(®Retribution Council© / We're not ''just'' a guild, we play the game! / The place for solid Community, Stability, and Gameplay)
1. What's your in-game name?
Used to be Le-Verificateur. Now it's Hades-Vll
2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing with my best friend around Oct. 15, 2011 but I left and he was inactive since. I came back a week or two ago after being gone for nearly 2 years on a new character! Im very passionate about getting the most fun I can get out of this game!
3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I play SK most days of the week!
4. Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I was born at Dec. 22 ,1999. My name is after the famous astronaut John Glenn. Growing up , I really took a liking to video games. From console with the original Xbox to Xbox 360 , Xbox One and PC. I switch between them from time to time. Watching anime as I grew up , I really liked it . I still watch some of the old ones and with some new ones too! As my astrology sign is Capricorn , I tend to be independent , trying not to rely on others. I also tend to be very insecure and try to prove myself as best as I can.
5. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I came from the Philippines , but I currently live in California.
6. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I think that this guild is very active , a genuine sincere community to help people in the game whether they're a new player or a veteran. Also this guild has a very serious mindset on thriving and becoming a place where people can play along with others for a very long time regardless of experience or rank. These are some things that guilds lack nowadays in my opinion.
7. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
As a player , I would also like to also help a community like this thrive! Im willing to help guild mates with Missions , Farming , Donating towards the guild as often as I can , and HAVING A BLAST! :D
8. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I read the rules and agree to them completely... with my HEART AND SOUL! :>

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.

My IGN is Sheeplusdog, I would have gone with SheepDog but apparently that's already been taken. I've only just started today(I've been looking for a clean mmo for some time and saw this on mmobomb), but depending on my job hunt irl I should be on a minimum of 3 days a week for 4+hours. I'm 27 and I enjoy chatting and can sometimes be quite trolly if say I just came off a great run in a game. I'm from the east coast of the U.S. Honestly i'm looking for a active guild that is clean and you guys seem to have it together in a way none of the guilds I've been in/ran in other mmos haven't. As far as what I can contribute, presently not much unfortunately, however I will ensure that changes I do have a history of a being a competent captian in some guilds on other games, maybe once i learn how to do things i can help that way? I fully agree to all of your terms.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
What's your in-game name? failpkl
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? 2011
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! almost everyday
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I'm a student that studies at distance education so games is how I often socialise
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Australia
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Very active with a lot of advice to give
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I can help farm a lot, and contribute to the recipe bank and such
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes
1) Derpy-Darkstar (Silly, yea...)
2) 7 years ago. Had to stop plsying for about 4-5 years.
3) Atleast 1-3 hours a day or every other day.
4) I play a few other games that require 1-2 hours max. commitment. I prefer the Nick of Kohtalo. I can be rude or quite a jerk, but only to whom that truly deserve it.
5) The U.S.
6) You use teamspeak. You know how hard it is to type and attack at the same time? nearly Impossible.
7)Materials, Nice company with a few good laughs, Or a helping hand to those who ask. (I know, I do have high hopes to be accepted, but I realize I don't have much to give other than my commitment and a helping hand to others.)
8) Yes. I have read and agree to all of the above.
-Began playing in 2011 Christmas time, started many accounts(no idea why) quit the game a little while back, joined again yesterday with a new account for a fresh start.
-I think after hearing about the Grey Havens move I might play as much as possible.
-I am 13, I am a nice person when not agitated and if I am not too busy in doing something, aka. rage farming, I would talk a lot in chat.
-I live in the UK, but my parents originate from China.
-Your guild seems pretty sick. I have seen a lot of people from your guild online so I believe that being such an alive guild it must be good, as my previous guild all died eventually. So basically I hope this guild is gonna be the best. I also LOVE lockdown and am very competitive with it. Over the years I have built pretty good skills and I just enjoy it very much.
-Atm with my new account I might not be helping people yet(only solder/knight right now) but within a few weeks/months(depending on how much I can play) I could start helping the minors then the intermediates etc.
-I have read the rules and agree to comply with all of them.
Really hope I can join! :)

In-game name Extalia-Kat
I started playing spiral knights 4 years ago.
I play this game 4 hours at least each day because i love this game too much.
I am 21 years old university student. I mostly do arcade and i watch anime in my free time. I like doing arcade runs and i like to help new people in-game.
I am from Greece.
I am looking for a friendly and nice guild like family it seems your guild is a good guild.
I can offer my support to new people and i want to have good time to guild and i have some experience to PVE i can help you in PVE if you want
Yeah i have read them and i agree with all of them
1 - Basil-On
2 - I believe I officially started playing back in 2011, But have had Beta experience in 2010.
3 - I play nearly almost every single day, I've had a lack of things to do recently so I figured, why not create challenges that help improve my skill and combat orientation. Other then that I find it boring to sit around in Haven, So to have an active Guild would be appreciated.
4 - Well what is there to say, I consider my self an average Joe among the bunch with an aim to improve, I guess if there is something to be said. I enjoy a understandable community that acknowledges hard work and perseverance. I enjoy being around in Haven talking to Random folk I meet, However I do enjoy my privacy when it is needed. I like to teach people about the game and things you can do in it. I also enjoy being taught as well, I don't really think there is not much I don't know about the game in it's entirety, but when I do learn new things. I love every moment of it, Thanks Noxious, Oh and I will be heading on Teamspeak3 allot, so hope you guys are there. ;)
5 - Well why I've gone to prefer you guys out of all the others is because you present a warm hearten aura. I have a couple friends with unique personalities in Retribution Council. For example Kazangen and Noxiousnarwhal, two people I know plenty well. If Kazangen needs a little hint of who I am, I like to Role Play sometimes, And Nox knows who I am already. I find what makes you guys important is that you provide a pleasant atmosphere for people interested in joining and when you are in Haven always being friendly and responsive, Knowing that player interaction is a priority. And I love that about you guys. It shows you care not only for the game but the community around you and not just the members in your Guild. :)
6 - Friendly interaction and providing new challenges for the members of Retribution Council to try out. And of course being friendly to one another and keeping a positive attitude, I find this helps allot toward other players in the Guild who may feel down or discouraged about something, I want to be that friend who can bring them back on their feet and being who they want to be. Because if there is one thing I love doing, Is helping. There is nothing unique to what I can do for the Guild because I feel that everything you can do for the guild. Is always appreciated no matter what it is. From donations to helping in levels and farming as well, To practically anything. Because that's what team mates and Friends are for. To making your experience and the Guilds experience Happy for all.
7 - Yes I have. And it is lengthy XD

What's your in-game name? Blueplasmabeam
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
2011 on multiple accounts this most recent i started last year
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
every day for 3-5 hours on week end and 1-2 on week days
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm somewhat a jumpy character I love large flamboyant things and adventure I have traveled every where worst thing is I have horrible travel sickness i love people being loneliness is the worst sort of pain I love running around with friends going outside in to endless possibilities. I believe living life to the fullest (another reference) is the best way to live as living a life without hope, love, fun and friends would be empty.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
technically I'm from Asia but most of my life I've lived in England
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
well most of the other guilds are dead no one online and most are quite specif in what they do its quite refreshing to find a guild which is more open and consider what all players enjoy. That is what i believe makes you different
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
well firstly some more humor in guild chat contributions to the guild hall and kind and friendly atmosphere to guild chat.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
1. What's your in-game name?
2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Last 2 weeks
3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
i play when i can caus of school and stuff but in week-end and holiday i play all day and i have 20-25 min ask for watchin som video or make my video
caus i jsut start a youtube channel
4. Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
My name is ramzi and im 15 years old im an otaku its a fan of anime and manga and i love play games especialy Spiral Knight
5. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I cam from algeria its an arabic contry in africa
6. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I think that this guild is very active , and its feel like its the guild that evryone wann to join its familly to every Sk player and we have the respect and the good affection and funny times in the guild and i wann to met other peopls and a lot of thing about him and make new friend and play togather for fun
7. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
i can offer my help i can donation buy some stuff for new players and help in their mission
8. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
I read the rules and agree to them completely

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
1:Name is Lsangel
2:March 9th 2013
3: Well Depends sometimes I play game everyday but sometimes I take a 1 or 2 week break.
4:Well I'm Nice and friendly person who likes doing missions with friends, Im always there when people need help.
5:Im from Russia (I can speak fluent english)
6:Well the Guild seems very friendly and I want to join because of friend of mine is in the guild. they seem like the people I would like to hang around.
7:Well, I am sure I can help in doing something around the guild, cause well, Helping is something I like to do.
8:Yes I agree with that.
(P.S Sorry if theres some typos >.<')

What's your in-game name?: My character calls himself 'Boyjakey', I made this name 4 years ago and I was much younger then, one day I'll get a name change but that day has yet to come.
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?: About 4 years ago I started playing Spiral Knights, I have clocked in over 600 hours since.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!: A little while ago I took a break from the game, about 2 weeks ago I got back into to it and I have been playing very frequently since.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.: I am a big fan of people, I love being around people, hanging out with them, playing games with them and all that sort of thing, I am a people person. I like to think I am a patient and funny kind of guy and my favourite type of games are co-op ones, games I can play with friends and other people.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?: I am from the distant land of Australia.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?: I want to find a guild with an excellent player base, the problem with being in a Australia is that by the time I get on and start playing everyone else is asleep or doing normal day stuff. Your activity is exactly what I've been looking for.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?: I have little to offer, as I have said before I like to think I am a funny guy and I am a people person.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?: I have read and I agree to your rules.
THank you for taking the time to read my application to join your guide, I hope I am what you are looking for in a new recruit.
in game name:Rones
so i have been playing spiral since 2012 or so, basically the "old era"
well i play all the week in mostly of my free time ^^
well im a pretty helpful person, i usually help people in missions or at other thing in real life, i hate that players are trolling each other just for the fun of it.
that one of the reasons im joining.
im from Israel
i have cosen this guild because i had many bad guilsd that arent active or not have enough member that it ends up like im the only active person in the guild.
I think i can be helpful to the weaker members, if they have a problem in something i would jump straight into thier party, help and then go back to my mission or runs.
i read the rules and i accept them, they are great rules.
hopefully you will accept me in your guild.
What's your in-game name? Shinozakki
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I started playing mid 2015, but school took over and I stopped for almost a year before picking it back up a week or two ago.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play almost everyday
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I like playing games, sometimes to the point where my school work gets a bit neglected but i still do them. I enjoy partying up with different people and generally have a good time in spiral knights. I am a pretty social person in gaming groups and I tend to be pretty talkative and loud in teamspeak and calls. I'm 17 and can put in hours during the weekends.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I'm from SEA more specifically, Indonesia
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I have seen other guild's recruitment thing and I find this the most comprehensive one, I also see A LOT of retribution council members in the haven. I also find having a teamspeak or a group outside of SK itself important as it would help in organizing raids and finding and offering help for runs pretty easy.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I could offer my time and energy into helping the guild into a better place for newbies that just joined (not that retribution council is a bad place).
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yep. the rules are all perfectly acceptable.

What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Since release in 2011 - played till 2013 and just came back this month.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Sometimes everyday in the week, sometimes just a few times in the week.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Been playing video games since the NES days! I also play Heroes of the Storm and Rainbow Six Siege right now.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
I like your focus on PvE and your standards for no begging, foul language, etc.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I play for fun and am willing to help out in any mission and tier including new players.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?

I would REALLY like to join your guild :D
What's your in-game name?
My in-game name is Dill-Sar
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Around November 2015, I am kind of new to this game and only a Knight. I hope that your guild will allow me even with my low rank.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I would say... maybe 5 times a week...? I usually play every day but on some occasions I might not for whatever reason, so I don't want to say that I play every day.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
Well, I like to play Spiral Knights a lot, and I also like to play Nintendo games like The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Pokemon. I like to make jokes and puns and all that stuff, I really, really, REALLY like Star Wars! I really don't want to say my real name and all that, I hope that's okay with you guys. All I will say is that I am 13.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am from Ontario, which is in Canada, which is on Earth, which is in our Solar System, which is in the Milky Way. I hope that's specific enough.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
(Here comes the slightly boring story) I am not too good at Spiral Knights and I wanted a guild that could help me rank up. Seeing that you guys are apparently a farming guild, I would like to join. A friend of mine is actually in this guild and told me that I should join it. I also saw someone named Demesta who is in this guild and asked if I could join and Demesta told me to apply on the forums, so... here I am! (Also all my friends who applied keep saying I won't get in, so I'll show them! I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I don't really think that I can offer much right now (because I am kind of new to this game) but when I get better by (hopefully), joining your guild I will definitely help low-rank players. For now I will try to the best of my ability to help anyone who needs it. I can also contribute... humor and jokes? Do those count?
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, I read and I agree to the terms and conditions :)
Wow, I just realized how long this application is...

1) Drax-Infinire.
2) Began playing in 2013-2014, then stopped. I started playing again in '16.
3) You'll see me on most weekends and Friday evenings.
4) I'm a teenager (not disclosing exact age). Don't chat very often, unless on parties. Don't expect voice chat. Also, don't expect me to be the nicest person, but I'll be happy to help out with any 2*-3* materials.
5) I live somewhere in California.
6) This guild, I feel, is a friendly guild and a nice place to be.
7) I can help players grow and help supply some lower-tier materials that I don't need.
8) I agree to your terms.
I'd be happy to help.

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
What's your in-game name? Dbowko
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?recently in the past year.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! Im on at least every day for a good ammount of time
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. Im pretty honest, and open minded, so i tend to just say what ever im thinking.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? United States
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Yours is pretty focused on helping out players be it grinding or anything really, and i really do like that in a guild.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? Im on for a while a day so I wouldnt mind helping out players run lower missions, as im not quite finished with them all yet either. Help them farm mats or give them anything i could spare.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Read and understand, easy peasy

Let me say this, my experience in this guild is great. It's very active, the people in the guild itself are very friendly, plus they always try to help you anytime you would need it.
Joining this guild and playing with them for a while, I never regretted it.
What's your in-game name? Kanekich
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? In 2011
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I play for 6 hours+ on weekday and a few hours on weekends
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I am currently in highschool, studying through distance education, so apart from the time I have to send in assignments I am pretty much always on spiral knights
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? I am from Australia
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? Because a friend of mine who is in the retribution council recommended you to me and it is very active. Just what I need.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I do a lot of Vana runs, I basically live in FSC. apart from the time at fsc I am farming for recipes. so other guild members can join me (granted I get in)
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? Yes
In-game name: Theasianboy
I started playing back in 2012
I play about every other day because I have school stuff
I honestly don't give up until there is nothing I can do
i am from The US of A
I see a lot of you around and I think it might be niffy to stick to a loyal guild with active players
If someone needs help with runs I can help them asap

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
1. What's your in-game name?
---Robo-Minecrafter (I made it 4 years ago, don't judge me, I would like to change it, but I don't want to waste my crowns)
2. When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
---4 years ago I believe, I took a recent year break, but I want to get back into it
3. How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
---I used to play it everyday, but I took a year break. Now, I am back to playing everyday, usually just a Danger Mission and 1 or two farming runs, but, I'd be up for more.
4. Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
---I am 14 years old and am almost an Eagle Scout. I play competitive TF2 and like to learn from those who are better than me. I also would love to chat via TS
5. Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
---East Coast of the USA
6. Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
---This guild seems active and I also like PvE. I have two SL keys and I'd like to learn how to play better so I can do Darkfire Vanaduke with some people. You seem to be based on a community, not just a game, which is important to me.
7. We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
---I can donate some crowns, and help others have fun by telling some of my jokes. I also can try to help with missions, even though i am not the best at PvE, hopefully I can help. I am a vanguard also, so I have a lot of knowledge of the game, at least, more than a Knight might have.
8. Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes, and I agree to all future rules

My in game name is Jadiinko.
I started playing SK around 2012.
Its hard to describe myself, i really don't know what to say
I'm from Brazil. :(
I like the idea of farming guild, I want to have someone to do my Vana runs.
I will try to help everytime I can...
Yeah, good rules.
2.began play in 2014-2015 and now
3.Im 14.Cause of my keyboard which has some input problem.
4.I am from Czech Republic
4.I am boring play alone
5.Yes I read
6.Yes I read
What's your in-game name?- Infem
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?- April-June 2011 I believe.
How frequently do you like playing the game?- Because we sure do! Well, I plan to get hooked again, and hopefully you'll be there with me.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.- Food-loving, adventurous, odd. Oh, and socially odd.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?- "Sweet, sweet, sweet America. I am John Eden."
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?- You guys seem big, ultra-powerful, and helpful.
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?- Farming, wisdom, and advice from hours of playtime.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?- 'O course.

What's your in-game name? - Jadiinko
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? - I don't know exactly, but i played a lot, i started before mist energy was removed.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! - I play every day, doing at least 1 vana run every day.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. - My name is Lucas, i'm 17, i am from Brazil, i like playing SK and other games, most MMORPG because I like to play with friends, that's why I want to join the Council, to make friends and have fun.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? - I'm from Brazil.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? - The guild seems very organized and active, I want to join the community to make friends, do vana runs, shadow lair, etc..
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? - I will help the guild members always I can, and offer friendship.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? - Yes.

A new video has been published on the official Retribution Council YouTube channel. This is episode one of a new series called the Hitless Challenge, where various RC members defeat well-known maps without taking damage, as well as having restrictions applied.
These videos are meant to be used as an entertainment and learning experience, to help improve players inside and outside of the guild, as well as showcase different playstyles and strategies.
Interested viewers may click here.
Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
•Cavebat is my IGN cough batman :>
•Played since 2011 (edit), not long after launch
•Most days of the week, atleast 4 im online
• As a person, im a crime fighter, Gotham is in trouble, someone has to save it. In all seriousness, im extremely outgoing, not easily tempered, and just a playful person. Message me and we can have conversations about really anything.
•Im from a little city in Canada ^^
Being in a guild is one thing, being in an ACTUAL guild is another. What i mean by this is that RC seems the really care about its community and the GM's and members make sure that the guild isnt just a social status beside your name, but its a whole different party,
You can offer a lot of things in a guild, help, items, im willing to offer whatever im open to. things like mats, party help, recipes, im open for it.
read the rules, agreed the terms, hell yeah! let me in the party!
Hoping to join,
-The Batman
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
=This game is awesome , to be honest, this is the only game i i actually keep up with it, it contain a ton of fun and a really friendly community
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
=My name is Alex, 16 , i always find fun when i feel bored or when im angry,i find some happiness so i can continue with my day, i don't like to be mad cause i really don't like people to hate me, i always laugh at the most silly jokes which i don't even know why, currently trying hard to study to get to a good University.Also, im a Chinese, no racist please :)
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
=This guild seems like a tons fun in it, good members and i probably won't get bored now and i don't care if its new player, we play to have fun :D
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
=I always go to like a dungeon hunting thing, new player sometimes need help in it and im always prepare for it when i got freetime or not in any mission, i love to bring them there, most member will always goes active because of our kindness and helpful members in this guild
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
=yes, definitely
What's your in-game name? alexkre
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? 1 and a half a year ago
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! 3-4 times a week depends on if i have people to talk to to answer questions
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. i am a gamer. i play a wide variety of games. and i am going to be a streamer in the next 2-3 months
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? USA :'(
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? u have a ts3
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? bad jokes and any mats i do not need
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? yes
What's your in-game name?
- The_Otaku_Boy
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-2 Days im Newbie
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I Play SK all day cauz its the game that i like and the 1st game i played
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
-1- im a otaku gamer
-2- im big fan of anime manga and video games
-3- IM 16 years old
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- from algeria
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-Be cause you have a great and funny aura and you have a teamspeak and that make easy playin during a run !! and i see the number of application so you must a great guild
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- i can offer my help to the newbies and i like play with other playrs and make friend
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
1) Valkyrai
2) I'd have to say around 2011-2012. Mist energy was still the focus of the game, used to access each new mission. When you ran out... you just had to wait for your Mist to regenerate. That's the earliest aspect I remember about the game.
3) I play daily, most of the time, even if just to do a mission or two. The grind never ends.
4) I'm studying to become a game-designer, but I do free-lance music composition and sound engineering on the side. Other than that, I play games, watch anime and have a small garden of vegetables and fruits.
5) United States
6) Most guilds are still developing and their player activity is erratic. I've yet to find one with a reliable roster. Even then, most seem to be more interested in doing their own thing than soloing. RC seems like the kind of guild I've been looking for.
7) I think I'm a better than average player and I'm always willing to help others when and where I can.
8) Yes, I did read the rules. 3 times.
My in game name is, Sir Pharaoh
I started playing spiral knights 2 months ago.
I lOVE PLAYING SPIRAL KNIGHTS, i know i havent even been playing for that long but it has quite quickly become my favorite game ( i have 1k hrs in tf2 and i still like this game more)
I usually play atleast 2hrs of spiral knights a day.
I love games and become more in to games since i got my custom build pc, i love keeping the gaming community clean and friendly so that its just more fun for everyone.
U.S.A ..... MURICA HECK YA!!!!
I'm in a guil right now and nobody is really active and the people arent that nice, and you guys seem to really be active and enjoy the game and LOVE Helping people out, wich is what made me come to you guys. Also you LOVE working together, not soloing everything.
Yes, i am gladly willing to help ANYONE out, a friend helped me out when i was a newer to the game and i dont think i would like sk as much as i do now if he didnt help me with getting gear and what not.

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
What's your in-game name?
- The_Otaku_Boy
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-its Make's Two Weeks
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
-I Play SK all day cauz its the game that i like and the 1st game i played
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
-1- im a otaku gamer
-2- im big fan of anime manga and video games
-3- IM 16 years old
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- from algeria
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-Be cause you have a great and funny aura and you have a teamspeak and that make easy playin during a run !! and i see the number of application so you must a great guild, and im looking for some friends and a familly .
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- i can offer my help to the newbies and i like play with other playrs and make friend
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
-126 hours on steam
How frequently do you like playing the game?
-Because we sure do! as often as i can because of school ;e;
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
-Im a frisbee player and have respect for others
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
-Canada :)
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
-Friends i knew there and respectful players
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
-Donated if needed
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
-I agree with the terms and understand not to break them

I joined this guild at about the time of its inception. Back during that time I switched guilds often because of a lack of activity between guild mates. Being here since the beginning, this guild has never slacked in activity and both officers and members have been willing to help me at any turn of the game. This has been my best guild experience across a wide genre of MMO's and I am thankful to be a member of this wonderful group.

What's your in-game name? Zero-Starlight, though I answer to Justin
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? Reviewed the game on Steam on the 2nd of June in 2012, so I'd say... Early 2012? Yeah, that sounds about right.
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! I want to get into the game more now than ever, seeing as Grey Havens have taken over control, and I would have stuck around more during the early time if not for issues with hiccups and lag. TL;DR, I've got about 6.3 hours in the last few days, 17 hours and counting total gametime.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. I'm a bit quiet, I keep to myself mostly, and while I normally play solo, I do enjoy working together with guild members in other games.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? Ontario, Canada
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? I like the professional presentation of the guild's recruitment page, I like seeing how active it is, and I like the perks offered. The only downside I find with the guild is that there's no Discord server (At least not listed)
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? I'm happy to help wherever I can, be it donating items I do not need (Or even items I do need, but others need more), contributing, and in general being an active, eager participant in the game.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? I have, and I agree to be an active, upstanding, and respectful member of the guild, should I be granted entrance.

What's your in-game name? ~FlyingNinza
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? ~Just out of beta, played almost non-stop for three years, then got into other MMOs.
How frequently do you like playing the game? ~Because we sure do! I remember SK being a fantastic game, the only reason I really left is my guild was stagnating, and I didn't want to just leave. What I enjoy most in games like this is the teamwork and cooperation aspect, which this guild sounds like it has in spades. I could easily see myself putting a couple hours a day in, work permitting.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. ~I'm an artist and a musician, I play electric bass casually in different groups. I'm told I have a somewhat dark sense of humor and enjoy telling slightly off-color jokes, but I do try to be a little bit sensitive about it, I like helping new players, be it with assisting them in dungeon/clockwork/farming runs, or just a simple bit of advice about items or mechanics.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? ~The good old US of A
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? ~You're an established guild with an active player base that doesn't seem too hardcore or demanding, I'm a casual player who doesn't mind failure as long as it's fun (and not too expensive), but I also like to challenge myself and my ability. *EDIT* Also, VIOP communication in spiral knights is OP
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? ~I am a fairly skilled player, at the time of my leaving I could solo full vana runs on elite in under fifteen minutes, and the danger missions with a little bit of sweaty tryharding. Based on my performance the couple days I've played since returning, my well endowed knighthood has shrunk just a tiny bit, but that should be easily fixable as soon as I change the controls for that blasted dash. I'm always willing to lend a hand or an ear, and if none of that works I can just fall back on being the comic relief.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? ~I certainly do, 101%
-I began playing SK in 2012 and after getting almost all 5* gear on my main I took quite a long break from the game. I've returned in short bursts some times but recently I have completely fallen back in love with the game.
-I play every other day if not every day atleast for a couple hours. I love to play but with my busy schedule I sometimes cannot. :'(
-I love playing with other people more than anything. I don't think I would enjoy playing spiral knights at all if it were a solo game. I find great satisfaction in teamwork and supporting teamates. I am in highschool and will graduate in 2017. I am am introvert and tend to keep to myself unless around people I know fairly well. Playing games allows me to come out of my shell and truly express my feelings and personality.
-I didn't check this thread originally because I thought it was just another one of those huge guilds that doesn't have any character and no one really interacts and they just stay in it for the bank or large guild hall but I was EXTREMELY impressed when i decided to read this forum post. I love the guild accomplishments list. I love that you guys are dedicated enough and proud of what you have done. I also enjoy being able to speak to the players I am with and I found the teamspeak channel being very attractive to me aswell.
-I bring a different kind of personality to the guild. I enjoy doing quirky builds and doing very well with them. My character currently is a bomber. I want the game to develop to the point where I can play with only bombs because I will always have a team and that team will be supportive of my silly playstyle. ;)
-Yes, I read the rules and I really appreciate the last one about loyalty. I find that very attractive in a guild. The idea that you must commit yourself to the guild and be willing to represent them in all your actions is a great attraction to me.

<| What's your in-game name? |>
<| When did you begin playing Spiral Knights? |>
<| How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do! |>
I've played off and on for a long time, when im active, I'm playing every day.
<| Tell us a bit about yourself as a person. |>
I'm bad at talking about myself for one. I dont get out much, and I'm a bit cynical. I'm still nice and respectful and like playing with others.
<| Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from? |>
<| Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different? |>
Seems solid and serious about the game without being overly exclusionary.
<| We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community? |>
Autism mostly.
<| Did you read the rules and agree to them completely? |>

Players that applied to join the Retribution Council were reviewed and invited accordingly, prior to this post. If you have not received an invitation within four days maximum, your application has been rejected. It's suggested to put some effort into your application for the best results.
For any questions or notifications, please mail/message ''Kazangen'', or anyone from our application staff on the forum in-game.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
I am playing since 2012
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
Like 4-6 hours in one day i play frequently a lot
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I am a good person and i want to help the others
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
I am from greece
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
Because my friend told me that RC is the best and active
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I can offer a lot in the guild i will try my best
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
Yes i read them and i agree with them
What's your in-game name?
- My in-game name is Maxiill
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
- I believe I started playing spiral knights in 2011. I took a loooong break about after playing every single day straight for 3 months, but it's hard when you have to use mist energy!
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
- I play tons at a time, on and off, mostly because I've never had anyone to play with. I have a lot of fun with the game and decided to join a guild, and hopefully if I get accepted, it will give me all the more reason to play a lot more. Now I play about from when I wake up, to when I go to sleep, so it's about 10~16 hours a day, every day.
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
- I'm quite down to earth, I'm 19, just graduated High School. I'm quite generous, and love connecting with people around me! If you ever need someone to even talk to (which, of course, sounds a bit weird from a total stranger over the internet, right?) you can talk to me. Trust me, I'm just a normal dude who loves playing games and meeting new people all the time.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
- I'm from the U.S.
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
- Obviously because of how active you guys are, who wants to play with a guild that doesn't genuinely care about it's members and is dead? You guys seem absolutely great, I see great new beginnings with myself and the guild. Not only do the Founder and Admins seem to welcome with open arms, it seems like every single person in the guild is welcoming. I find myself falling in love already!
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
- I will do everything I can, to absolutely make sure not only I, but other guildees will enjoy the guild. We shall build as a guild should build, and that is by working together. This guild is obviously about team work, and playing together. We shall run missions together, help when we're all in need, and do everything to try to keep the community happy.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?
- Yes, absolutely.
Sidenote: Thank you for reading my application. I hope you consider me, and I appreciate the time you took for reading it! Thank you very much.
What's your in-game name?
When did you begin playing Spiral Knights?
Since release, but VERY off and on, never for longer than about a week. A large part of that is because I could never find a coordinated guild using teamspeak/vent/mumble, and would get bored solo'ing
How frequently do you like playing the game? Because we sure do!
I really like the game, but I find it very boring without a group. With a group, I'd play for at least an hour or 2 per day
Tell us a bit about yourself as a person.
I'm a 27 year old programmer, and while I love gaming, I find it boring without being in a group. I play other mmo's, cs:go, Smite as well.
Our community has players from lots of different countries. Which might you be from?
Why the Retribution Council, and not other guilds? What do you think makes us different?
You guys have a teamspeak, and good population, which is something I find critical in this game. No other guilds I've found are able to provide that
We offer many things. But what do you as a player think you can contribute to help our community?
I don't have much to offer in terms of crowns, but I can help newer players with their story missions, and buy I energy and trade it for steam items. I can probably offer a discount for clan members.
Did you read the rules and agree to them completely?