Snarbolax weapon or Shadow Alchemer?

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So ,I finally got all the Fruminous Fang gear, which I have been looking forward to, since I want to give my character a Nature theme. But, I realized after I bought the spine cone that everything in this set deals only Pierce damage. So, I am now wondering if I should give up either the Snarble Barb or the Spine Cone and instead equip my Shadow Alchemer or another gun. I realize that Constructs and Jellies take no damage from pierce, but these weapons are effective on other monsters.

So, basically: Snarb set, or Shadow Alchemer?

Rangerwillx's picture
I would keep with the snarble

I would keep with the snarble barb sword, and then select the shadowtech alchemer as your second weapon, the snarble barb is an excellent weapon and perfect against wolvers and many other monsters.


Legacy Username

If you carry special damage, carry two types. I made the mistake of going all elemental into an area I thought would just be full of mechs. Oh yeah, where there's mechs, there's gremlins... oooops, and ouch! If you know the levels well enough you might be able to get away with one damage type. Some beast levels you can do all piercing... others have a liberal assortment of jellies and lumbers thrown into the mix.

Snarble Barb and Shadowtech Alchemer would be my choice, but you could be a rebel and go bomb/gun instead... as long as you're solo or with friends, 'cause public groups can be pretty nasty to people that don't bring a sword ('course there's always the 'go solo' option if you find one of those.)

Cool, thanks guys. I'll try

Cool, thanks guys. I'll try that after I'm done patching for the new update. Let the waiting on a slow computer begin...

Legacy Username
Normal damage is good all the

Normal damage is good all the time. Special damage is great vs the enemies who you have trouble with. That's my take on it. If you're low on weapon slots, carry a normal damage weapon (cutter, calibur, brandish, troika, even sealed sword line is so powerful it works) and think of which enemies you hate the most and get a weapon that kills them faster.

Alternatively, if you like danger rooms a lot, know that right now, the only enemies in danger rooms are wolvers, gremlins, and slimes. Two are weak to shadow and more common than wolvers, so you can consider any weapon with shadow damage a strong "most of the time" weapon. If you're really into arenas, then consider elemental weapons, since they are full of contructs, but also gremlins, slimes, and wolvers.