(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)

527 Réponses [Dernière contribution]
Application Form

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?---
4 years ago but i left for 1 year and i come back some time like 2 week

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
every 2-3 week.! an spent time in sk is: 3 hours

-Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?-
well im 20 and im working man yet i still play game and i love to help people with their problem such as IT thing.....
i have 2 personal webpage on wix.com.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different
well i met 2 top player that i played with and i think is preety cool with their skill. i would like to jpin you guys to battel some monster and im a part time youtuber as well.
-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?-
i cant donate think as much but i could help player to get promote as fast as some could be....
-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? yes i did and i have agree.
p.s im a vanguard
and im a friends of

Application Form

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?---
4 years ago but i left for 1 year and i come back some time like 2 week

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
every 2-3 week.! an spent time in sk is: 3 hours

-Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?-
well im 20 and im working man yet i still play game and i love to help people with their problem such as IT thing.....
i have 2 personal webpage on wix.com.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different
well i met 2 top player that i played with and i think is preety cool with their skill. i would like to jpin you guys to battel some monster and im a part time youtuber as well.
-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?-
i cant donate think as much but i could help player to get promote as fast as some could be....
-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? yes i did and i have agree.
p.s im a vanguard
and im a friends of

Portrait de Daim-Kage
Applications Notifications Confirmations

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


What's your in-game name?


When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?


How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!

I have been inactive for a long time but I wanna start playing again and I guess I'll play every week when i get free time from work and my net doesn't die.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.

I'm 21, I'm spanish but I live in London, I work and study, I like playing games, watching series and going out.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?


Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

I like how you organize things here, everything looks so neat and the rules are clear, I'd like to get a new start in this game and this guild looks good.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

I can contribute with my experience and knowledge of the game (if nothing has changed too much).

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?


Guild Application

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

I'm Louishascome, my friends call me Louis :D.
I began playing Spiral Knights about half a year ago and I play the game several times a week, when I'm in an active guild I play even more than when I'm not.
I'm 19 years old and I'd describe myself as a friendly, easy-to-get-along-with person. I have a sense of humor(yes, I think that's worth mentioning xD) and I like messing around :3 . But I can also be very serious if need be(insert serious face here).
I come from the lovely countryside(I guess, in a way, you could call it that xD) of southern germany(I've had english in school for ages so don't worry about communication :D)
I chose to apply for the Retribution Council because I am searching for an active guild with a friendly, mature community and even this guild was only the second I clicked on, I think this is a perfect fit for me.(if I'm fit to be a member is for you to decide :)) I like the structure of the guild and things like your promised sprite food trading are very attractive to me since I have been collecting hundreds of Dark Matter and Luminite but haven't found someone for a long time to trade them with ^^. You guys also have a clean set of rules, most of which are also always very important to me personally when interacting with a community. Also I like the notion of not being forced to donate but I will of course donate several thousand crowns a week depending on my income ;).
I'm always up for helping other players with missions or even just giving them information that they need to get better. I will further contribute to this community my above-mentioned sense of humor and a slightly above average level of skill at playing the game(completely my own opinion :'D). I am delighted to hear that the guild has a TeamSpeak Server because I like TS3 and I just bought a new headset so I'll probably frequent said server :3
I have read the rules and I completely agree with them.

I look forward to hearing from you :D

Portrait de Morosic
I met a few of your members, and was wondering if i could join

~ What's your in-game name? ~
• My In-Game name is Swager-God ( Yes i know i spelled it wrong, you will see why )

~ When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? ~
• I began Spiral Knights quite awhile ago, Around halfway into 2012! I had started the game with a few of my friends from school, that well, i dont exactly see that much anymore because we have been split up over the course of Middleschool... But i am still in touch with them :P

~ How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! ~
• I have just recently gotten back into the game, but i have been playing the game a LOT lately! I've been grinding it out to get better gear, like Black Kat Armour and other things themed to that, or anything that would make me better in general. Even though i dont have the best gear in the game, I still strive to get better, and I try to keep up with the others i am playing with!

~ Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. ~
• I am a 13 year old Graphics designer and a Motion designer as of now, it is not a business, just a hobby as of now, but i hope when i get older that i can make something out of it! I am usually very determined in the things I do, but i also like to take them into a very considerate way. I can be very helpful at times, but at the same time, very not, that is mainly when i'm really really REALLY tired :P I can be serious at times when need be, but also be very weird and playful at times!

~ Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? ~
• I am from the USA!

~ Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? ~
• I chose the Retribution Council because of your determination in the game. I met some of your players in a match made Vanaduke run, and i saw how well they had seen all the spawns of the Trojans, and where all the mobs usually spawned. Oh, did i mention that they killed Vana in under 1:30 minutes????? That is ridiculous! Your guild has a very nice set of rules, and advantages, like the Free materials and the Pet food, those are very nice if you don't have the Crowns or the Materials do craft a recipe, and i think that is Extremely awesome!

~ We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? ~
• As a member, i could contribute to the community by advertising the clan sub-consciously and be considerate. I can donate if needed, and I can provide some professional looking designs if ever need be. I can help other members in the guild by helping them out on their missions, prestige missions, If they needed materials, I can always get more, And in general be a helpful person.

~ Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? ~
• Yes, i have read the rules, and i understand them, and i do agree with them fully!

• Hope to see some of your guild sometime in the near future! Thanks <3

Portrait de Meonia

What's your in-game name?
My IGN is Meonia.

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Around 2014/2015, I stopped for a long time and started playing again recently.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I'm playing almost daily.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a 24 years old girl/woman, I live in Belgium since 2014 and originally come from the Netherlands! :)
I play a lot of other games besides Spiral Knights and I listen to a lot of music (metal).

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Netherlands originally! But moved to Belgium 2 years ago.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I was looking on the forums for a nice PVE Guild with a good community and saw some posts of Kazangen about the Guild and got really interested to join.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I just hope to make new friends and help out others where needed, your Guild seems like the perfect place for it. :)

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes I have! Rule number 3 made me chuckle. :P


I tried to delete a comment, but could only edit it down to this.

Portrait de Blue-Knife

What's your in-game name?
Blue-Knife, but call me Blue. :D

When did you begin playing SK?
I starting playing Spiral Knights around 4 years ago, but I have been inactive for long periods of time in between. Luckily, I'm back into SK and it's my favorite game again!

How frequently do you play the game?
I play for a good amount of time daily, but it always changes.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a 13 year old boy, but people often say I seem really mature. I really like chatting with others and helping others out, and I'm the kind of person who'd help people on missions and welcome them when they come on. I play and have played a lot of video games, but SK is the only one I ever return to after leaving, and I don't think I'll be leaving SK for quite a while. Not much else to say here, I suppose :P

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I'm from Canada.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I've been to a few other guilds, but many of them were not very active or flooded with not-so-friendly people. Like Skvothe said above, Retribution Council seems like a very friendly guild, but is also strict where strictness is needed. Retribution Council has a wonderful community and is constantly active.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I've been playing SK for 4 years now and can give advice about a lot of things. Other than that, I can be another host and helper in FSC runs. You may have seen me shouting in Haven to get rid of my huge piles of recipes, but Retribution Council's Recipe Bank seems like the perfect place to deposit all of them. I have around 50 Basil-Only recipes, and I'd be more than happy to turn them all back into crowns, which I desperately need right now. I also have a bunch of miscellaneous items I want to get rid of, and I could donate them to the guild.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yep. If I seem like a guild hopper, that's because I haven't found a guild that I'd like to stay in yet. Thanks for reading!

Referred by Demesta. :D

My application for this awesome guild!!!!

What's your in-game name?
IGN- Stuffguy
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I started in November 2015
How frequently do you like playing the game?
I play mostly on weekends because I have after school activities and homework:(
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I really like this game. I am playful. I try to be nice and helpful as possible.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Your guild seems solid. It also seems that it was a lot of nice people and a strong community
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I am only knight elite:( but I could help the lower rank players complete their missions. Also if anyone needs help on their missions just ASK!!!
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
YOu have really good rules I totally agree with them.


Want to join

My name is Hanzo-Jukeisha
I started playing 4-5 years ago
I play at least an hour a day 6-7 days a week
I'm in middle school, favorite game and spent 40$ on this game, polite, not the hopping guild kind of guy, I love cooperating with others
I'm from usa California
I feel like you do the best to explain yourself, don't do things to show off, and not the bossing around kind of guild
I'll help others run through depths and dungeons, donate recipes and mats(crowns if I can) Do what I can to make this a better place
I agree with all the rules and I'll help enforce it even if I'm a recruit (recruits are not as low if you really think :D)
Hopefully I can Join

Other Info

I have black kat mask, vog cub coat, voltedge, hammer, Blackhawk, gigawatt, dark retribution 5 star one, dark thorn shield, dark thorn blade, gran faust, silent nightblade and other 3 star things

Portrait de Daim-Kage
Applications Notifications Confirmations

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

Panda's Application :D

1)What's your in-game name?

2)When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Last mid-year, got invited by classmate :D

3)How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Almost everyday except for exams period or camps of co curriculum period.

4)Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I am a 16 years old boy :3 I am extremely active in my co curriculum uniformed body (Red Crescent Society :D some country may call is as Red Cross). My indoor hobby is playing computer games like League of Legends, Spiral Knights, Left 4 Dead 2, CS:GO while outdoor sports that I like is Foot Drill/ Parade.

5)Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I'm a Chinese from Malaysia. My English is not that good :(

6)Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Because I like PvE and I hope I can find a guild that extremely active in PvE :D Furthermore, I still didn't seen any members of RC have bad manners, bad behaviors or bad attitude like insulting people, so I think the members of this guild is well behaved and friendly :D

7)We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Not much as I don't have good loadout but I can help in assisting newbie in guild in their mission, and do something minor that will help a bit (like distracting guards from vana)

8)Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yea of course I do. Especially the rules that allow members to reapply if removed due to long time inactivity (I had been kicked by some guilds before as I need to prepare for exam and didn't online like 1 week and they don't let me reapply)

I'd Love to Join

What's your in-game name?
Lady-Deviljho, though it's changed a few times throughout the years

When did you begin playing SK?
Right around the launch in 2011, I've been in and out for years. Mostly due to a lack of friends ^^ solo'ing everything is nice but can get tiresome

How frequently do you play the game?
hour a day, mostly grinding for mats :3

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
23, I work in mobile sales and I usually go for the road's less traveled. I'm not one to beg or ask for mats. I've been content slowly gathering my own now for a while ^^

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
My last guild died q.q, every one quit. You guys and gals seem dedicated and active ^^ but the fact that your pushing loyalty is appealing. I had a lot of people join and leave my previous guild and it was frustrating, plus it's nice that you have a provision for time related leaves

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I main a bomb set, and have been doing so for 2 years now! Personally I don't see to many bombers so I think that would be one of my greatest contributions, additionally, I'm also looking for a guild to grow with! That said, I don't mind grabbin a little energy to advance my and the guilds progress.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Mhmm, though me an patchy go back a ways. Non the less, he's a tired fellah. Might be time to retire him ;3

Old Guild Dead. Knights of Divinity.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing SK?
When it launched; beta? Not sure to be honest. friend who last logged in from 2011 so i suppose it's been awhile..

-How frequently do you play the game?
Whenever I can. I don't like to play alone and no one around the LAN i work at enjoys the game.

-Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a Support Tech at GameRepublik. It's a gaming LAN in Austin TX and i spend most my days there: Facebook.com/Gamerepublik/. 20years old and i'm going to ACC(austin community college).

-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

-Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I want an established guild I can grow my character with. I hate cespool guilds that invite anyone and demand too much from their players. I won't promise to stick around if you aren't what i'm looking for or bis versa. I'm an extremely loyal guy and i can be quite helpful once I am in position so maybe you could use me somehow.

-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
Again like i said i like helping out and i'm pretty loyal. If someone needed help and no one was looking to stand up to it I would. Also anyone in austin with computer issues should just come to me. I have the equipment and training to fix it.
PS i'm not really looking to take mats from others... i'll buy my own unless someone offers.

-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, I already have a pirate, his name is Joe and he's a great guy.

We'd like to join

I am applying for both my GF and myself at the same time as to not cause too many post ^^

IGNs: Sea-Rose and Leon-Shore

Start date: We both started at the same time which was probably around 3 weeks-1month ago

Gameplay time: We play almost every night for some time after I get home from work and are on a good amount on weekends. (We are both defender rank leveling our 4* gear now)

Country: NYC,USA

About us: We are a couple in our 20's who likes to spend free time relaxing and playing SK together and feel it is time we start looking for a community after this past month on our own. She is an artist and a scholar while I work for a tech company that puts help systems and communications in mass transit. I am working towards the design engineering side of work while she is working on her next series of paintings.

What makes you different to us: The community aspect of the guild really speaks to us as we had been part of a guild with similar views in the game we had use to play for years until it just kind of died off and we picked up spiral knights. So what we think makes you different is that you are that rare breed of guild that actually cares about each member on an individual basis and strives to make sure anyone can get whatever it is they need with less grind then would be necessary without such a community.

What we can contribute: We have thrown many events in our MMO career and find it quite a fun thing to do. If you guys do host any events we would be happy to help with the planning committee ^^ Additionally we like to help wherever we can even if it's helping someone through the first mission or wiping on something ridiculously hard that we are not really ready for. That is half the fun though! We've never minded dying a few times to get something down right :P

Rules: Yes we have read and agree with the rules completely. A guild needs structure to thrive




What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Since pre-steam release, but took a long break
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Just started up again. Hoping to enjoy the experience of playing with others enough to continue playing more.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Engineering student. Pie is good. Generally I'm quiet but I enjoy a good conversation and working with others.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
RC looks like a large guild that encourages playing together. I hope that a friendly community and good teachers will help me improve.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? -
God knows I just want to get good enough to where I can help with late game runs, but until then my sense of humor and willingness to help others.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? -
Yes and yes.

I wanna join!

I - My In-game name is Merceroid
II - I used to play this game about 1 and a half year ago. Got to Knight, Then i quit, I started of fresh about a week ago , and I am at Knight Elite, And look to play forward
III - I play this game almost everyday, As long as there is no test coming up in my face ^_^
IV - I'm a 13 Year old Male, Like to play Video games a lot! , During the vacations that is what I am up to most of the time, I'll occasionally take a break, Watch some Tele , go out for a walk(<--Rarely happens) . I am also the kind of person who adds a bit of humor to the society by cracking those occasional situational jokes. Not the best in English I'd say , but I am able to converse pretty good in it.
V - I am from India . Not that bad of a place :P
VI - I've met some players(Zoder-Jr & Puurrael) from your guild online, They Took me to Vana , Helped me a lot, My guild Rarely(<-More like never) Does that,The Services your guild offers are also pretty neat! I look forward to using those a lot , and I think they make Gameplay and life a tad bit easier to deal with.
VII - The Guild offers many services, True indeed. I've seen your members help Non-members, That's pretty neat too. Even I'd like to do that :3 Help those not as good as me(<--Always better than me though ;-;) , Crack occasional jokes, keep the community healthy and going , Keep it light weight . Provide others with assistance time to time , Recommend others the guild. Add to the Society. Other than that, Being just a Knight Elite myself , I don't think I would be able to Moderate and help others that heavily
VIII - Damn sure I did, Don't wanna get kicked .

-xoxo :3 :3


Q:What's your in-game name?
A:Valignat (which is Draconic for burn)

Q:When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
A:Played around the time it opened up around beta before steam change it from the browser to a EXE.
Just coming back to it and enjoying every moment I can.

Q:How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
A:Lately, pretty much none stop, on almost everyday relearning the community and having a blast doing it.

Q:Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
A: I'm 26 and I'm a chilled out guy who loves gaming and like making my own music as a hobby.
Also watch a bunch of shows like The Walking Dead and Supernatural as well Dr. Who.

Q:Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Q:Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
A: Just seem more like a nice guild then others I've come a crossed. Very rare quality to have.
Also the community of the guild has me of interest of what they can teach me and I can teach them.

Q:We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
A: I can give out a big helping hand as I grow stronger. Feel free to ask me for anything and I'll see what I can do to help out as much as I can.
I also don't mind sharing my minerals with the guild either as well as recipes and crowns if acquired.

Q:Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
A: Yes, I have.

Zoder-Jr has helped with a couple missions and really got me outta tough binds that I couldn't do by myself, I really appreciate all he's done for me.



I would like to join your guild, Hi :)

My in-game name is Blooming-Rose

I started playing sk 2 and half years ago and I love this game, it’s my favourite game ever cause I like meeting people and have fun playing with them, I play everyday.
I am from Malta EU and am a loyal, friendly and dedicated person. Am trying to find a guild which is active, fun, mature and responsible and you seem to be one with these qualities.
Hope I can offer my friendship and help guild and players too, I like helping :D
I agree with all your rules since they create a positive fun environment.
I wish to join you please, and thank you :D

I would like to join your guild, Hi :)

My in-game name is Blooming-Rose

I started playing sk 2 and half years ago and I love this game, it’s my favourite game ever cause I like meeting people and have fun playing with them, I play everyday.
I am from Malta EU and am a loyal, friendly and dedicated person. Am trying to find a guild which is active, fun, mature and responsible and you seem to be one with these qualities.
Hope I can offer my friendship and help guild and players too, I like helping :D
I agree with all your rules since they create a positive fun environment.
I wish to join you please, and thank you :D


What's your in-game name? Maskedpotato-Il (This can be confusing due to I and l looking the same in-game)

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I can't really remember, But i've been playing for many years.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I'm a very active player, usually. but occasionally i take breaks from SK, so don't think i'm dead or anything if it happens. (only cause of this is because the devs keep adding prize boxes...)

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I'm generally friendly with everyone. My humour style is a bit messed up however, i laugh at almost anything but i'll try to watch my tongue when i'm telling a joke myself, Also i'm a big fan of anonymity, so the internet is like my home.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? United kingdom AKA Britan

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? From the looks of it, This guild has everything i want in a guild, Many members, Utility such as recipes and sprite food (leveling my cat thingy was an exhausting experience, but it's level 100 now) I really don't like PVP, so PVE is what i spend all my time in. This guild is PVE oriented, so in all this looks like it fits me perfectly

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I'm very active when it comes to PVE, so i'll probably be able to give you a helping hand if you want to do the prestige missions and other things like FSC, if you're not a vanguard yet, i can help you out. However i really dislike people pushing me into doing things, so just ask and if i say something like "Not atm, sorry" It probably means i don't feel like doing it. I have a pretty good amount of crowns and energy, so i can open up shadow lairs for you guys free of charge

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes. (I wanted to put something else here to make this seem less robotic, But by describing my issue, i have solved it. Ingenious.)

Other notes, not needed but i thought it'd be a nice touch: I have pretty much top tier equipment across the board. Sprite is level 100, i have a BKC and a chaos cloak, and many other things. i'm not interested in overwatch ATM, but i'll probably give it a shot when it is released. TF2 is more my style. My usual play hours are 3PM to midnight.

Thanks for reading this really long application, hopefully i didn't go on for an obnoxious amount of time explaining small details that don't matter. Wait, i just did it. NUUUU

Apply - Old player - IGN: Amatsukuma.

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
A few years ago. How about 2013.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Every day at night.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a serious person. Not used to make fun of everything and i respect everyone as i want them to respect me. Most of time.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
What makes Retribution Council different? Mmm... the rules - Respecting the members - not asking for crowns or items (Most of times it is common in other kind of guilds). About loyalty. The way that the guild shows herself in the game.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can help the other players as that i'm an old one player. Most of time to rush them. Teachings.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I totally agree with the rules.

Portrait de Deywalker
I want to join....

1. IGN : Deywalker
2. I began playing 3-4 months ago roughly
3. Everyday (approx 4-5 hrs)
4. im a 21 year old engineering student with an astounding fascination towards this game. Personality wise im both serious and fun unless someone is really getting on my nerves :P
5. Im from Bangladesh
6. Having reached Vanguard just recently im having a hard time with the higher tier prestige and shadow lair missions. Also it not really very fun to solo vana all the time :(. More than anything i wud really appreciate an active guild with people that dnt mind helping out every once in a while.
7. Im still a beginner at this game but i tend to do a lot of boss runs(not just vana i do all 4) so i can help with any boss specific materials and or sprite food and basil recipes. I would like to say help with other tougher missions but im still not very good at this game yet(hopefully u guys can get me to be better :P)
8. yeah. the rules were straight forward and fair so i have no problems with them.

Portrait de Daim-Kage
Applications Notifications Confirmations

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

Amazing Guild

This is the best guild I've been in!
I've been in this guild for 30 minutes! yes that's right 30 minutes!
After which i got kicked for Borrowing Not 10000, Not 1000, But only 70 Crowns from a guild mate, cuz i was short and I wanted to put something on the Auction house.

- 10 / 10 ~ Ign , Would get kicked again.


Portrait de Daim-Kage

@Merceroid - You were removed from the guild for begging in Haven. Regardless of if a Member of the guild selflessly gave you the crowns, you went against the rules you agreed to within our application process.

Rules are not measured by the amount of crowns you ask for, but are created to be followed as they set the core values that the guild holds. Breaking them within 30 minutes of your trail showed a disregard for those values, and thusly you were kicked.

Retribution Council will always enforce its rules to maintain its quality environment.

Good to know mate^

Ah Well,
Never knew Borrowing was also considered begging, Not according to the dictionary I followed at least.
Also 90% of the community nowadays swears, quite a lot I tell you, It is more of a habit now for many people, By imposing rules on your guildies not allowing to use **Inappropriate** language, you are just making them force use pm's to talk with each other instead, Just thought i'd let you know from my experience :)

~Ps . I Payed him 71 crowns Within 2 Hours(<-Of Borrowing) after the item was sold :3 , Just wanted to clear off my debts,

Thank you,

Portrait de Bryantkudo
-What's your in-game

-What's your in-game name?

-When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
i dont exactly remember.. but my play time is 20 days

-How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
every day if i can

-Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
i used to live in america and taiwan :)

-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
kuz cool people like domesta and kazangen are in it and also im trying to find a great active guild and im beliving retribution is one of them

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
ill try to help and in people to vana, maybe missions and i plan to pay founds weekly

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
yes, yes i did


Whats your name In-game?
When did you begin playing Spiral knights?
I started playing around 2012-2013
How Frequently do you play spiral knights?
I play spiral Knights everyday 1-5 hours. I'm really active, I love this game!
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm 15, I'm helpful and Nice and a person that cares and even tho your sad, ill cheer you up.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I'm from California, United States of America.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I wanted to join your guild for Nice caring friends that help out a lot, And For them to stick by your side helping me along the way. :)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I wouldn't mind assisting Knights getting crowns to make Fantastic Recipes. And for them to get Terrific Armor and Weapons. And I like that people wont beg for crowns or energy and that you will be Loyal to each other. :D
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, I did and i agree with each Term, They sound all fair to me.

Portrait de Wukizzle
A True Guild

I like the nice inviting atmposphere. It really draws you into the game, binding you together with a sense of comradery. It has all the benifits of being in a large guild with active guild members and officers. Open Vana runs that you can hop into and skilled players who can run it without a hitch. I like the convenient services to, such as the recipe bank which has helped me get five star gear without having to always roam the clockworks.

My Application

What's your in-game name? -> My in game name is Masterbrodi
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? -> i began playing spiral knights when it came out but i lost my original account i'm starting to play it again now and will be on frequently.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! ->i like to play the game whenever i have the time really i enjoy it a lot and want to get more out of it
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. ->i'm a teenager in Australia and enjoy playing this game i am on top of work giving me the free time to play this game and enjoy it.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?-> as i said i'm from Australia i live in South Australia
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? -> i want to join the retribution guild because it has loyalty and i don't want to join a guild that doesn't have loyalty. i want to offer my help and to help others in a guild that respects itself and is always active
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?-> i want to contribute my loyalty and service to the adventures of the clockworks, i wish to help anyone i can whenever i can.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? -> i have and am very happy with them they make me feel like i can really be a part of this guild

My Application

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I started to play it again few weeks ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play it everytime I can
-Care to tell us a bit about yourself as a person?
I'm a bit shy and maybe cold but I'm really friendly with who deserves it
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I come from Italy
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different
I like your guild name and I saw all your info so you seem to be a good guild
But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I don't know how I can contribute but I'll do my best
-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes and I totaly agree

Portrait de Seditions
IgN Review

Short And Simple.

Guild sounds better then it actually is

Stable Guild (Cause they brainwash you into never leaving by saying you can't rejoin when you leave)

Portrait de Daim-Kage
Applications Notifications Confirmations

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

Application Form

-What's your in-game name?


-When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?

Somewhere around 2011 to 2012.

-How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!

I try to play frequently, however, sometimes might get in the way and I also have a lot of games on my computer..

-Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.

I'm a nice guy as long as people don't treat me badly or be rude to me, which I'm sure everyone is like.

-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?


-Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

I think I was kicked for inactivity back in 2014 or 2015. I remember this guild was one of the best because the players are nice and try to help others.

-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

I hope I can help players who are having difficulty with missions and such who are at equal or lower ranks.

-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Completely agree.

Portrait de Vilu-Daskar
Application Form

What is your in-game name?


When did you begin Spiral knights?

Around 2015

How frequently do you like playing the game? beacause we sure do!

You kidding? SK is my bread and butter, I am on both night and day

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person

I am a 15 year-old male lego mech-building fanatic, usually building small. I also play the piano, and am fairly active in the boy scout program
Also when I am of the age, I will try and apply for the air force here to help pay for college, and my favorite subject in school is Science.

Our community has players from lots of different countries, Which might you be from/

The United States

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

Every time I see you guys you are doing fun events together and just being all-around nice, I would like to add to that, seeing as you guys are also active in the clockworks, and you seem to be a elite and stable guild for advancing players.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

I can help many who are struggling with their missions at my rank and lower

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Completely agree.

P.S. I have made this application for my friend, Sarjawtourguide, who has trouble getting on this site.
Please send the invite to him.

Thank you

Application Form

What's your in-game name?

• My In-Game name is Vinellus.

~ When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? ~

• I began playing around 4-5 years ago. I invested some money in the game with some friends, and quickly got 5* gear. We managed to explore most if not all of the arcade in those times.

~ How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! ~

• I got back into the game around one month ago. But, I love this game a lot. So, I've been grinding Radiants and Elite orbs as much as I can. I play at least 5 days a week for a couple of hours (2-3). Reason is that my current guild is inactive and most friends do not play anymore.

~ Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. ~

• I'm 27 year old male. I'm currently working in a family company, and I shall resume studying this next semester. I play the piano, enjoy reading, going out to hang out with friends, and playing HS/Spiral Knights. I've had a lot of experience with MMORPGs -> I've been playing mmos since Everquest came out. I'm very chill and open minded person.

~ Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? ~
• Puerto Rico

~ Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? ~

• I did a Vana run with one member and he seemed very organized in each instance. This shows dedication to the game, intelligence, and experience. I'm also fairly active as this guild's members. So, I'd like to share time with people who enjoy playing this game as much as I do. Other guilds are not as active and seem filled with arrogant members. I also like that you guys have a set of rules that keeps the community in check and running; all things I look for in a guild. You guys are different in those sense.

~ We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? ~

• Activity. Being active, friendly, and of course donate crowns and items for our members. I'm always up for runs to help lower levels and craft them items. I'm also good at socializing and making newer members feel welcome. If you guys help me grow as a player then the guild becomes more prestigious as a result.

~ Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? ~

• Yes, I have read the rules, and I understand them, and I do agree with them completely.

P.S. Thanks for your time and taking this application into consideration. :)


Guild Application Form

1. What's your in-game name?

Shiruin, but my old guild used to nickname me She Ruins =_=

2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?

I began 3 years ago, but became inactive due to school. However, I am back ever since a week ago.

3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!

I log on 2-3 times a day with each session lasting around 2-2 1/2 hours long, although the session times can vary. I do play a fair amount every day.

4. Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.

I am a 16 year old highschool student that does a whole lot of things such as play the piano, geoscape, volunteer, design, and other things with my spare time. Some things I love include sliced bread, shovels, and carrier pigeons! I'm pretty chill and friendly, even when the game lags in the middle of a boss run. Although I am in the IB program, I've always loved games and will always make time for it. I'm currently pursuing biomedical sciences and will try to get in!

5. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?

I am from Canada.

6. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?

I keep seeing your name in Haven everywhere and I just had to look you guys up. In some of the parties I've helped they even asked if I knew about the Retribution Council, which I did not prior to this. I always thought it was a pretty elite guild and turns out it is.

7. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?

Ever since I came back, all my guildmates (or 90%) of them are inactive. So ever since I've been a lone wolf and wandering about on my own, but a lot of my time I spend on helping lower ranked knights to get through missions and adventure with them through the arcade. So to answer this question, my willingness to help anyone anytime regardless of rank or mission is my greatest contribution to this community. I'd like to think I'm plenty strong, so it does help despite me feeling I'm dead weight at times.

8. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?


retribution council

: my in game name is zaksoz
i started playing around 3 and a half years ago
i play 7 days a week (most of the time)
i am 14
im from BC
your guild seems like a ton of fun and a great place to just hangout and get help if you are stuck on a mission
i read and agreed with the guild terms
I hope you approve! :)

Portrait de Hk-Fourtysevn

"Statement: HK-47 is ready to serve, master"

*What's your in-game name?


When did you begin playing Spiral Knights:

I've been playing for about three-four days now

*How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do:

This game is actually a lot more fun then I though it was going to be. so far I usually get online for a few hours and log off. This game is definitely something I can play for a little bit, and still be able to come back to after not playing for a week or so due to my school work.

*Tell us a bit about yourself as a person:

DIE-HARD Star Wars fan, any guild member that is a Star Wars fan will most likely recognize my IGN, and quote from farther up in my application.

I'm currently a sophomore in high school. So there may be times where I'm not online for a long period of time due to assignments, projects, etc.

Also apart of my schools Track and Field team.

*side note: also loves Shakespeare

*another side note: I used to play Darkscape/Runescape. Darkscape is shutting down on March 24th so I decided to try this game out.

*Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from:

United States

*Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different:

From what I've read, your guys are extremely friendly to new player, whilst doubling as a hardcore guild (I'm starting out as a casual. I tend to work my way to hardcore as I get more playing time).

*We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community:

I would be available to help with missions if people need it. Since I'm new to this game, I'm not sure I can offer a lot of help right now.

*Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

Yes, I agree to all terms and conditions listed in this first post.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application for acceptance.

Portrait de Knight-Emp
Retribution Council Application Form to join.

Greetings knights of Retribution Council.

I am a new person that has recently joined the Spiral Knights community. When I heard about guilds, I knew I wanted to be in one. My in-game username is Knight-Emp. I started playing Spiral Knights approximately 3-4 days ago. I am now the rank of Soldier. I play this game most days. I play for about 1-3 hours a day. I am very generous, if somebody is in desperate need of a material that I don't really need or some crowns, I'll feel free to give it to them. I can use my sword and handgun well but I'm still getting there with the shield. I am from England. I feel the Retribution Council is right for me as for one, there are many people in this guild that are active all the time. Plus the fact that they help to farm, generously donate materials and even do things like quick sales sounds great for me. I love to help people out a lot. I get about 5k crowns a day so I can definitely donate to people who just need that tiny bit more to get something from the Auction House. Furthermore, I can help people like Recruits, Apprentices and Squires to do missions they may find difficult. I have read all of the rules thoroughly and I agree with all of them.

Thank you.

Portrait de Magiana
I'd love to join!

-What's your in-game name?
-When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I believe I first joined around the battle sprite update. I made a knight and got it to Vanguard, then I stopped going on for a while. For some reason I wanted to start playing again, and I made a new knight for a fresh start. So right now, I'm only a Defender Elite and working my way up again.
-How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Several days a week, usually! I try to play when I can.
-Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a girl and I'm in high school. I love to draw and play games (obviously). I also love animals, specifically cats! My favorite school subject is biology, and I plan to study to be a veterinarian when I'm older.
-Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I'm from the U.S.A.
-Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
You guys seem very kind, and you're an active guild. I've also seen a couple of my friends in this guild. I'd love to be a part of it.
-We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can definitely try to contribute and donate to the guild! I could also help new knights with their missions.
-Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yep, I agree to all of your rules. They seem fair and keep things in order.


What's your in-game name? : Jervin
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? : Around 2 years ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! : Started playing last week ago , I'm sure i play around 4-7 hours per day
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. : I'm a really weird anime lover :v . I'm a gamer who likes to play League of Legends , CSGO and other idle games which is much fun to play with.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? : I'm from Philippines
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I want to play with you guys and this guild seems to be really exciting and fun.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Helping players on missions , boss runs and materials
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yup i agree every list

Portrait de Daim-Kage
Applications Notifications Confirmations

A new video has been published on the official Retribution Council YouTube channel, prior to the recent passing of the Tortodrone event. Another world record set, defeating the bosses in 18 seconds.

Interested viewers may click here. It has also been added to the original post.


Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.

For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.


What's your in-game name? Garpol

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I started a while back, but I'm getting back into it.

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I love playing the game, I play for around 2-3 hours per day, but a friend to talk and play with on it would make it so much more fun!

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I'm a people person, I can't stand being alone.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Canada

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? From seeing what was said, it seems like a very nice and friendly community that I'd love to join.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Farming is my thing, I do it quite a bit, and having a friend come along with me would make it so much more easy and fun.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I completely agree, the avoid cursing rule is a nice one because not all guildies are adults/teenagers.

Thanks! <3 Garpol

Portrait de Nanocash
Nanocash's Application

What's your in-game name?

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Not sure to be honest. Let's say; A very long time ago (2010, 2011)?

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I haven't really played the game so much overall, but i tend to join from time to time
and i've never really had proper friends in the game to even play with so i've usually been alone sadly. :(
But if i get to join the guild i'm sure i will play much more due to all the "Perks, Friends" is in the guild.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Swedish boy at the age of 19, VERY shy in real life but not online or talking in mic.
Usually a very kind and honest person (TOO Honest), however you could say i'm a lil douchy to certain people who is
irritatin me, douche against me. But if you're nice to me, i'll be extra nice to you! :D

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I might be from the galaxy. But right now i'm 100% Swedish and live in Sweden.

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Well, haven't really looked into many other guilds too be honest. And i just met someone from this guild right now
and thought (Hey, they're so kind and fun to play with). So i asked about the guild and came here to see all the good "Perks" you get for being in the guild, also i heard that people in the guild mostly only play with other guildies. So if i wanna play more with them i guess i'll need to join for more fun?

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I ain't really rich to contribute into materials/recipes and such. But i would gladly trade Pet Food/Materials for other materials i'll need.
That's about what i can contribute too. (Also i can contribute with free hugs ;3).

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes and i agree to the completely! It's simple rules that is very hard to break to be honest.
I don't even like drama overall so i prefer not to break any rules either.
However i have done pretty bad things in the past that i quite regret. But i prefer to take that in private if so. (Already told Kazangen about though).

This was my application, hope you like it. Took me some time to type so i put a little of my time and effort into it.

Regards, Nanocash.

Guild Application

What's your in-game name? LordChicken

When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? I started pretty long ago. (2011)

How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play the game everyday since 2 weeks ago because I just got back into playing.

Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I'm 15 turning 16 on November 2. I can speak 2 different languages. I was born in the Philippines but I live in US now. I am pretty awkward most of the time and I am also shy.

Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? USA (California)

Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I want to join the Retribution Council because it seems to stand out to me the most. It is one of the most committed guild I have ever seen and you guys look really friendly. I think you guys being really committed and friendly is something that makes you different to other guilds. I have been in other guilds with really inactive members and a lot of trash talking in the guild.

We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I think I can contribute a lot of things ranging from recipes- pet food and materials.

Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes, I have read the rules and agree to it completely.