted.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-Being helpful to guild members is what I do best, if they need support or help with runs, I'll be here. I can also contribute by
doing a lot of arcade runs in the future and by helping the guild keep stock of it's recipes and materials.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
-I agree with the rules and rightfully share in the (really nice) perks that I have read in the Retribution Council forum.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
June 2011
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
When active, most days for a few hours each day.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm 21 years old. I have been playing games for most of my life and played a pretty wide variety of games, but most frequently shooters and RPGs. I like studying the mechanics of the games I'm playing and optimizing strategies and equipment setups, and love discussing these things with other players.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I sometimes play very late at night or early morning, so I may end up playing with players from other regions.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
When I first started playing spiral knights I joined a few different guilds, but they weren't really what I was looking for. After about a year of playing I joined Knightmare and stayed with them for a few years, but they have since become pretty inactive, so a few days ago I left to find a new guild.
I want to join Retribution Council for three main reasons.
- It looks like you have a decent amount of active members that do fun missions/levels.
- To have a team for shadow lairs.
- You have a teamspeak. I like using voice chat while I play.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I'd be one more member for people to play with. Aside from that, I enjoy helping new players and teaching them about the game, and don't mind running T2 missions sometimes.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? -
Started playing in 2011, i wasn't very good at the game back then so i left for awhile then came back after!
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
3-7 Hours, i play daily.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Hey! I'm 13 years old, was born in the Philippines. I was invited to play around on SK at 2011, i was pretty young back then so i didn't know much, 4 years after that, this is me! I'm a quiet and loyal person who likes to play MMORPG's around Steam, or probably FPS and TPS games. I like to play Spiral Knights most of the time, or maybe Trove.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I'm from the Philippines!~ :)
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
It makes you guys different because your community has different members from different countries, and that's pretty good cause it means i can interact with other people around the world by means of the Retribution Council!
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I'd love to help the community by means of doing dungeons which they find hard to do and which i have finished before. I may donate crowns to them as well if i have any spare.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
@Daim could you just inform me if I got invited? I will be inactive for about a week so I cant check my mail.