New weapons like static and searing edge?

3 replies [Last post]

I was wondering, has anyone heard of plans for new, and more powerful elemental striking weapons like the static and searing edge? I think that they are really cool, and great weapons, but they stop at 2*. As well there is no sword for Ice, and poison, I would really like to see more of these put into the game, aren't they the ones used by the Mecha-knights (i'm sure that they could be salvaged!)? The Mecha-knights get powerful so it would make sense to have the swords get powerful too (as well, as I said earlier, add the Ice and poison swords)

What does everyone else think?


Addy's picture
Actually, there are ice and

Actually, there are ice and poison swords.

Though a little more variety couldn't hurt anybody. ;3

Dirty-Harry's picture
Static Edge

I would like a continuation of the static edge up to 5* as there are no shock swords out there. But I think there definitely needs to be more guns. Maybe a cursing gun? Right now the Deadshot set isn't even a set that gunslingers use. Still no poison gun but maybe having these types of ranged weapons would be overpowered?
Any way, don't give your hopes up, the new boss coming in may give us just what we are wishing for!

I actually have a glacius

I actually have a glacius myself, but it does not inflict a status effect of freeze on a hit, only on the charge attack, the "edges" are the ones that inflict status effects on each swing, and that is what I was driving at. I think a few more weapons that do such a thing would be a great addition to the knights arsenal! The weapons could do less damage due to their effects, but could make a knight a great supportive combatant, fearsome shocktrooper (pardon the pun), or a withering harrier!
