Fang of vog or vendoring ancient armor

I am a player who usually uses a pure gunner loadout or a hybrid gunner/bomber loadout.
Currently, I have 11 almirian seals. I'm not sure whether to get the ancient equipment for vendoring, or to get the fang of vog when I have enough almirian seals for either of them.
What do you all think?
I'm not willing to invest a lot of time and crowns into swords because I'm a gunner, but would getting fang of vog for situational usage be better than getting ancient equipment to sell?

If you are a gunner/bomber, you shouldn't consider getting it.
The situations were the fov can be good are: undead, construct, and maybe ice cubes.
Vs ice cubes: yeah sure, the fire can help, but you prolly have shadow dmg/fire inficting guns.
Vs constr/undead: just stick to ur guns, the normal attacks are slow, and while the charge can do much dmg, but can also set you on fire. You'd be better of charging drivers/autoguns/magnuses for dmg.
Not even swordsmen/hybrids use it that much, because it is not really worth it. It's more of a fun/novelty weapon.
Just exchange 30 seals for an ancient piece, you can get a fov anytime later on.
Edit: Mr. Bopp's ninjaposted b4 me :D

Fang of Vog is a trophy weapon, and there's really no reason not to have one unless you value 40,000 crowns over a brand new sword. 40K might sound like a huge number of crowns to you now, but over time it will shrink and you will come to value new and exciting weapons far more. Eventually you will become bored of everything ever and fang of Vog will be sitting there, waiting for you to pick it up and maximize your fire resistance (or use chaos + 500 sparks of life = best DPS of all time) so that you can derp around with it in the clockworks.

I would say eventually get a FoV. I'd personally immediately get a FoV if I didn't have one already. Everyone believes the biggest perk of FoV is the charge attack, but really the normal attacks have a interesting quirk. Because FoV attacks slower, on open ground the FoV will out-range other normal-attack-speed swords. EDIT: whoops I forgot that this video was showing that range is inversely proportional to attack speed. So less attack speed=more range; FoV which has less attack speed than Brandish or Calibur will have more range.
Here's the link to the derp thread if you'd like to get confused by my derptacular explanation about that range and attack speed shtuff. From previous tests(not in that thread), the 1st hit has no additional "range", 2nd hit has ~half block additional "range", 3rd hit has ~one block additional "range". (not true additional range, but on open ground without obstacles you will get that additional range on your strikes)
iono. I like the range on the normal sword attacks, but someone who hasn't used FoV before might have issues getting used to the slow swing speed. So you should just eventually get the FoV. If you need the crowns for making more guns or bombs, then you should go vendoring.

Here is some info on FoV:
9 points of fire resistance is needed at least. Above that has marginal benefits.
Maximize damage. This way, you kill enemies most efficiently, and get much needed health for the burns
CTR VH overall or more so you can charge without fire interrupting it too much
Always hit your target at your 9 or 10 l o'clock position on your knight's body (12 o'clock is where your knight is looking)
-This ensures the highest chance of hitting 4 hits on stationary targets (or 3 on loose targets like skellies)
Try to wear both pentas if possible
FoV is an awesome weapon. It can one hit trojans, gremlin menders, and a ton of other enemies. Highly recommended.
Trying out different weapon styles is a lot of the fun of this game. But the Fang of Vog regular attacks are not very strong. The purpose of the sword is charge attacks. And you need lots of fire resistance, to make those practical. So you might not find yourself using it very much. Especially since you aren't into swords.
Get it and try it out. If you don't like it, then you can always vendor it. Compared to vendoring armor, you will have wasted 10 Seals, but at least you'll have the experience of using the sword.