Gods™ [] Merchanting | PvE | Events | Community []

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Ragga-Prince's picture

Gods! Recruiting New Members!
Welcome to the God’s forum recruitment page! This is the page where you can find out the requirements to join our fine guild. The Application is fast and simple, making it easier than ever to join Gods.

About Gods.
Gods is a young Guild but surely not a weak one. Gods was founded April 14, 2014 by Count and Aandy and is now run by Ragga-Prince, and many amazing Officers. We are building our way to the top. We might not be a big guild, but we judge our members on a vast number of things to make certain that only the best players in the game are allowed to join Gods. We believe with enough support we can make the guild into something well known throughout the SK community. Gods is loosely based on merchanting but we also host Missions, Prestige Mission, Danger Missions and Shadow Lairs to help our Guildies advance throughout the game and to create an overall more fun playing experience. All of our members are some of the best in the game and would be glad to help anyone with any problems such as gear choices, price checks, missions and much more.

What does Gods do?
Gods is an fairly old Guild but is currently being revived. We are a Guild that is focused on merchanting but can conform to fit the needs of its members. We welcome newcomers that have an interest in learning the tips and tricks in becoming a successful merchant as well as anyone who is interested in meeting tons of new people who are always willing to help their friends. With our guidance and knowledge we can teach you! Recently, Gods has been straying further from the merchanting aspect of the Guild and becoming an all-around Guild for the higher-tier players of SK. Our experienced members will be willing almost any time to help you sell items, gain Prestige, and even craft Shadow Lair Gear (Free SL are every 2-3 weeks!). For the ones who are already experienced PvP players, PvE players, pro idlers or wealthy merchants, you're probably wondering why join Gods? Gods will not only help out newcomers but will also work its hardest to create a fun and immersive environment that will keep you coming back to SK day after day through frequent members only SL runs, Danger Missions and GvG Lockdown (and Blast Network) matches.

Requirements To Join Gods.

  • You must be fairly active. You must log on at least once every few days and you also must inform an Officer or a GM before any prolonged absence from SK.
  • You must be kind and respectful of all other members. If you're rude, abusive or deceptive to other members, you will be warned, then perhaps demoted or kicked.

Rules of Gods.

  1. Must be active : We require members to be active and participating. This can be either helping other members runs, contributing to the conversation, or donating to the guild! Anyone that becomes inactive for over 1+ months will be removed from the guild, unless previous notification was given.
  2. Guild Hopping : Gods does not take guild hopping lightly regardless of what status you held previously. We do not re-invite people that decide to leave without notice. You are more than welcome to leave Gods however do not expect an invite back. This pertains to Guild hoppers that haven’t been in Gods either. We do not accept Guild hoppers or leavers; just say bye if you are one, its not that hard.
  3. Etiquette : Gods is friendly sociable group of people that like to joke around. However please be aware of others feelings. If it comes to the point where jokes are taken to far and can not be controlled the offender(s) will be removed without hesitation. We also do not take lying and scamming lightly. Any offender(s) will be subjected to the same action and blacklisted from the guild.
  4. Contributions: While donations to the Guild Treasury are neither forced nor expected, they are certainly appreciated. We do not require donations to keep the Guild Hall afloat but donating Crowns, Furniture and Materials to benefit the Guild does heighten your chances of promotion.

Application For Gods.

  1. What is your Knight’s name (IGN)?
  2. How old are you? (optional)
  3. What is your time-zone?
  4. What server do you play on?
  5. How long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
  6. Are you interested in merchanting?
  7. Why do you want to join Gods?
  8. Add a few fun facts about yourself!

Once you’re done with the application, you can post it on this thread.
(Note:) If you want your invite to be reviewed and accepted sooner, feel free to send your application to Ragga-Prince. Otherwise a GM/Officer should be in contact with you shortly!

Ranking System.

  • Recruit:
    • Just like every other guild, you have to start somewhere. But don’t look too sad you’ll become a member in no time!
  • Member:
    • Becoming a Member is easy and painless, just stay in the Guild for one week and have all your missions completed (10-2)
  • Veterans:
    • Veteran is a bit more challenging. To become a Veteran. You must have all your Missions completed (Rank 10-2) and you must have been in the Guild for 1 month in order to be eligible to become a Veteran. Once you're eligible, you must be able to solo the entirety "The King of Ashes" without using Sparks (you can use your E-Rev).
  • Officer:
    • To become Officer you gotta put in some major effort. Being an Officer means that you must have all your Missions completed (Rank 10-2), you must have been in the Guild for over 2 months, you must be a trusted member of the Gods community, you must have donated over 200K CR (or the equivalent in Furniture) to the Guild Hall and you must be willing to help recruit new members and help direct Guild affairs to become eligible to become an Officer. Once you're eligible you mist be able to solo the entirety of a SL of your choice without using Sparks (you can use your E-Rev).

(Note:) We are only accepting 5 Officers at one time, sorry. (Current Officers: 2/5)

  • Guild Master:
    • Sorry to disappoint. Even though you’ve made it this far, we are not accepting any other Guild Masters at this time.

Thanks for reading and we suggest you now consider carefully, for the choice is yours: will you become a God?

Ragga-Prince's picture


Guys you should definitely join gods!!!!!

Hey everyone my in game name is Anger-sk, but i go by Anger. i've been playing sk for a while now and i've been in search for a nice guild for a long time. fortunately my search came to an end when i found the guild gods. they immediately accepted me as a member of the community and now we have lots of fun in game farming and stuff. honestly i couldn't be happier. the only problem is that even though everyone present is great and active and helps out with everything we aren't very many so guys please join and become part of this amazing community to help it grow whilst growing as a player yourself

Hershey-Kiss's picture
#raggaalt Jk


Ragga-Prince's picture

That was beautiful! And no, its not my alt.

Hershey-Kiss's picture
#promotedfordayz? Im so bored

Im so bored im trolling ragga

Everlas's picture

I like this guild, they feed me donuts.

Ragga-Prince's picture

*feeds doughnut*


Application For Gods.

What is your Knight’s name (IGN)? Halobattlefront
How old are you? (optional) 17
What is your time-zone? Est
What server do you play on? USA
How long have you been playing Spiral Knights? 3 years
Are you interested in merchanting? Sure
Why do you want to join Gods? Cool name similar tastes
Add a few fun facts about yourself! Im asian, honor student, helpful, oh and i like fried rice. Ive also returned to this game 4 times throughout 3 years this time being my 4th so im looking for a new guild to teach me all about the new stuff.

nevermind found a guild already (and ignored for 20 days)

Ragga-Prince's picture

Sorry I didn't see your message in time, I have to check this thread more frequently.


Edit: Joined another guild

Cyphereau's picture

1. N
2. O
3. G
4. O
5. D
6. S
7. H
8. E
P.S. R
P.P.S. E

Ragga-Prince's picture
Hey everyone!

Gods is now accepting ANY active player, come join the fun.

Ragga-Prince's picture

Made a lot of changes to Gods. Hold on tight!